Suicide Squad Kills the Justice League trailer hits at DC Fandome. Showcases a corrupted Superman, Flash, Green Lantern and more

yeah going back and playing through them all again a few years back the limitations of gameplay in Asylum was really surprising, City added so much, and then Knight was just perfection gameplay wise.

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When I said gameplay & boss fights I meant the boss fights in themselves and the gamepkay related to it. Not the general gameplay which was awesome and was the culmination of work on the previous entries. Top tier on that.

I pointed the finger on the boss fights in particular. The boss fights were a true disappointment. Man Bat what a waste of a truly insane encounter it could have been, Deathstroke big LOL at the master of combat. The Arkham Knight encounters were a huge wasted opportunity again. Etc

When I think back about Arkham Origins, just Deathstroke bossfight was amazing while in Arkham Knight chasing him and fighting him in the Batmobile was too much as the Batmobile overstayed its welcome. The balance was not well balanced lol.

Hopefully they learnt their lesson as this next game will contain lots of boss fights too.

As for the rest it was really great. The city was superb. Graphics stunning. Sound design so good. Puzzles great. Controls smooth. But too much Batmobile. And the skin dlcs also too much. Story was predictable but very good like I already said before coz I already knew about it.

Anyway, after Suicide Squad, I want another Batman Arkham from them. Arkham Legacy/Arkham Beyond with Damian Wayne. I think they’re testing the waters and strengthening their skills on new hardware with this game and let the Arkham IP rest a bit before coming back.


Completely agree.

Ah, I see. In that case, I agree with you.

Personally, I didn’t really mind the batmobile, but I do agree that there was a LOT of missed potential with the boss fights. The Deathstroke boss fight in Origins was awesome, and it would have been amazing to see that kind of fights in Knight, but sadly that wasn’t the case.

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I was really disappointed by it and I wouldn’t have minded the overpresence of the Batmobile if the Boss fights were satisfying like Arkham Origins. For me Boss fights is a thing to not mess up in a game.

Let me show you an example, just translate that to Judgment or Yakuza 0. Would you imagine the Boss fights being lame and a let down in these amazing games. Just imagine you’re here in your playthrough you see the 2 characters (your and the boss) facing each other coming to a climax talking to each other etc with the music and all you know it’s gonna get bloody you’re hype blood pumping through your veins, saying bring it on come on! Then you scream Owarida! Lol you know what I mean

And then…Fucking Nothing!!!

Only a smell, you know that one of something so bad it stinks you wanna puke of disgust saying WTF!

The Rock Eyebrow GIF

That was my feeling with the Boss fights in Arkham Knight lol. Hope you understood the references.

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I suppose it was quite different for me since I didn’t play the game on release, and it was also my first Arkham game. I definitely felt underwhelmed by all the showdowns, but had I played it in order and on day one, I’m sure my disappointment would be magnified greatly.

Lmaooooooo, this had me chuckling.

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:rofl: Glad to know my references resonated with you very well lmao. FYI I still didn’t play Lost Judgment. You finished it? How was it?

I was really dispappointed cause I played all the Batman games. I love Batman universe, the characters, lore etc and was hoping they would deliver on that aspect as previous entries were really fine & since Rocksteady was stepping up with each games I was genuinely assuming they would blow us away but nope sadly.

I love the Arkham Knight design though. Incredibly stylish. Even Red Hood was beautifully rendered. Already figured it out who it was etc and all the things around. This game had wasted potential on some aspects. Hopefully they’ll get better.

Anyway, I see they almost all have guns in the suicide squad except Harley Quinn with her baseball bat. Even King Shark has a gun. Pretext for more loot? Or simplification of gameplay avoiding King Shark to use CQC. I really hope there is some form of physical CQC.

This game might have some RPGesque feats coz I think I read they all have different abilities and can learn new ones. Hope they’re not using guns all the time. I know there is loot but please give us alternatives at least. Fed up with shooter looter games.

