Summer Game Fest 2022 (Premieres on June 9th)

So I just made a thread about this in off topic because I don’t want to accidentally derail this thread aha

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Hahaha. Everyone should just consider it an appetizer before the main course. lol

So does anybody has a lit of all the stuff leaked and teased for Game Fest?

Reddit i guess but i rather just watch it tomorrow. Dont wanna be spoiled all the time

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Ok so theyre just announcing games that will be shown now. Hope there are surprises

At this rate it seems they will post every game coming to it on their official Twitter…

But it seems l ike SGF will be very solid show with all those announcement. If Kojima’s game did not leak, it would be a megaton.

I personally think this show that Geoff has put together is mostly a big dud so far compared to what E3 used to be. The show last year was basically crap without the Elden Ring release date trailer, and so far it sure seems that most of what will be here this year is just more gameplay and information on already announced games. I suspect that because Sony has just decided to do whatever they want that they will let Geoff have a God of War Ragnarok release date trailer tomorrow, but we have already seen gameplay of that one too. I will be watching because I try to watch any of these gaming things if possible, but it really has a lot to prove to me that it is anything worth it yet.

Summer Game Fest is still better than having nothing and until Keighley is able to get publishers on board where they all have their own showcases within Summer Game Fest, it has a ways to go. Of course, The Game Awards is the far bigger showcase for Keighley.

When you look at the showcases this year, you have the following -

  1. State of Play (if you want to count it)
  2. Summer Game Fest
  3. Devolver Digital
  4. IGN Expo
  5. Tribeca Games Festival
  6. GamesRadar Future Games Showcase
  7. Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase
  8. PC Gaming Showcase
  9. Capcom Showcase
  10. Xbox Extended Showcase

I’m expecting Summer Game Fest to be at least top 3. Xbox should be #1 with either State of Play or SGF being #2 with the other being #3. Capcom could squeeze in but lets’ be honest, since 2020, nothing will match E3 until Keighley is able to bring all the publishers under the SGF umbrella and they actually end up having full Gaming Showcases.

Outside of Xbox, SGF and Nintendo Direct a year ago, I don’t remember anything as all the other showcases were all forgettable. This time of year is basically be carried by Xbox, SGF and to a lesser extent, Sony even though if they had their PlayStation Showcase instead of State of Play, it would be bigger than what it currently is.

I actually prefer Keighley and Summer Game Fest because unlike ESA, he’s not charging publishers to be part of the show as far as I know anyway. Plus, it’s all digital which is great. Cut out all the bullshit, possible technical issues and just give me game after game after game.

I believe that it will take a few more years for Keighley’s Summer Game Fest to truly be like what E3 was in 2018 and earlier but once that happens, it should be as great or better.

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An official summary of what to expect tomorrow:

Beautifully put @peter42O. That’s a great summary of the current reality and status of SGF, and you’ve also echoed my personal feelings on what to expect in the future. :+1:

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Thanks. That’s already a good lineup. The Callisto Protocol getting a gameplay trailer already makes SGF a win for me. Gotham Knights gameplay is even better. SF6, Midnight Suns and COD MW 2 aren’t really for me but still, that’s a damn good lineup.

I’m definitely expecting it to be better than Keighley’s SGF 2020 and 2021. The list you post already does it to a certain extent and if they have GOWR and TLOUR then I really don’t see any negatives whatsoever.

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So it is in 4 hours right?

4,5 hours if I’m not mistaken. It’s at 8 in the evening for Europe.

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It is at 7 in the UK :wink:.

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True, true :slight_smile:

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Thought it was 6PM? Aka in 2:18 time

Its 6PM GMT but UK is in BST (British Summer TIme which is GMT+1) at the moment so 7PM kickoff

we can use the official livestream as a reference

Wonder if we just see Soul Hackers from Atlus on this or if they follow that up with Persona ports?