So that God of War reveal

Rumors have it that he’s working on a sci-fi game, possibly Star Wars: The Mandalorian which if it turns out to be true would not shock me at all.

Think that comes from him tweeting that someone should make a Mandalorian game. I really doubt he’d bring that up if he was working on one himself, but who knows.

Something on par with Hellblade 2 and UE5 visually. Tbh i’ve seen bigger leaps on the same hardware.

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I expected it to look as good as Horizon

Tbh Im recently playing some of HZD and I gotta say it needed more whatever leap its done in the sequel at least animation wise than God of War does.

Haha maybe because you’re playing it at 60fps

Hellblade 2 we’ve seen no proper gameplay footage and its years away AND its a Series X/S game only. Gow isn’t being made with UE5. And its cross gen.

I’m pretty sure if Hellblade 2 was coming out next year for base xbox and next gen it would look only slightly better than Hellblade 1.

Either way we haven’t seen a fully optimised Gow on PS5 yet in Graphics mode. IT might look a lot better than it does. They probably have 8 months+ to make it look better

I personally couldn’t care if it looks similar but runs at full 60FPS because its the music, combat and level design i’m excited for. First game was incredible. Yeah it looked good but it felt good too.

Nah at least the faces here in hzd and their movements certainly way inferior to what GoW had a year later.

Theyre slightly different types of games. Theyre going to have different gameplay styles. One is open world and the other is a more focused 3rd person action adventure with much more linear slower paced constrained level design.

But even with that said…the movement in HZD was awful at times. She always had Spasms anytime in tight spaces when needing to platform vertically.

Uh, did you read my post past the first line? I’m in day one for a reason. I played and immensely enjoyed the first game, heck it was my first platinum.

By me saying it looks like an expansion of the first game, that doesn’t mean I’m not excited. I was actually disappointed the game didn’t have expansions, as it was setup so well for it.


Xbox missing another Lucasfilm IP?

With the way Sony seems to be going after licensed IP, I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens but until if/when it does happen, it’s all rumors and speculation.

Even though I agree Ragnarok doesn’t look as transformative, I wouldn’t be sharing reused animations as some sort of jab, this is extremely common in AAA production across the industry. At this scale, it becomes necessary to not redo things that worked well before. And several artists on social media that work on these big games have given testimony on why their lives have been far easier because of the ability to reuse models, animations, etc.

Plus the animation in question here was already pretty dope, there aren’t that many significant ways you can do pushing and getting onto a boat while it leaves shore. :sweat_smile:

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla went through this same discourse a few months ago. I’m sure almost every single big AAA sequel has several reused animations.

So yeah, although it’s valid to discuss how big of an upgrade the Sequel is, I think this particular “issue” is not one that is unique to GoW, but just the way AAA production works if you don’t want bloated budgets, development times, crunch, etc.


It’s launching quite close to god of war

Good job it isn’t then.

It’ll look the same. Sony Santa Monica aren’t the graphical heavyweights they were on the PS3.

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This is the definitive take.

It’s the same engine, same animations, sure we will find a lot of reused assets too. No obvious changes in gameplay. Basically added content to the same game.

The first looked great, so this looks great too. But it’s a PS4 Pro game with a 60fps boost.

I’ll play it when I eventually get a PS5, and it’ll no doubt enjoy it. But impressive it is not.


To be fair I expected the sequel would just be a continuation of the first game and Santa Monica will focus instead on making the game "bigger and better. " There was not much wrong with the first one so it makes sense, and is usually what happens with the second entry.

I think it is just surprising how similar it does look from a visual perspective considering there is new hardware available. But the game will still look good come release, but atm it doesn’t seem like it will be pushing any technical boundaries.

The extra power will just be used for 30fps to 60fps, and a few other settings turned up.

They could have acheived more with the PS5 if they’d built from the ground up for it, but they evidently just carried on work with the same engine, tools and assets after finishing the last game.

As you point out, it’s not a big deal as the previous game did look great anyway. But it’s a bit of a let down after all the hype build up.

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Of course. Judging by the trailer I would not be surprised if the PS4 Pro is the lead platform and like you said, they will ‘just’ increase the frame rate and a few settings for the PS5 version.

At the end of the day, will the game be great is all that matters. But when the game was announced people expected this game to be crème de la crème in terms of visuals due to Sony’s BS about “we believe in generations” and the fact Sony’s games have a reputation for graphical presentation.

I’d take new enemy types and more boss fights instead of new animations, the first game was excellent but lacked in the areas that I mentioned earlier…if they manage to improve in those areas this will be one hell of a game and probably a better game than the first which will be more than enough for me.

Graphically it looks great so no problem on that front, if it manages to look and play as good as GoW 2018 on my PS4 then I will be more than happy.

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Yesss, same.

Particularly what stuck out in the previous game is the lack of boss variety, it was one of my few and significant criticisms.

Wow here’s a giant troll guy throwing lava, let us see how they evolve this - oh, so instead of lava it’s just ice? Lol Same with all the valkyries sharing the majority of the move sets, very few of em felt truly unique.

Seeing the trailer of Ragnarok, I’m personally noticing more variety and potential for going all out, now that the combat system and underlying narrative is established and time won’t be spent teaching it to you from scratch like the last game had to.