Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

I’m going over the creations I downloaded and I’m noticing that a lot of them have the achievements friendly tag on them now.

If all mods can get update it for it, there’s a mod labeled cheat, which buffs the Starborn Guardian and let’s it keep getting stronger every new game plus. People who like getting achievements like me would be using mods when going through dlc.

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So, I finally got around to playing Escape and it surprised me with how good it is. Probably my favorite Bethesda quest, ever.

There are multiple ways of solving each room, and that alone made me play through this from start to finish three times. And that doesn’t account for all the mid-playthrough save reloading I did. Also, the points system they have in place makes sense from a lore perspective, but it effectively also works as a high score, giving you an additional reason to go through it more than once. 80,000 is my record.

If you haven’t tried this and puzzles are your jam, I definitely recommend giving it a shot.

Which ending? There are… well, there’s quite a few actually, but you’ve got two main branches. I found the second branch (as outlined below) to be pretty satisfying, but I can see how someone who went with the first branch might be underwhelmed.

When I say “branches” I mean:

  1. Accepting the gift
  2. Rejecting the gift

Then within each of those you’ve got a couple of minor variations. I’d say… three under #1 and two under #2. And now that I think about it, you could actually combine them by first doing #1 and then before leaving deciding to do #2.

One fun follow-up you can do regardless of the ending you do, is visit with Ava in Paradiso. Well, provided you let Ava live, that is. :slight_smile:

The above spoiler is fairly vague, but the below one isn’t, and goes into some details on the branches and your choices within them.

If you reject the gift by smashing it, you can retrace your steps, go down the shaft with the spinning fan, and go into the main offices. You can either sneak through and just flee by stealing a shuttle, or you can choose to slaughter everyone, confront the head honcho, and then leave in the aforementioned shuttle.

The three variations under branch #1 is a) siding with Ava, b) siding with Red, c) siding with neither and killing them both.

For a while now I’ve seen people recommend the Fleet Commander mod, which lets you have up to four additional ships (from your own collection) accompany you in space, including fighting by your side in battle.

I didn’t really pay it any mind as the idea of that didn’t appeal to me. But then a couple of weeks ago I saw someone mention that you can actually dock with these ships whenever you want.

That changed things entirely for me. Not only can you now have a sort of mother ship/shuttle thing going on if that appeals, but it also allows you to have a nimble fighter as your main, and build a massive cargo hauler as a partner ship.

It’s that latter possibility that made me grab the mod. My partner ship is basically just all cargo and cockpit, the only hab being a useful morgue.

And my main is the same 1000 mobility, super lethal fighter I always build with very little cargo, and mostly just guns. This combo lets me cart around a tonne of stuff, as well as indulge in my current dark run of being a organ smuggler, intending to squeeze out all unethical organ smugglers by killing as many spacers and pirates as possible, and harvesting their bodies for organs by using the aforementioned morgue.

I can wholeheartedly recommend both mods.

Here’s a couple of picture with my two ships, one in which my cargo hauler is firing towards an enemy ship somewhere behind me.


So, I started using McClarence’s and recently unlocked the duplication options.

At first I was just thinking that what Jason said was 100%, but apparently if we duplicate the predator suit it comes with all it’s legendary effects installed.

Testing it out with another suit(Gravitas) added through CC, it seems like since they aren’t part of original game duplication comes with all mods intact.


Although with the base game Starborn suits, it removes all legendary effects, as you can see in the picture.

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So this Mod, Xeno Master, is basically Pokémon.

I’m planning on downloading and trying it out, because animal companions are always a plus.


They are thrown

Nintendo lawyers will be with you shortly, please do not move from your location.


Just started to dig in, but here we have our pokedex aka Xenobox. We equip to favorites like a weapon and use it like we equip them or use it from the menu.

Next we have our capture grenade(it uses the plasma grenade model), equipped like grenades and thrown at Xeno friends. From what I understand, there is a chance to capture Xenos, but I don’t know if hurting them increases it.

After we have the menus for our Xenobox, with boxes and storage for special Xenos. Also and option to decrease the size of the Xeno we release.

Edit: There’s even a compendium for the Xenos with info on locations to find them, though I guess I need to find them first.

Quick run down, so I will have to wait to gain the skills needed to properly take care if my Xenos.



I downloaded and have yet to play it, also imo there’s no unexplained mystery after the UC questline. So this is just adding extra stuff someone wanted, that likely doesn’t really go with the universe. Also we fight a queen(or was it an Alpha) at the end of the UC quest.

The Veil is also pretty good, but it adds things Bethesda hasn’t touched yet, so before going through the unity I’m going to deactivate it. As it doesn’t really go with the universe yet, but it’s fun to have as a one off universe.

So playing through the quest and I mayhave created a monster. Because using McClarence to mod a dlc gun for Sarah, she’s melting every Terrormorph that she fights.

The queen died in less than a minute because I stopped long enough to loot a chest and Sarah ran ahead. Activated the queen and proceeded to delete her with very little help from me.

Edit: The Lazarus Awaken quest broke for me at the end, it could have been any number of things of course. Because my usual switching of routed through the repurposed area kind of made some quest objectives pop up incorrectly.

But the use of everything in the questline is pretty damn good. But similar to The Veil it adds some really cool stuff, but ultimately the unanswered stuff doesn’t really fit in and it is just things that are obvious but with more context.

The way it broke involved the quest pointing towards my ship as the location I need to go. But the objective says I need to look at a terminal/laptop that has no data.

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Started doing the McClarence quest each Star a Stitch, which while interesting kind of makes no sense at all.

As Jason is dreaming of the artifacts, which makes no sense at all because he doesn’t travel anywhere, if he did I could buy that he saw a vision of them during a grav jump.

He also asks for a scan, something I think the auther decided to overlook, because the artifacts don’t play nice with scanners and any data Jason would get from our scanning would be pretty scrambled. As Constellation has been doing so for a while and haven’t gotten much data from it.

There may also be a glitch with the tesla mod on energy weapons, as so far the new laser rifles and plasma gatling gun from the dlc and laser pistol from the base game. Instead of getting tesla added as part of the weapons legendary effects, it changes the ammo type to tesla pylons.

Edit: The tesla pylons rounds also effect the other modifications on the weapons, explosive legendary seemingly just activates all the time. I will have to experiment to see if any others are changed by it.

Edit 2: The glitch seemingly fixed itself, as it’s adding tesla properly now.

Don’t remember if it was posted but this is a guide to refund credits if a paid mod isn’t working.

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So in Shattered Space there’s a quest to help out with a dual

During this quest we can choose to talk to the brothers Amila and Borhal about there past or just ignore it completely. I’m currently trying to see how many results there actually are, so far I know of three tranque both brothers, tranque one brother(it counts as 2), funny enough once the quest is completed we can kill the other brother and end their house.

Finally finished the main story. Took me a while.

The game definitely has some issues, and some bits that feel quite old fashioned, technically speaking. I’m not sure the main story did much for me either.

But I still enjoyed it, and I still exploring a wild world is fun: the feel is good, and the sense of scale and desolation is rare in games.

Finally I can post again! I better save my other 4 post for more picture uploads.


Some cool pics!

Thanks it’s probably the only game I take consistent screen shots in. Everything else rarely gets more than 10 maybe.

Opened Starfield again yesterday. Ive beaten all the factions, main quest and Shattered Space. Was just doing miscellaneous activities. If anyone has any must see planets or questlines let me know!

Have you done the prison rehab activity? Or the abandoned casino or abandoned mob boss locations? The rustbelt town that used to make mechs is also cool.