So what's up with the Series X underperforming on launch?

Don’t be silly. Its fodder for online console warriors and that is it. A few thousand idiots clamouring over small differences at launch is irrelevant.


Lol, so dramatic. Dont worry it will be fine. Obviously its a software issue when the seriesX is performing worse then a 9.75tflop RDNA1 5700xt.


what i find funny imagine paying for marketing then getting the worst version. this clearly ubi fault at least the tearing part .

That’s not how it works. Nobody is giving anyone a deliberately worse version. Xbox tools were later, less developed and less performant - I imagine that soonish there will be a patch to improve performance but its just the way it is. These differences are in reality very minor (resolution, effects etc are identical) and the vast majority of people simply won’t notice. But its blown up because console launch and console warriors.


Well, we are in a worldwide pandemic combine that with the very tight deadlines bof a console launch and problems do arrive, acting like these things are a definitive indication of some more widespread failure is just console war BS, I mean the PS5 expandable storage or VRR does not even work yet. Launch issues are launch issues, nothing more nothing less.


Even MS’ own optimized version of Horizon 4 is pretty underwhelming. What’s going on over there?


Your trolling is really obvious.




I believe the updates are made by Panic Button and not by PG Team

hmmm the update is good but not great it’s to be expected the update is not handled by PG

drivers and software issues can be real.

Because of buggy intel driver, my FH4 performance went from 55-60 to 30-45

Installed the stuff properly and now again enjoying the 60fps.

They’ve taken the performance mode on the One X and rendered it at 4K. That’s it. Nobody even notices the few things that are missing and I imagine its just about dev time to add in the dynamic headlights to races etc…but I think anyone calling it underwhelming doesn’t have a clue what they are talking about. Its easily the best looking racing game on a console ever. Nothing comes close to it. So yeah…underwhelming…no.

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Maybe now it is, but if Xbox turns out to have the weaker system this gen, that’s some major egg on the face of the brand after all the marketing. I hope all this “tools” talk isn’t just talk. I think there is a reason to be concerned right now.

What could it be huh? Maybe spencer spilt his drink on the xbox sdk master disc and now ps5 is destined to win every digital foundry face off, what the hell is going on over there?

Im be sarcastic.

Just getting tired of all the “concern”


Maybe you need to take a break for a bit?

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So a 12.15 tflop RDNA2 GPU is performing worse then a 5700xt? That is not talk, that is the facts we have.why gravitate towards a negetive outcome when the facts dont point to that?

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Maybe you just need to read the thread, and then you would realise how pointless it is parroting negetive insinuations others have already said.

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Wait, they removed RayTracing from the Series X version of Observer?

Jesus. Please just stop this nonsense.

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Is the XSX being outperformed by the 5700xt :sweat_smile:? Seriously if that is the case people need to take a step back and acknowledge it is a software issue as to why the Series X is under performing, because there is no way a 5700xt should be outperforming it.