Starfield could be the best game ever made - it won't change how this industry talks about Xbox

Well, you are very wrong on that. I started my gaming as a PC gamer, never even owned a console growing up. I live in a country where PC gaming is #1 and always has been so yeah I’m still in those circles.

The sentiment that Microsoft is evil is still a thing, especially so amongst the media.


Sik’s whole point was that Xbox will never get recognition for “doing better” because it’s subjective. Releasing one mediocre game was enough for articles like “What’s wrong with Xbox” and “Starfield needs to have a perfect landing” to come flowing out.

The reality is there is indeed a very large double standard in this industry as it relates to Xbox vs Nintendo or Playstation. Are there past circumstances that help feed into that? Sure, but the way the media treats Xbox seems disproportionate to most Xbox fans.

A recent example is Jim Ryan literally lying about “Believing in generations”. If Phil Spencer had done that, the games media would have lost their F***ing minds. But because it was Playstation… “crickets”. :smile:


Are you taking about those articles that pop up every once in a while ? I’d agree with that but I guess it drives engagement and traffic.

Unfortunate if your account is anywhere near accurate. That’s certainly not been true in mine, for a long while. Microsoft have finally realized they were folks like me who couldn’t care less about any box you put under the TV but like their software especially when played on far better hardware. And that’s how they have turned me into a big spender in their ecosystem.

I have no problem rewarding Microsoft for doing right things and I have no problem acknowleding their weak spots, like their first-party lineup thus far. Some good, but most average. Needs to be better.

It’s always fun seeing people on other forums talking about how horrible our site is, and then being perplexed that they are permanently banned off of these forums. This article and Nick’s takes on the podcast yesterday have really pissed some people off to the point where they couldn’t hide it anymore.


:sleeping: The concept of AAA is so out of touch. Games are good or not. The number of As is such an idiotic concept and it should finally be left behind.


I find it laughable that PC “master race” are always criticizing MS. In my view, they support Microsoft by default. Unless they absolutely do everything to distant themselves from MS (cracked Windows OS copy, pirating games, etc.) their defiance of MS is useless. They still contribute to Microsoft’s coffers.

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Honestly, I am at the point where I think if Starfield, Hellblade, Fable, Avowed, Forza, and Perfect Dark score 85+ metacritic that people will still doubt Microsoft. I think they’ll still find an excuse to discredit Xbox. I feel there’s always something new, but hopefully, I am wrong about that.

Microsoft needs to stick to their gameplan because I am sure many will migrate, but need to learn they can’t appease all. There will always be fans and people the media that will think Microsoft isn’t good enough, but they can def attract many to the platform with their strategy imo


I don’t always agree with Nick but holy shit was he on the money when he talked about the myth of how well the xbox 360 was treated by the gaming media. People always bring that up as “proof” that the gaming media is always fair when as Nick says some of us weren’t kids during the 7th gen and actually remember how it went down but people love their revisionist history.

I still remember the articles like “Will the Xbox 360 get Dreamcasted by the PS3” , it wasn’t until Sony shit the bed in 2006 E3 that the tide changed for a while.


I do not see a bias against MS per se, but a bias against the not-leader team, sure. Nintendo had all this during the GC period. They escaped it by creating their own universe starting with the Wii, then the switch. As an adjacent consequence Sony trolls have given up considering mostly Nintendo was not a menace anymore. Then they have refocused all their hate to MS.

MS is also trying to divert to another market through Gamepass. If they can create their own success, then the Sony system will not be relevant anymore for comparison.

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The ratio is all I need to know how many the enemies there are for Xbox. Aside from that, great video. Truly appreciate the thought, time, and effort.

Yeah for the past decade the only company who seems to want or stoke a console war is Sony.


Maybe I’m naive, but I think you should be more critical of the guy in 1st place, a bit less of the 2nd place and way more lax of the 3rd place guy. I mean in an ideal world. I guess most people see MS and Xbox in 1st place. Maybe they are ? I don’t know. Sony may have been the underdog all this time.


Good to find a place where you can state that Sony is not the second coming and not be banned.

Yeah. I agree with everything stated. To give everyone context: I never had an Xbox. I just play on PC but liked quite a few Xbox releases from last gen, since they started porting games. And as an outsider to the console war it amazed me how these Xbox games that I liked were received in comparison to Sony’s.

News outlets made it seem that the difference in quality was MASSIVE while for example: Killer Instinct, a game that went unnoticed was WAY better than SFV, a game Sony backed. Quantum Break was a very good game that got bashed just because it had TV like chapters!!! The story was great, graphics were amazing, gameplay was fun. But the boring Uncharted 4 was hailed as the second coming.

And I could go on and on as the gen went by. But what irks me the most is that gaming media ALWAYS sweeps PS failures under the rug while heavily scrutinizes everything MS does: Does anyone remember Destruction All Stars?? Sony was also asking 70 USD for that game, and it was abysmal. Dreams? Drawn to death? The Tomorrow children? Medievil Remake?? DriveClub???

And now, with Sony games on PC you can evaluate those games without being influenced by the hype machine. I pre ordered Horizon Zero Dawn when it was announced on Steam. Expecting it to be amazing and most of all a polished experience. Oh boy… the game ended up being playable 10 months later. A worse affair than Batman Akrham Knight… And the game… it was good. But it was not this masterpiece that media outlets were portraying. Then got the next one Days Gone, then God of War… ffs they were saying that it was among the greatest games of all time… It annoys me how media ignores the elephant in the room:


The only game that truly interest me from their output, are the japanese ones: Bloodborne, Demons Souls, Last Guardian, Collosus… but Sony closed Japan Studio so its all boring cinematic AAA from them.

I don’t want MS to become a Sony clone. I am happy Spencer called that out. They just need to ensure all their first party AAA releases range from very good to excellent. No more Redfalls, State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3 (I enjoyed this one though) or Bleeding edge.

Oh, and Sony games sell worse than Xbox ones on Steam. How come??? Steam is the great equalizer. Folks review games they purchase and PC releases rely on strong word of mouth and user experience. so for PC gamers, Sea of Thieves and Forza Horizon is bigger than all Sony AAA put together even if they are not “Oscar Bait” or “Prestige” games.


My man, the discourse is civil, but you literally joined a day ago to ‘defend’ your point of view.

Thankfully, opinions are like arse holes. We’ve all got one.


Like seriously…


There’s always a punching bag that people love to beat up on, and in this industry it’s Xbox.

They’re the rich American kid on the block that constantly “fails” to try and fit in despite their “daddy” having the funds to buy Nintendo or Sony outright if they really wanted to.

They’re easy to hate on, the media knows it and the casual person just doesn’t care enough to push back on said hate.

It’s why I jokingly say Phil should embrace the heel role. Nobody cares that Phil is a nice guy outside of hardcore Xbox fans.


Sony as a company might have some of the highest number of big blunders of anyone in the business world. Sony is known for a lack of innovation and being driven out of markets after trying to prevent innovation and failing.




Absolute fucking codswallop

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