Sony Acquisitions | OT | Organic Sellers Market

Considering Sony are massively in debt and are only worth 103B themselves (which includes TV hardware, movies, music etc) I personally can’t see them raising the 45-50B it would cost to buy EA just for the PlayStation division, it would be like Microsoft spending a trillion on an Xbox only acquisition.

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I maintain my stance that we won’t see Sony’s acquisitions higher than 5b at best.

I can see Sony going for sega tbh. Even though I think Microsoft will go for them, Sony might as well.

If they did there’s no way Sony would be able to outbid Microsoft (it’s clear there’s interest there from Microsoft). The only advantage is Sony are also a Japanese company.

Sony isn’t betting the farm on any publisher imo. Way too risky when they can make other smart investments.

Imo Sony should just buy fromsoftware. I especially don’t like them but many do and it is in their budget

If Kadokawa wasn’t selling them before they certainly are not going to now. Makes more sense for Kadokawa to keep holding From Software forever now, it’ll be more money than selling them.


sony buying a piece to prevent bandai namco from getting the whole company, from the way bandai was talking the other day they got first rights of refusal on from software games going forward.

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You’re probably right but no one knows for sure

Seems like Kadokawa sold the shares to start self publishing overseas.

Rumors of Sony buying Arc System Works… shattered… Dreams broken… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Bamco should acquire them though. They complain about losing the developers, maybe they should have a go.

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The From Software thing feels a bit like a move against a hostile takeover.

Sony needs to go after EA, capcom, square, cdpr and netherrealm by this gen.



Tbh I’m genuinely surprised they haven’t acquired square yet. Maybe it’s just cheaper for them to money hat the big ff titles and leave the rest.

Personally, while Square Enix is probably the most likely to be acquired by Sony, I see them investing more into companies that they simply don’t want anyone else to acquire. By holding shares, that respective company couldn’t be acquired by say Microsoft for example unless all the shareholders and investors agree to it which Sony obviously wouldn’t agree to.

It’s actually a very smart and far cheaper move. Instead of acquiring publishers or studios in a defensive move as opposed to actually wanting them, Sony invests into them making it highly unlikely that they get acquired by someone else while also not losing them while also not having to pay the money required for an acquisition pre and post close.

I would do the same thing if I was Sony. If I can’t make massive acquisitions, do the next best and far cheaper thing - invest into the companies that you don’t want to see get acquired.

To be fair I don’t think I have ever seen an ‘acquisition rumour’ come to realisation, outside of pure luck/coincidence.

I’ll never be on the “Square is getting acquired by Sony” train. They’re acquiring them because they moneyhatted a couple games? One of those was even Babylon’s Fall (they paid for 6 months) which if anything I think would make Sony think “Shit, we should be more careful moneyhatting Square games from now on”

There’s just as much Switch exclusives from Square as there are moneyhatted PS games. Actually the Switch has more.

Ironically the only people I see wanting and thinking Square will be acquired by Sony is Xbox people.

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