Street Fighter 6 confirmed to release on Xbox

Completely forgot about that leak. Sad to see the game won’t have any surprises (it seems the entire roster already got leaked?)

If the leak is still accurate there’s still 3 characters we haven’t seen yet. One being an older character and the other two I don’t think we know about.

Gouken, please and thank you.

Is the leaks that impirtant? Unless its 3rd party charsctets…we kind of know what characttes are part of SF

Ultimately they don’t really matter no. But we could ask the same question about why we have a leak thread for the Xbox conference even though we already know about the many projects being worked on. Some people just don’t want to know about all the leaks. Some people genuinely want to be surprised.


I am not sure you can be surprised by Ken in SF :joy:

Lol true. Though I do remember hearing that originally they didn’t want Ryu or Ken in the SF3 trio of games. Apparently they weren’t received too well without them during testing and had to add them in.

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SF3 was ages ago. Imagine today’s SF without Ken and Ryu. People will protest outside Capcom’s buildimg :joy:

I can’t really see them getting away with one without Chun-Li either. Ken though I could see them attempting to replace.

SF2 won’t go anywhere. In SF3 they could try - but after years and years, SF2 original characters will be always in-game.

Can’t wait

The game looks great


Great to see this on Xbox. Will be a day one purchase for me.


Fantastic news. I wonder how Sony feel about this. Clear L

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I haven’t regularly played since Alpha 2… who am I looking at? I’m guessing the top row are originals: Ryu, Ken, Zanfief, Dhalsiem, E-Honda, Blanka, Guile, Chun-Li Second Row: Cammy, Dee-Jay, ?, ?, ?, ?, Akuma And I’m completely clueless.

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