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Yeah, finished it. Working on the school stories right now, which are actually really great. Game is awesome, a step-up from the first Judgment, I would say. The combat in this game is probably the best RGG has made yet, in my opinion. Great, engaging story too. Btw Lost Judgment doesn’t disappoint with the bosses, so you’re not going to be puking like with Arkham Knight. :rofl:

Agree with this. The cosplays I’ve seen for the Arkham Knight are insane. I had figured out the “big twist” ahead of time as well.

This is what I am worried about too, which is why I’d like to see gameplay sometime soon. Hopefully we’ll see something at E3 2022. I think I’ve had my fill of loot-based games.

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Interesting… Didn’t pay attention, but this might be good, seeing Wonder Woman fight alongside the Suicide Squad is gonna be dope. Don’t think she’ll be playable though

Thanks for your impressions. Tbh I don’t have such fears with RGG games. All their games have amazing boss fights and Lost Judgment won’t deviate from that tradition I think but since you finished it it’s great to have confirmation.

Hopefully yeah we’ll get gameplay soon for Suicide Squad maybe around TGA.

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Under Brainiac control? So guess who was right :upside_down_face:

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The more i watch Kill the Justice League the more im liking it plus me being a DC fan im loving it actually.

Harley has guns too. And King Shark uses butcher cleavers in last year’s trailer. They have said this is a combination of classic Arkham gameplay + a third-person shooter.

Good good! Thanks for the info hopefully it will live up to expectations in terms of TPS and also not be a loot grindfest.

:man_shrugging: I like loot. I wouldn’t be bothered if that’s what they do. But I don’t think it will be. The characters seem to have personalized weapons, I don’t see you being able to use anything and everything.

I’m on the same boat as Guardians. But One thing I’ve heard criticism for with Guardians s that you only control starlord…Good. Maybe focus on one character and have him have some real consistency and depth to gameplay.

Rather have a good single player experience with focused well done gameplay than shoehorning in multiple playable characters with all mediocre half baked half assed gameplay.

Too much loot kills the loot. We’ll see…

Eh, works for me in Destiny and Borderlands and Diablo just fine.

Have to admit, I have been watching several gameplay trailers for GOTG and im getting hyped for it. Plus, the “huddle” that takes place during combat is optional by pressing the RB/LB buttons at the same time which means that the one issue I had during combat is pretty much non-existent.

I’m also good playing with just one character instead of switching throughout the game even though I wouldn’t have minded a chapter here and there playing as one of the other characters. Either way, it’s a pure single player game which is what I will always prefer.

Visually, looks great. Soundtrack sounds insane and very expensive. Combat and gameplay looks great and has some depth to it in regards to how and when you use the other characters during combat. It’s chapter based and isn’t open world so that is huge for me as well because not every game needs to be or should be open world. Story sounds interesting so that is really the only aspect that is up in the air. Everything else seems to be real good and unlike Avengers, the majority of previews were GOTG were positive which is a good sign.

As for Suicide Squad, it’s on my list because it’s Rocksteady but I still need to see combat/gameplay and the overall structure before deciding if im in or out. And I do believe that it will get pushed to 2023 so in my mind, I have at least 18 months before it releases and I rarely if ever get “hyped” for games that are more than a month out. As of now, im much more hyped for Gotham Knights than I am Suicide Squad but GOTG have them both beat but only because it’s 10 days away.

I like loot in games too but depends on the game and the structure of the game. When it comes to “super hero” games, I think the loot should be non-existent because they’re “super heroes” and don’t need loot. In Avengers, Incredible Hulk doesn’t need a new spine that you don’t even see in-game.

I see the Batman Arkham and Insomniac’s Spider Man games as the bar for “super hero” games and they can have upgrades, gadgets, etc. but in no way, shape or form should they ever have loot like im playing Godfall or Division. Just no. To me and majority, that ruins the game. See Avengers.


Destiny is among the rare ones I can stand but even that is a bit much for me.

For SSKTJL, wait & see approach for me on that structural aspect. Maybe they’ll nail it. I wish them the best. This game has potential.