Sony Acquisitions | OT | Organic Sellers Market

Sony couldn’t buy Take Two because they would be outbid by a number of other firms.

We’re talking $60bn just to acquire Take Two, then billions more before they start seeing profit.

Sony couldnt do it.

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I believe that T2 even after Zynga won’t cost more than 50b with premium even. However, yes, unlike Sony, Microsoft can be less concerned about profiting from the acquisition.

With the premium plus needing to outbid other interested buyers I’m guessing Hindle isn’t too far off the mark.

Premium includes bidding. Bidding increases the premium. I went with around 40% premium there. But of course it can be higher. But then again, there are not many companies that can be involved in the bidding at this level.

they could but it would be much harder, escpecially someone like take two because they would 100% have to take debt out on that and it would be big debt, the only publisher I could realistically see sony buying though is square and maybe CDPR if they are scared about losing most WRPGs but mostly just SE

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They aren’t buying SE, Capcom, or Sega, or BANDAI NAMCO, or FROMSOFT. Let’s get that out of the way.

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I could actually see fromsoft ngl because I could see Sony buying their parent company (KADOKAWA), I could see square but thats mostly because they have always been closely nit since the PS1, the other 3 I 100% agree with though

I doubt they will buy a publisher in general though

Why do you think that

And why not? Because you say so

They’re not… And neither is Microsoft :smirk:

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Hoping Sony acquires Deviation Games next!!!

That or ember… or any of the other studios they help bankrolled.

Yeah, I suspect they might acquire Ember Labs, especially considering that Kena is nowhere in sight for Xbox (in comparison to The Plague Tale for example)

that’s right, buddy.

It’s a really small team. They are only 10 people. More chatter has been going around as of late of a switch and xbox version. However ember lab would be a good pickup by either of Sony or Microsoft. they are a talented team.

I could see that, I picture sony grabbing ember labs and Sloclap too be honest after sifu and Kena: Bridge of Spirits were beloved. I think Sony is nearly garenteed to become much more agressive now even if they don’t buy publishers, Haven studios basically confirms that for me considering they haven’t even released a game before being acquired.

If I had to make a few guess’s on who else is likely. Platinum maybe as they are doing live service but unlikely after the recent game of their’s flopped, I see arc worksystems as an incredibly pick up for sony (after acquiring evo I think sony will definitely get a fighting game studio and arc feels like the most likely, technically they are also a small publisher so take that as you will), maybe Reverge Labs as they also make good fighting games (they made and own skull girls), a smash clone studio would also be a good potential pick up for fighting games, maybe cyberconnect as they make primarily anime games and with sony owning crunchyroll and funmation it could make sense, potential fromsoft and spikechun but thats only if they acquire KADOKAWA in my opinion, I could see Lucid as twisted metal could be something worth bring back escpecially in a live service sense and despite destruction all stars being bad they actually have a good track record working for multiple other publishers like EA. Those are the main ones that come to mind for me…well Square Enix too but I doubt they will buy a mid to big publisher

Oh and also Jetpack Interactive, I could see Sony buying them if they are not already owned after they did such a good Job porting god of war to PC

just a gut feeling but if Sony doesn’t pick them up I imagine embracer group will pick them up

it does feel like the kind of team embracer would go after. I’d like to see them with the budget and capability of Sony or a Microsoft. As Kena showed a lot of promise for a first outing.


I don’t see Microsoft going after this. This feels like the kind of team Embracer would licking their lips for and sony has a good relationship with them so yeah, I would like to see their games continue with a better budget though because they made something special with likely a small budget consider how small their team was