Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

Not really, I didn’t have it when I was doing the Ryujin missions the first time. It just takes so much more patience than I’m willing to use often, because stealth was hard before they nerfed detection.

So I can understand people being frustrated because stealth in Bethesda’s previous games was pretty much the go to for so many people.

Listening to Gerstmann talk about Starfield’s paid mods on his latest podcast and he’s like “did Bethesda think they could get away with this?”. Always curious why paying modders for their work is such an offensive concept. There’s nearly 1000 mods on console and a tiny % of them are paid Creation Club items. There’s 10s of thousands on PC with millions of completely free downloads. I’ll never understand why people think the small crowd yelling about microtransactions have much sway.


You’d think with all the GaaS crap people would be over complaining snout stuff like this.

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Worse… CC isn’t new and I literally can point to articles from 2014 where outlets were trying to make it a narrative back then. Pulling ten year-old arguments out of the closet does more to discredit them than any potential point they might have…


As Knottian pointed out, this isn’t new and Bethesda did indeed “get away with it” already. I used to like Jeff, but I lost a lot of respect for him last year during the Xbox showcase where he seemed determined to shit on everything, which surprised me.

There are a lot of people like Jeff who might need help getting down off their high horses. :smile:


Paying for software was always an offensive concept to hobbyists. An Open Letter to Hobbyists - Wikipedia

He was my favourite games media guy in the giant bomb days but he has completely lost the plot since going solo.

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A lot of people have become very jaded over the last few years to the point where they really should just find a new hobby/career

It’s making them delusional at this point


I saw a thumbnail that YongYea posted a video on it, and so did Ohnoitsalexx

Dude makes videos on anything even remotely controversial or that he can rage bait on

Not surprising at all

“Everyone should support the devs. But not those devs. Fuck those dev!” Is what a lot of the “gaming media” actually does. Its so very sad to see the hypocrisy.




So checking out one of the boost pack mods I bought(Deluxe Dynamic Boost packs) and the MK 2 upgrade for it adds a no fall damage option when jetting to the ground.

It’s kind of awesome since we can jump off a high area and just melee or bash in between thrust. To activate a thrust towards the ground that let’s us crash down with no damage taken. I tested it out from the commercial district down to the space port.

Since Threads links still aren’t generating previews, here’s a quote:

Calling all shipbuilders :loudspeaker:

We want to see your best ships! Get creative and submit a unique design that you’re proud of for a chance to win an AMD GPU+CPU and other prizes.

Whether your ship strikes fear into the heart of anyone you encounter or is on the more… quirky side, we want to see it!

Submissions are open for 2 weeks!

More info:…

Submit your design:…

Full rules:… (Contest is open to the U.S. and Canada)


This sounds like a pretty great contest, to bad I only build flying tubes.

While I build only slightly more ambitious ships than flying tubes, I also recognize I don’t have the skills to win a contest like this so I won’t bother entering.

I expect one of the frequent posters to /r/StarfieldShips/ will end up taking it home. That’s a pretty cool sub to visit from time to time, although I kind of wish modded and glitched ships weren’t so common. Sure, they’re cool, but I prefer to see the possibilities with vanilla builds.

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Awesome. But I bet Xbox players won’t be seeing this mod, unfortunately.


Not necessarily, Skyrim has several mods that add new zones, Bruma being one of them, the main limitation there seemed to be space which Starfield has been granted more of than FO4 and Skyrim AR combined.

Of course we also have other limits that make some mods impossible on consoles. But we would have to wait to see.

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Reddit says it’s satire

Ah, that would be a shame. I’m seeing several different tweets about it, they are all falling for it then if Reddit is correct.

Either way it would be a huge undertaking. Building all of TES in Starfield, sheesh.