Spec prediction for 2026 Xbox consoles

Unlikely, all the console use an APU (which has CPU, GPU, and in the future an NPU on a single chip) instead of separate dedicated parts for cost reasons.

They could have the concept of an external GPU though, especially with a docked mode for a handheld.

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I would pay 1-200 more for a higher end Xbox that has a significant power advantage over PS6 and the base version. If they can get a handheld with series X power when docked that is the new base model.l for $400 I would pay $200 more to get closer to PC performance. A console is a 6 to 8 year purchase for me so the price isnt as big a deal. Especially if the next Xbox can run Steam and other stores.

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Seems something like this would be a given and enable either a handheld or a Series S-like SKU to produce an even more comparable image.

Microsoft Auto Super Resolution tested: a new AI upscaler has arrived | Eurogamer.net

The multiple SKU thing has been blown out of proportion.

The only single SKU platform is the Switch, and even then you have docked vs undocked performance targets.

The PlayStation has two: PS4 & PS5. The PC has millions of hardware configurations to optimize for.

Iā€™m sure MS learned some lessons on making things easier and removing bottlenecks this second time around, but 99% of games released on both the S and X without anyone complaining. Why? Because itā€™s about making money. Work is work. Itā€™s a hundred times easier to release a Steam game vs a console game. But you donā€™t see devs whining about that. You put in that extra work and make some extra revenue.

The bigger problem for MS is selling units. If there were 60 million XSS sold and 30 million XSX sold, that extra work will be more than justified.

If MS wonā€™t win the console war, Iā€™m ok with them going the Neo Geo route in having an ultra powerful machine thatā€™s best in class and even more expensive. People are willing to spend $1000+ on PCs as entry level gaming devices. The handheld can be the mass market device. That can be the loss leader while the beefy console breaks even.


I like this idea. The handheld is gonna have more mass market appeal and has a chance for more market penetration. The console itself with rumored of the ps5 pro being 600 to 700 and ps6 being 800 I can see Xbox going super powerful on the console front blowing ps out of the water but being more expensive. Maybe they win people with this strategy but the current one isnā€™t working so I can see them doing more risky things next gen.

I would personally say handheld in 2026 and the console in 2028 when ps6 comes out but thatā€™s me


Another thing I would do with the handheld is make the screen 7 inches at 720 p or 1080 max. Use an oled screen. Anyone with a switch will tell you that screen resolution is fine. Low Rez push graphics and fps.

Also is Sony going to release a handheld? If so that changes things. You would have to match that imo

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Series S handheld that can play windows games in 2026, next under-tv console in 2027 would be my guess.


All the speculation is turning into reality and Iā€™m here for it!

Who says it was all speculation? :sunglasses:

OG Githubber here.


Yeah, unlike series s / x, the overlap in owners between the handheld and console will be quite big. $1500+ in HW is a lot to ask for in a single launch.

What happened

Give me sauce!

Do not care for the handheld but do hope Xbox goes back to having a separate graphics processor and CPU on the motherboard also if Xbox wants to make it more STEAM youā€™ll only need to buy the game once and you can play it on the PC or the Xbox console for all games including 3rd party games and not just Xbox published ones.

Just more smoke about Xbox doing a handheld

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Where? Podcast? Some article or report something?

Xbox President Sarah Bond Predicts the Future of Microsoftā€™s Next Game Console - Bloomberg

Donā€™t think thereā€™s really been any new info. It mentions the handheld but from the perspective of Phil hinting at it (which he has done multiple times publicly), not confirming anything or providing a new source.


Just getting to this thread now. I think the next console is gonna be ARM based. Microsoft as a whole is moving towards ARM. I also think that a 1440p 8 inch screen would be an insanely poor choice. At that screen size they could easily just replicate the steam decks resolution or maybe 1080p.

High performance gaming is waaaay too much of an unknown on arm

Put me in the camp that thinks ARM isnā€™t ready. A lot of work to be done there I think. And recent AMD and Intel APUs actually seem pretty good