Splash screen after the FF16 trailer, surely they could of just put timed exclusive instead, it happened so fast, I just saw exclusive and didn’t even have time to read the small print.
Or is it actually permanently ps5 exclusive?
I really dislike how unclear it is.
When TOTTR was 1 year exclusive, we knew instantly it was 1 year exclusive, and oddly Microsoft got crucified for that.
I hope this isn’t what to expect going forward when it comes to timed exclusives from either Microsoft or Sony, I like clarity myself (from all parties)
You mentioned TR in OP. I remember when that happened and gaming journalists were on the case instantly to get an officially confirmation it was timed. It wasn’t even a day before it was confirmed if I remember right.
If its a full year that’s just way too long. Hope not any other games I truly am looking forward to will get this trash nonsense .
FF16 surprisingly didn’t look too great at all though. At first I thought this was going to be like FF14 online because I’m sorry, FFXV on X and Pro to me…looks better?
You are not the only one. I thought, visually at least, didn’t look too impressive as a next-gen only title and FF15 might actually look better in parts.
FF isn’t really going in the direction I’d like. There is too much focus on trying to be cool and amazing instead of just creating a creative world and characters and letting it come naturally. It feels forced and focus tested I guess.