So what Lessons did we learn in the last couple of weeks?

So given all the crazy crap going on as a community what did we learn over the last few weeks and how can we act better next time around so that rumors don’t spiral out of control. I purposely backed away from the internet and stayed out of this crap cause it was plain to see how stupid it all was and as expected MS explained what was going on and recommitted to it’s users base.

What we learned:

  • Insiders only get a small piece of info and then tend to extrapolate it or mis represent it. We went from a few games going to PS5 and Switch which was the reality to MS pulling a Sega and exiting gaming, Ridiculous, the insider cottage industry riling up gamers from all sides needs to go away it’s not good for gaming.

  • MS is NOT leaving hardware, EVERY freakin time their is any remote rumors of ANYTHING going on at Xbox the doomers come out with the concept Xbox is leaving hardware. STOP IT!!!

  • The industry is CHANGING. This industry is in a transition phase from the old business model like Sony pushes out to a more diverse model where even platform holders put their games on all devices to get the maximum user base to play/buy the game. This is what happening and you cannot stop it so stop trying.

  • On this point it is clear that even though MS is NOT leaving hardware but it is also clear that Console hardware is going to be phased to be a niche gaming device within a few generations. People really need to prepare for the end of the local plastic box under their TV. EVENTUALLY cloud gaming will take over and plastic boxes may be regulated to retro gaming or very Niche gaming with hybrid cloud compute. Offline gaming is probably dead along with physical games. MS is not leaving the hardware realm until the entire industry has moved on so stop talking about MS leaving hardware.

  • Sony is not immune to the pressures of the current gaming economy. Like a life line to MS, Sony execs also stated that games would expand further on PC and other devices. Sony seems like they are about 5-7 years behind Xbox in making sure their platform is diverse enough to handle newer business models going forward. This happens time and time again. MS takes the brunt of reactions for things they do then Sony comes in later and does the same thing but face no backlash. Sony and MS operate in the same gaming world they face the same issues and tend to pivot to doing similar things. Sony fans should remember that when they are trolling everyone under the sun.

So what can we do better as a community?

  • Stop OVERREACTING to rumors, wait for the REAL information, most rumors are either false or if they are true no one has the proper context or the full info. Stop falling for this crap

  • Stop freaking out thinking that if Phil stubs his toe one morning that MS is going to leave the hardware industry in gaming. MS keeps doubling down on hardware calm down. Hardware will go away when it goes away in all of gaming if ever does but it will be an industry move when the timing and environment is right and it most likely will happen. Prepare for no hardware or at least a lessened dependence on hardware and no physical games, this is the future of gaming.

  • The toxic nature of these types of rumors and the console wars in general are tiring. When all these rumors hit every gaming site/forum I just said f it and backed away for a couple of weeks and that was easily a great decision. The gaming community is WAY WAY to toxic and negative all the time and seems WAY to focused on console wars and beating the other side to death with trolling. This is lame and drives people away.

  • The console wars are over. Eventually MS and Sony will be putting all their games on every capable screen the plastic boxes will either go away or be a niche method of gaming and hopefully we can just have fun being gamers instead of at each others throat’s trolling all the time.

So in short people need to chill the F out and enjoy the current gaming landscape and also understand the industry IS changing you can come along for that or find another hobby but change is happening either way.


Never Pay attention to SneakerSO


no matter what happens, Steam wins. all roads lead to Steam.


Given the freak out I do not think many people here or in the gaming community learned anything from the past 3 weeks.

The negativity and dooming is completely EXHAUSTING and really makes it toxic to even participate in the gaming community as a whole.

For those like me that just want a console to play on and do not give a flying fuck what games are ported to which platforms it is probably time to take a long break from the Xbox and gaming community until the majority can come to grips with the changing landscape of gaming and stop freaking out and being toxic about it all the time.

It is a literal soul sucking exercise to read and talk about the current gaming discourse and it adds no value to the actual hobby of gaming.


i dont disagree but if you take certain threads here on ignore this forums becomes sane again :woman_shrugging:

Yea I just muted that big thread on this. Just a bunch of chicken littles afraid of everything and freaking out.


The main issue is that legit info is lost in the tumult of fraudulent grifters who cling on to anything they can. The original insider info was correct, but that’s lost to most because of how over the top the shitheels to made things up to get attention were.


I didn’t followed PeterOvo since it’s creation, then that drama showed his true face, glad I was right all time lol

If he was on 2013 bad era, he would be eternally ps fan.


There was definitely some overreacting, but Xbox needs to fix their messaging.

And the fact I’ve been asking about streaming owned games for years and someone was able to get an answer out of Phil over an Xbox DM is both hilarious and weird. Glad to hear more on it though.

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That Xbox does not care about those who invested for decades in their hardware and to spit directly in the face of said consumers by sending their exclusives to other hardware.

That Xbox has no good marketing nor good communication for its playerbase.

Dude is not helping with his takes, leaving twitter for the rest of the month until this dies down, hopefully.

I am really hoping we can still desirable exclusives that do not go to other consoles.

