Sony confirms no free PS5 upgrade for PS4 Spider-Man players; no plans to offer the game as a standalone

Man, I just saw that “eNtiTlemEnT” shit on Twitter. Sony fanboys are beyond pathetic at this point.


I’ve actually seen some people defending this policy arguing that Spider Man is an “older game” (2018), so a lot of work had to be done on the remaster.

Meanwhile, Sea of Thieves (2017) and Forza Horizon 4 (2018) are being upgraded for free by Microsoft.

Ubisoft is also upgrading Rainbow Six: Siege (2015) for free.


Not to mention The Witcher 3 from way back in 2015.


I could be batshit crazy here and I think I am, but could this lead to a divorce between Insomniac games and Playstation.

No chance


It must be…interesting to defend this shit.

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While this definitely sucks, it’s not necessarily representative of what’s going to happen with all Sony exclusives. I saw some people in the resetera thread extrapolate that this would apply to GoT and TLoU2, and I don’t think there’s enough of a basis to justify that just yet.

That said, I really have to wonder how different the remaster looks from the original and, frankly, why a remaster was necessary in the first place on such a recent game. Insomniac didn’t have enough on their plate with Miles Morales AND Ratchet and Clank, they had spare time and manpower to put towards a remaster? If either of those other two is anything else than stellar, they might get some shit flung their way, unfortunately.

they really should just to stick it to sony as revenge for 2013

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One of the insomniac employees has been defending it pretty hard over on the other forum. Understandably so, since it’s his job to do that.

I just hope they don’t flip the switch on him since he’d look pretty dumb after


I don’t get it… At least offer it as a standalone or a priced upgrade. I’d pay $10 for an upgrade if need be (though I’m getting the Miles Morales Ultimate Edition, which I guess is exactly what they want).

Pay has no limits


I see no shitstorm, like with Remedy/505? This is exactly the same shit and nobody seems to care on Twitter verse…

505: this sucks!!! I will never support you again

Spiderman: Well this sucks but I buy it anyways.


Remaster of a 2 year old game. LMAO


Cause its sony they can do nothing wrong in people’s eyes which is bullshit


The glaring issue here is this will mean any game remaster is now justified as long it is not under MS marketing. What a trash show.

Console war aside how could you even take the PS5 over Xbox as your primary console? I don’t have unlimited money, like many other do. I really don’t see it ugh.


exclusives. i want one for demon souls.

If you’re a spiderman or souls fan, I could see why at launch.

Got to remember everyone enjoys different games.

I have xbox series x preordered and a ps5 digital preordered, what I will probably cancel, £70 a game really turns me off. (that’s 90USD)

But I was quite interested in demon souls, but I may wait for a black/slim revision, by then games that might interest me shouldn’t be £70 anymore.

I suppose many gamers who were expecting Sony to release free updates for the Last of Us and Ghosts of Tsushima to run better on the PS5 are getting quite nervous round about now.


I was expecting too. So all my backlog…It’s really sad news sincerely. Sony must wake up stop resting on.your laurels wake up. They think they can win easy.

I hope they have a change of heart and mind it is not the Sony I knew from PS1/PS2 era