Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space! [NO SPOILERS]

It has Season Pass? I guess it has some cosmetics and weapons there or something.

Absolutely. And its even worse than BL3 Season Pass 2! Once upon a time, the Season Pass meant you got all DLC Stories planned. Then with BL3 they created a Season Pass 2 and only gave you two different play modes. That season pass was not received well.

It primarily started as a pass that gets you access to all the DLC post-launch, with time Iā€™m sure they added extra stuff like that but itā€™s still about getting you the DLCs. The point of it was to pay less in the long run to get all the DLC.

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I recall some Season Passes were $30 upfront for all 3 DLCs where as each DLC was $15 separately. So youā€™d pay $30 vs $45.

Before that most DLC was only $10 and there was no Season Pass until afterwards when a bundle of them would be made. I think it was like $20 for what separately would be $30 or more. However no one paid the full price for the DLC by the time the bundles were created.

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Yep. Starfield season pass gonna make bank with Game Pass.


I like this Tweet from Bethesda today:


At first I thought these were all from Starfield, but we clearly got one from Fallout too. But I canā€™t place all of them. Very cool though.

Also, it has a Borderlands style look.

Me neither. Iā€™ve kept my eye on the Twitter thread, hoping someone would post a list, but no one has yet. Weā€™ve got Vasco from Starfield in the middle, Samuel from Doom in the back left, several FallOut botsā€¦

the one at the bottom right behind the eyebot is from Prey. on the far left looks like a mouth from one of the large Canine bots from Wolfenstein.

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I saw a comment just now that one is from Redfall.

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From left to right:

  • big robot dog from Wolfenstein
  • small robot dog from Redfall
  • robot from Fallout: New Vegas
  • Samuel from Doom
  • not sure but I assume something from Fallout (maybe 76?)
  • Vasco from Starfield
  • no idea, presumably Fallout (or maybe a dwarf/Dwemer machine from TES?)
  • Codsworth from Fallout 4
  • the flying radio robots from Fallout 3 and New Vegas
  • Operator from Prey

Awesome, thanks for that. Appreciate it. :+1:

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Ok assuming this game is basically next gen evolution Beth RPG but in space here are some things I need fixed (not counting mod fixes).

  • Level Scaling

We need another evolution. If Morrowind was 1.0, Oblivion 2.0, Skyrim 3.0 etc then we need another evolution. Skyrim was def better than Oblivion in this regard, but stuff was still wack like how spells fell off hard the higher you got.

  • Sorting

Small detail, but not being able to sort your damn chest in your house is annoying as fuck.

  • Map

This one might be harder. If itā€™s 3D ie space with planets idk how the will handle this. Give me a reset map toggle to default view tho.

  • Money

Can we get rid of the money road blocks? Things like vendors not having enough money so you have to go find another vendor just is tedious and time consuming. Yes you can upgrade this all so you can sell any of your shit to anyone + give them all more cash but this is just tedious.

  • Quick switch

Give us a quick switch between weps/items/spells whatever we have in Space.

I know I got more that Iā€™ll post later.


Hoping for a more in depth conversation system. Something more akin to the Fallout titles in terms of character expression and roleplaying. Skyrim is rather light on this element, and I think it is to its detriment

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Hard agree on the money part. Hope they can get the economy to feel alive in this game. In Skyrim it felt like only the player was ever buying stuff.


Ive sort of lost any sort of hype ive had for this. Probably wont start again until late this year going into next year before it comes out.

I was super excited to see the deep dive with the thĀ£0ought of playing it a few months later. Now I still expe ct to really like the deep dive but then being reminded at the same time of the delay and also that first half 2023 is never a guarantee either.

Nobody minds a delay, well nobody likes it but we all understand that they can happen, but because of Howardā€™s doubling down this one truly came out of left field. When Hogwarts was shown I immediately thought it could easily get delayed, Gotham Knights too, God of War and so on. But Starfield was the one I truly thought was safe from dreaded delays.

Still excited to find out more about the game, a ~6 month delay ainā€™t impacting my hype.


It deflates my hype for this year but not for the game


To set expectations I assume the release month to be 6-18 months away from the month actual gameplay is show

There is literally no gameplay shown yet for any of the Xbox games yetā€¦ So no release month expectations from me right now

After E3 I will set my expectations based on the gameplay they will show

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