You can’t fix your messaging if people want to believe more insiders and the FUD some of them spread.

It’s a losing battle, Xbox isn’t helped even by their fans. The number of Xbox fans saying they will now buy their third party games on Playstation because of four games coming to Playstation 5 is ridiculous in so many ways, like Playstation as more chance to stay it’s own console ecosystem in a world where even fifty millions consoles sold in 3 years is not enough to have an healthy business model, like, come on, you will be able to keep and play your Xbox games even if it’s on a PC-like Xbox or on cloud.

I’m just tired of seeing overreaction everytime there is something going for Xbox, feeling like this community is so insecure that they act to force Xbox accomplishing the almighty “doom prophecy” spreading for now more than ten years.

It’s just plain stupid, as the famous “concerns” justifying it. childish behavior and it IS console war, nothing more or less, not so called “consumers concerns”, you just want a console to win a freaking market share war which never as rational sense even in the nineties.

Xbox has a fantastic line up of games, and you’ll be able to play those games on your Xbox, nothing has changed, in fact, you’ll have even more games to play because they will make more money on them with late ports on case by case basis, and even if they’re going full third party, Xbox games will still be the one you enjoy.


On the otherhand, Xbox has been releasing games on other platforms for a solid decade now and have spoken on multiple occasions about doing stuff like they are doing now. They could maybe improve their messaging, but part of the problem is just that some people only hear what they want to hear.


I see people are confusing leaks/rumors with messaging. Again.

There are absolutely fanboys that take it way too far, but we can’t ignore the legitimate concerns out there too.

I straight up buy every Japanese game I’m interested in on Xbox if I get the choice. Depending on how they move forward with things though, that might not be a great investment. Maybe it would be best I move primarily to PC or PlayStation, maybe not. Its the fact that I’m now not 100% confident in Xbox’s vision that sucks.

And anyone that has taken 5 minutes to know me knows how much I appreciate Xbox and gaming in general, but I also appreciate honest, transparent messaging instead of trying to guess if plans are going to change in 6 months or 4 years.

I hate the idea that I look at games like Redfall and the response is “We should’ve done better.” or “We didn’t give Arkane the support that we should have.” or some other excuse like that. There are a myriad of issues (and of course every company has them), but its gotten to the point that I can’t just ignore it.

Sure, some folks take things too far, but none of us can really honestly say that Xbox has been firing on all cylinders as of yet, can we? I hope to see them do it, but there has always been a caveat in the past. Caveats that I hope they learn from.

Dude. This passive aggressiveness is petty as hell. Come on.

I’m sorry, did Microsoft announce we’d have our game libraries playable in the cloud in 2020? Then 2022? Then crickets?

How about when buying Zenimax Phil specifically said this purchase was aimed for places where Game Pass exists?

If you have something to say, then say it. Because this is not the first time I’ve called you out on it. Hell, I even DM’d you to see what was going on and you kinda just dropped the conversation. I’m getting real tired of this man.

You’re right that they released Minecraft and Ori and other consoles. Phil made it pretty clear that he didn’t like the idea of people questioning their games going to other platforms with every release because of Ori.

Lets be honest here. Xbox has talked out of both sides of their mouth for a long time for multiple things. Sure, some of it is to not put themselves into a corner, but also shows a lack of commitment.

Are any of us really questioning if these 4 games are the last 4 to go to other consoles? Because I would totally bet more will be coming (aside from Activision and some remasters, obviously).


Messaging certainly is the key problem. Many just buy one console and are not interested in Game Pass. I don’t think it’s just the 4 games but more all the Xbox blunders put together. I would have loved to hear them talk about how all my library would be playable on PC and other devices rather than hearing commitment to more hardware which doesn’t guarantee any thing.

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I think Xbox gets a lot wrong with messaging but I shoot them a little bit of bail because what they are messaging isn’t easy. They are last place in the market and are kind of in the role of a disruptor and they are trying new things as a result, things that may be beyond people’s current comfort levels, things they may need to step back from because it’s a step too far, things that many simply won’t understand until it happens.


Agreed at this point i would just like to see Steam release a console and see just how quickly they would kill the current console market. The multiplatform idea has people questioning the viability of the platform and in my opinion the way to fix it isn’t committing to more hardware but opening the platform to new possibilities like being able to play your entire library on PC and other devices. Other devices like the handhelds, unifying the platform with PC and Mobile so your games are movable from one to the other or introducing some OS that puts or unifies all this platform. I don’t think many would complain if Steam released games on other platforms, it would be the same if Xbox makes unifies their platforms.


Would have loved to hear plans like that but definitely too soon to lay those cards on the table when thinking competitively. Have a good 4 years before next gen likely begins, only so much strategy you can give up.

I am sure Xbox is aware of the third party problem, so I’m looking forward to seeing what their mitigation strategy will be.

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I don’t know. I think convincing the fan base isn’t easy, but it is what’s necessary. Right now, even those that like this move have no clue or idea what’s going on.

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And that’s exactly where I’m at.