Spec prediction for 2026 Xbox consoles

The leak said ARM was an option so who knows. I do think Xbox next hardware will be built with the idea of reaching the 3 billion plus they keep talking about. I just think it might be different in many ways

Definitely think ARM was an option, just think there are (many) more Pros than Cons right now. Who would build the APU? The only pweformsnt one now is Qualcomm, would you go to Qualcomm for a GPU? Would you risk it on first generation high end ARM APUs from NVIDIA or AMD?

To add all that in with the (presumed) PC compatibility seems like an even more daunting task.

Edit: meant more cons than pros lol


ARM still lacks valid alternatives to the AVX family of operations. That would be troublesome for performance when trying to run existing games.


People are also clearly ignoring the Snapdragon ARM push on their laptops have had some terrible results for gamingā€¦ so yeah, Iā€™m still banking on me being right about AMD x86 next gen for Xbox as well - most of what the ARM fanatics are excited for, like NPU integration, isnā€™t even exclusive to ARM and the weaknesses of the architecture constantly get dismissed, but thereā€™s a thousand reasons why everything isnā€™t running on ARM (though if Qualcomm buys intel, AMD might be the only holdout).


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But thatā€™s 899, letā€™s hope next gen isnā€™t that.

Pro is 699.

In the original post I donā€™t see the 699-799 anymore.

However, itā€™s true. I did mean 699-799 with it and here we are, jesus.

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You donā€™t see the 699-799 anymore because I think those are too low now.

Theyā€™ll either have to give up on having a generational performance improvement or give up on having a reasonable price.

Having a lower end baseline at mass market price would allow them to swing for the fences on the high end console.

$699 is with primarily just a bigger GPU and some more storage.

For a high performance system with improvements in all areasā€¦yeah itā€™s not gonna be cheap.

At those prices they are pretty much excluding a massive portion of the usual casual console audience

People will simply stay on what they have even more than they already have

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I think they are aware of that because its already happening.

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Series s and x are not going away.

Iā€™m budgeting for the next gen Xbox to come in at Ā£699 to Ā£750 Really looking forward to what the Series and One X team can do when theyā€™ve been asked to deliver the biggest jump ever.

It would be nice if the next gen Xbox main memory could be added too like in the old days of some of the older consoles and would like to see that if you buy a game for the new system digitally you can play it on your console or the PC & handheld and that goes for 3rd party games .

Whatever will be the case hope for a monster GPU like in the old Xbox or the 360 :slight_smile:

I know but it seems like people are still expecting console gaming to basically continue to do the same it always has

At these prices there is going to be a massive drop off in new sales next gen

As long as people are spending money on Series/PS5 and they arenā€™t losing money on hardware, I donā€™t think theyā€™ll care but fanboys who endlessly console war over hardware sales are going to be need a new talking point