Sony cancels Bluepoint and Bend's live service games - Bloomberg

Jesus, man. What is going on over there?


A live service God of War game also sounds awful IMO.


Maybe Sony would port to Xbox if they could actually release games and stop cancelling projects :thinking:


That sucks for the teams. Bluepoint haven’t made their own game yet, as such, have they?

Feel sorry for the devs at these studios, but man, just make the games you already know people like. This isn’t rocket science. Assigning Bluepoint to a live service God of War game sounds like something you’d think up while drunk and then laugh at the next day.


Don’t know, we’ll never get journalists asking half of the questions they would if it were Xbox :man_shrugging:

What’s worse I’ve seen some in the past celebrate these cancellations for service titles all the way up to the point where closures or layoffs occur…


And this is after Ascension, a game many already consider the worst God of War.

Bluepoint developing a GaaS? A God of War GaaS? What were they thinking??


“Maybe we should give them a taste of Halo…”

My only concern about this is if their future 1st party line up is going to be light (again), do we think PS will be more aggressive locking down third party exclusives?

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Fucked up, hope no one gets fired

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For marketing deals? Maybe and probably.

For timed or permanent exclusives of established IP/franchises? I want to say none. Many of the AAA publishers have moved on from those types of deals.

Unproven IP could be a different story.


The only comment they gave on that is that they weren’t going to close the studios.


I mean… probably?

Why take the risk, and cost (which Sony seems to be unable to keep in check) of new live service games when the competition is about to give you 30% of even more of its live service games just like that?

Which means layoff now, and then the fate technically decided by what the remained are able to pitch.

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As the rumors go, Sony’s concern is that they’re entirely dependent on 3rd parties to make enough money. They’re desperate to have their own live service hits and not more things that others make the majority on.


Yeah, it’s not a very secure position to be in. Considering the “quality” of the ideas they seem to have had for most of the live service games that have surfaced so far, one has to wonder how bad they are at this?

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According to a post, Sony is looking for them to do something. You mean they’re just waiting for green light?

Extremely, I don’t think they (or anyone really) saw the industry shifting to such top heavy setup. I have no clue how the future ends up going.

Yeah it’s very uncertain times indeed.