So, I finally got around to playing Escape and it surprised me with how good it is. Probably my favorite Bethesda quest, ever.
There are multiple ways of solving each room, and that alone made me play through this from start to finish three times. And that doesn’t account for all the mid-playthrough save reloading I did. Also, the points system they have in place makes sense from a lore perspective, but it effectively also works as a high score, giving you an additional reason to go through it more than once. 80,000 is my record.
If you haven’t tried this and puzzles are your jam, I definitely recommend giving it a shot.
Which ending? There are… well, there’s quite a few actually, but you’ve got two main branches. I found the second branch (as outlined below) to be pretty satisfying, but I can see how someone who went with the first branch might be underwhelmed.
When I say “branches” I mean:
- Accepting the gift
- Rejecting the gift
Then within each of those you’ve got a couple of minor variations. I’d say… three under #1 and two under #2. And now that I think about it, you could actually combine them by first doing #1 and then before leaving deciding to do #2.
One fun follow-up you can do regardless of the ending you do, is visit with Ava in Paradiso. Well, provided you let Ava live, that is. 
The above spoiler is fairly vague, but the below one isn’t, and goes into some details on the branches and your choices within them.
If you reject the gift by smashing it, you can retrace your steps, go down the shaft with the spinning fan, and go into the main offices. You can either sneak through and just flee by stealing a shuttle, or you can choose to slaughter everyone, confront the head honcho, and then leave in the aforementioned shuttle.
The three variations under branch #1 is a) siding with Ava, b) siding with Red, c) siding with neither and killing them both.