Square Enix and Xbox

And yet people wanted them to bail the deal.


It also let courts show their true selves, you can be monopolistic as you wish as long as you don’t buy companies. Sony could have paid way less than MS to make COD exclusive and it would have been fine.

MS knows they have a free liscense to moneyhat everything

Not really. I already played part 1 on ps5 but avent touched intergrade. Would buy it on xbox and then wait. I rather play part 2 and 3 together anyway.

Why does this feel like going on a date with another dudes girlfriend and then posting it on instagram?


Final Fantasy XVI is a great game in my opinion but I can understand why it’s seen as a disappointing Final Fantasy game. Out of the 9 games that I have completed this year, rating wise, it’s an 8.5/10 overall and tied with 4 other games but ranking wise, it’s #6 on my list.

Combat/gameplay is just too easy, simplistic and basic. It’s also a one button mashing QTE fest with also holding R2 and pressing square/triangle to use the Eikon abilities. If anything, it’s more of a Devil May Cry style game than a Final Fantasy game.

I easily prefer Final Fantasy VII Remake over XVI and am way more hyped and excited for Rebirth than I ever was for XVI. To each their own though.

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Operating income: -78.5%

Forspoken und FF16 exclusivity is really paying off :person_shrugging:

no wonder there is a new CEO


I do hope he leaves NFT at the very least because that itself will hurt them further, let alone already being a dead fad.

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oh right, he is (was hopefully) one of those.

Be like Sega and have second thought.


Sow the breeze and reap the whirlwind.

Say it with me Square;

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That Xeet doesnt seem to be loading, but found the info also here: Investor Relations|SQUARE ENIX HOLDINGS CO., LTD. and here – Company Announcement - FT.com

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It makes sense for them to have a new CEO and let him clean off the remaining titles under old CEO regime. Similar to Sony, only it’s a little of opposite effect in terms of direction, not necessarily on sales/profit since they’re still solid in that.

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Besides the exclusivity I truly believe that the “abandon the JP market” strategy with XVI was a mistake. XVI sold 3 million… While TOTK looks like it sold 3 million in Japan alone, and Zelda was never big in Japan until now.

I think that XVII should go back to gameplay roots and be built to run on Switch 2 (not exclusive). DQ12 might be doing this exact strategy even and it may pay off more than FFXVI’s release.


Hopefully they use this as the motivation to finally stop the BS and start releasing their products everywhere and stop the stupid moneyhatting

It’s a business killer for their long term health and it’s not even working out in the short term, the other big Japanese publishers have figured this out so hopefully this performance is their wake up call

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Also this just popped up, very timely article lol



Iv never quite understood the negativity some people think the term brings

Obviously there will be idiots who use the term to put down the entire genre or whatever but that happens with WRPG’s too

The vast majority of people aren’t using the terms to be disrespectful


Thats a very interesting forecast. Their margins declined a lot to way below 5 percent so i highly doubt these numbers for fy 2023.

At least SE can’t blame their western studios anymore for their own fails. Silver linings.


lol now we certain gamers can stop pretending SE was doing good business.


I you want to see good business, look at Capcom. Makes lots of good games, releases old and new games on everything under the sun, makes lots of money :+1:


Let’s hope he understands it is not intelligent to ignore a party who is investing/has been investing almost $100B in the industry in just 3-4 years and to ignore PC.

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