Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!


116GB when I preloaded the standard edition yesterday.

Photo taken by Xboxdynasty.


I received an email from Microsoft informing me they couldn’t authorize my card for payment for the Starfield digital deluxe edition. However, I can buy any other game just fine, so it’s not an issue with my card. I also found a Reddit thread with lots of other people having the same problem. Anyone know what’s going on or have the issue as well?

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Idk if it helps, but maybe buying a gift card could be the solution ?

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Comparison with recent footage.

It’s been a while since I’ve been this hyped for a game. I don’t even typically like WRPGs, but I’m definitely getting swept up in it a little bit.


Can’t watch. Is it even more improved?

Nice they added a ton more physics on the objects and the elevator is actually shaking and the hand grabs are also moving.

Really big improvement Staffy. Cool to see how much the shooting has improved since E3 2022 too. That delay did wonders to bring us a far better game and that was only possible thanks to the acquisition :wink:


The Starfield segment of today’s Xbox Gamescom live stream:

It’s basically just two interviews, a quick one with Todd Howard and a bit of a longer one with Pete Hines, supported by some b-roll footage of the show floor as well as some from the game. I didn’t find the game footage to be particularly spoiler-y, but if you’re super averse to that you may want to just listen to it.

The Pete Hines interview is particularly good. I really liked it. His excitement for the game is genuine and infectious.


That’s a screengrab from IGN’s video about the Xbox Booth at Gamescom, and the reason I’m posting it here is because the YouTube commenters seem pretty excited, calling it confirmation that Starfield has ultrawide monitor support.

I’m assuming for PC, and I’m assuming that hasn’t been confirmed prior. :man_shrugging: I don’t know, and as someone who won’t play this on PC I don’t particularly care. Figured someone here might though. :slight_smile:


Appreciate the heads up. I am planning on watching the whole thing tomorrow evening. Would you say that Todd and Pete’s interviews contain (new) gameplay details (for me those are spoilers) are mostly stuff we all know about? I’ll definitely ff the new gameplay bits.

I haven’t really kept up with what’s been shown so I couldn’t tell you exactly, but to me there was nothing noteworthy and nothing I felt I didn’t already know.

The clips are pretty quick so I may miss a few, but I know there’s a couple of shots from the character creation, some shots of the character walking around on planets, some quick space battle clips, the ship taking off and landing, browsing the planets in a solar system, the sandwich pile…

Honestly, it may all be footage that was in the direct, but I only watched that the one time so I can’t say for sure.

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Ahh !!!

Must be Armored Core.


I heard that Dreamcast Guy got a review code, but I just saw that Foxy Games UK put out a video saying that it’s worth getting a Series X to play it! He’s got a code too?