Square Enix and Xbox

I’d asked how much could Sony possibly be paying for square to justify alienating hundreds of millions of possible customers, I guess the answer is not nearly enough.

Funny thing is I can understand taking money to skip Xbox . However , agreeing to skip pc is just dumb

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Even though I think most of us have given up hope on ever seeing FF7R on Xbox, I do wonder a little what the chances are. I mean, what kind of deal did Sony make with SE? Is it like Infinite, does SE keep getting money from Sony or is there an end to it? With SE now seemingly more I guess…friendly with Xbox again, maybe there’s a chance.

But first let’s see what kind of surprises TGS has. I guess we’ll start with some games we’ve missed out on, non FF that is.

The original only had one year exclusivity written even on the box, but maybe since the expansion to being a trilogy Sony wanted the whole things so maybe it’s now exclusive until a year after the whole trilogy is out lol, there’s no perpetual contract so this could be bound around a 5-7 years timeframe.

I think the chances are reasonably high now

If it does come I’m not expecting it anytime soon

I could see it not coming until the entire trilogy is out on PS so it could literally be until next gen by the time it’s on Xbox but who knows

I doubt it’s actually a lifetime exclusive but I could also see them locking it down as a PS5 exclusive, kinda like Dead Rising was for Xbox 360 until XB1/PS4

Ff7 Remake was kinda weird, but I don’t really see a reason to assume worst case scenario here. I lean towards it coming and with a Game Pass deal attached to it.

It’d actually be beneficial for Sony for it to come and them to have Part 2 ready for people that aren’t trying to wait forever to pick up where they left off.

But that’s why MS won’t pay for it to be on GP.

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I think they’d be happy to get it either way, and it’s probably pretty cheap since it hit PS Plus (the lowest tier).

If Square doesnt put their big games on Xbox day and date their situation remains the same, which is dire.

Thats a fact. They arent going to claw their way out with Foamstars and FF Pixel Remasters on Xbox.


Nobody really cares about the smaller stuff like foamstars n diofield cronicles, I’ll play the pixel remasters but i’m not stupid enough to believe they matter all that much.

People (myself included) want their big games, and the reality is that it will have been borderline 10 years since 15 by the time mainline entries actually launch on the system (if they do).

Also, people getting hyped about 14 really shouldn’t be, whilst the DLC is good it puts the old FF13 it gets good after 20 hours to shame. I wish FF14 took 20 hours to get good as it’s more like 50. The worst part about it (IF THEY CHANGED IT since I played it years ago on the PS4), is that the game is story gated. Even if you can buy Lvls to get to the DLC lvl range you gotta finish the boring AF baseline story anyway.


The worst possible news. They can be acquired by whoever if this is the case.

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Ouch, this is awful news because I felt this segment was Square’s strengths. It goes to show you them taking all of the deals ended up hurting them due to not building a fanbase on other platforms. At the end of the day, Sony is unharmed and Square is in a pit where they might not be able to recover from


As much as a shame it is, I hope they don’t pull pre-acquisition ABK alas CoD or what seems to be heading to Ubisoft with Assassin’s Creed. They should seriously stop with deals and just release to all (depending on the franchise and scope of power). Last year had so many games that were rough and this year heavily relied on Forspoken and FFXVI while Octopath 2 was sink or swim scenario.

They can recover or at least slowly climb up the hill, but they need to be smart about their decision from this point forward.

Will there no more HD-2D games? I think they are all very profitable to SE.

I’ll repeat it however many times, FF16 would have been a better seller as a built-for-Switch (multiplat but Switch base), MH Rise-level production value, colorful and vibrant JRPG with “series roots” gameplay. I believe it would have higher total sales and also be lower budget.

What was the plan to “grow” with FF16? Drop/disregard the JP market, make it M-rated, make the game playable in only one way (and the obvious one being locking it to one platform).

It really seems they saw TLOU/GoW sales and said “that will be us.”

It seems like blaming the AA games is the next “It was Square West’s fault”. I hope Nintendo is planning to poach Team Asano (HD2D team) out of there if Square’s next AAA flops.


I don’t see FF7Rebirth, DQ12, or KH4 flopping. But the next mainline FF is going to have a hard hill to climb up.

BTW, does anyone have any screenshots that says Rebirth has an exclusivity deal? I can’t find it on sony’s or SE’s channel.

We have now 2 games this year from SE where big AAA budgets didnt result in big AAA profits. SE: lets do more of this! This is concerning. I also didnt read anything about less NFT games.

Shareholders are not impressed by measuring success against Playstation install base. They decided to measure against their own wallets and just sold SE, down 13% today.

Square keep doing Square things. Hope Asano and his team go independent and keep doing their thing.


Square need to take money and selling off their IP. Chrono trigger probably worth half a bilion