Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

I just couldn’t pass on it and bought the Starfield controller. I don’t need it, but it’s just so cool ! It’s a gorgeous controller. Maybe the best one yet.


At this point I am starting to be a controller hoarder. I have the one that came with the system, a Shock Blue, the 20th anniversary one, an Elite 2, The Duke replica, and ordered the starfield one. And I ordered that 8BitDo arcade stick.

With all my Nintendo Switch online ones ( I have all of them), and my three dualsense controllers my whole coffee table is nothing but controllers.


I cannot wait for the gone gold announcement for this!!!

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I wonder if the Adoring Fan is just a crazy fan like in Oblivion or he’s pulling a Cicero in Skyrim.

This guy make great Starfield Breakdown videos. I recommend watching if want to learn more about the game.


If you aren’t convinced Starfield can sell consoles, just watch this guy’s attitude as he watches the Starfield Direct.


I’ve seen so many posts and comments saying they weren’t sure or weren’t interested in Starfield until the Direct but now they are ultra hyped. I think it’s hard to overstate how massive Starfield is going to be and that Direct was an absolute masterstroke.

It’s weird, Skyrim was a generation-defining game and obviously it’s still very popular, but it’s old enough at this point that there are plenty of younger gamers who don’t quite get just how big a new BGS release can be.


Been playing Bethesda games since day one. Bought and played and beat TES Arena on pc on launch and Starfield looks amazing. I do hope the writing and quests are imporved from Skyrim which is honestly vapid and badly written. But pretty much every other Besthesda game has been amazing.


This part in the video man…love it.



The funny thing about the next-gen gaming is everyone automatically assume next-gen means 60+ FPS and/or 4K resolution (mostly former). When you think about it, Xbox has been presenting actual next-gen feature starring with Flight Simulator using Azure for gameplay fidelity. Here, they’re using a tech that is incredibly demanding that this is among the first game that required SSD only.

Honestly, I’m glad that we’re exploring more of next-gen possibilities that isn’t simply graphic fidelity or smooth gameplay. I’m not saying no one should do basic development, but something unheard of is definitely ambitious. Honestly, if the game hits the bullseyes with its feature, we will be looking at an actual game that can be deemed as “ahead of its time.”


This is exactly me, I have never played Skyrim or any other Bethesda RPG and was super sceptical. But the 45 min deep dive was so freaking amazing I ordered the controller and the Premium Add On Bundle. I love when games get you dreaming about the possibilities. Only very few games can do that. Starfield is one of those games.


The 30 fps is what it is & there’s nothing I can do about (save for investing in a new & expensive PC… which I don’t want to do because I don’t even like PC gaming).

So as preparation for Starfield I’m playing Fallout 4 on the Series X with fps boost & auto hdr disabled. I’m getting that locked 30 fps (on an oled tv as well)… & you know what? I got used to it surprisingly quickly.

It does show that it’s very easy to become a tad overly obsessive about fps & graphics settings to the detriment of just straight-up fun (hence why I never enjoyed PC gaming tbh).


Depending on what brand OLED you got, you could try motion interpolation options. For some games it can work. I had it working fairly well in RDR2, with some weird blur effects here and there.

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Panasonic JZ980, with my Series X set to 120hz mode & the “4K 120hz bypass mode” enabled in the tv picture settings (which fixes a prior issue with Panasonic tv’s not display 4K in 120hz mode).

It can get super complicated, especially as Panasonic inserts game mode into every tv setting, i.e. I can pick filmmaker mode for example & game mode is still enabled within that picture preset. I game on Professional 1 though (which is like filmmaker mode, except the image brightness is set to 60 instead of 30).

It’s the most ‘vanilla’ tv setting I can get with all motion interpolation disabled & game mode enabled. The tv can be super quirky as well with not allowing motion interpolation settings depending on some variables (& tbh I don’t really screw around this those settings much).

But in any case that ‘raw’ 30 fps on a 120hz Oled tv (& 120hz enabled in the Xbox settings) is something I’ve gotten use to for as long as the most important setting is changed: reduce camera sensitivity in the game settings. This is the most important thing to do in a first person game running at 30 fps IMO.


I wonder how is the game going to look on the Series S. Upgrading to a Series X is not my top priority.

I. Love. It.

(that quote is from the IGN Interview that was linked earlier in the thread)


In video form


1440p 30fps. I believe they are keeping everything in the 4k 30fps on Series X. Series S just has lower resolution.

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I will buy the Elite Version ASAP. I don’t need another Standard controller I can’t go back to them after using the Elite.

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I suspect it will also have some nips and tucks with level of detail as well but nothing too dramatic. I suspect it will look pretty comparable at a glance.