Shadow of the Tomb Raider might be getting optimized for Xbox Series X|S soon

Yeah, they said multiple times that even if they don’t need devs/pubs intervention most of the time, they always ask for permission first.

This is more of what I meant. I know xbox asks for permissions but Publishers/Devs gotta be more upfront. Now we have like 3 games running nonsense fps boosts.

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Thinking a little more about it, I’d like to think the Devs/Pubs were upfront and honest, but the detailed engagement metrics Xbox is able to provide made them change their mind. Like they (devs) could not convince management until they had their evidence to show positive improvements for their business.

O’ell, we should be happy they didn’t got the Director’s Cut route and require a fee.

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One X didn’t have enough for 4k either. I could count the amount of games on one hand One X ran Native 4k games. It was nearly always 1800p or below.

And thats fine. One X CPU is so bad running games at 4k should’t have been a selling point. It was more of a system that should have maybe sacrificed in its GPU department for its CPU. a 5 Teraflop system still capable of the checkerboard rendering and a vastly superior CPU would have put it in a much better position.

Despite being nearly 1.5x more powerful than a PS4 Pro, the CPU bottlenecked a lot of its performance.

The FPS boost in TR is broken late game apparently anyway. Some sequences are harder to do.

And it can be disabled.

This whole “FPS Boost” was a nice marketing tool for MS. But in reality knowing how it works. Without 3rd party input in the OG ource code…its not going to be the best. A lot of games are having to lower resolution to get a FPS boost. Thats a load of horsecrap.

BEthesda games are now 1st party. Games like The Evil Within 2 should be able to run 4k 60FPS on Series X easily. But its 1800p and drops to lower res with FPS boost on.

??? Its a legit great feature improving games to better framerates. It has a trade off that you can or cant use on most games where developers arent gonna go back and update.

  1. Relax…FPS boost is an awesome option to have and not “a load of horsecrap”.
  2. We are at the start of the generation and as shown in the previous generation BC WILL get better.
  3. The FPS boost option for TEW2 was for Series S, Series X already has the unlock the frame-rate option from the One X profile available so it’s already at 1800p/60fps (w/ some drops here and there).

We have 97 games with FPS Boost. Only 20 off them are Off by Default on Xbox Series X, which mean they run in/up to 60 fps through Xbox One S profile or 120 fps is not available for Xbox Series S for few games. Some of them could be disappointed, like Wasteland 3 (yes, I agree it should have direct next-gen patch), but sometimes we can’t have everything.

  • Anthem™ (120 fps for Xbox Series S not available)
  • Assassin’s Creed® III Remastered
  • Battlefield™ 1 (120 fps for Xbox Series S not available)
  • Battlefield™ V (120 fps for Xbox Series S not available)
  • Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™
  • Fallout 4
  • Fallout 76
  • Far Cry® 5
  • Far Cry® New Dawn
  • Gears of War 4 (Off by Default on Xbox Series X, because FPS Boost is for Xbox Series S)
  • Homefront®: The Revolution
  • Hyper Scape™
  • Monster Energy Supercross 3
  • Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville™
  • SMITE®
  • STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II (120 fps for Xbox Series S not available)
  • The Evil Within 2 (Off by Default on Xbox Series X, because FPS Boost is for Xbox Series S)
  • Titanfall® 2
  • Unravel Two
  • Wasteland 3

I’m talking more about the way its handled

DArk Souls 3 FPS boost still locked to 900p. Its ridiculous. Not MS’s fault but still.

Been looking at this update and so far I’m not sure why it was done. The resolution is the same 2016p and the performance has not been fixed. Not sure if it’s been improved, still need to run the footage through analysis, but I’m still experiencing drops. Maybe we’ll see bigger improvements on the Series S.

It doesn’t seem like you understand the point of FPS boost nor do you know how it works. It’s not a marketing tool, it’s an optional performance boost without needing the developer’s involvement. Acting like games such at TEW2 and Dark Souls 3 should be able to easily look and run better proves you don’t know why FPS boost exists in the first place. For TEW2 to run at 4K60, it would require the developers to produce a Series patch. Many of these games wouldn’t see any update at all, so are you suggesting it would be best to not do anything at all to provide some form of enhancements?

FPS Boost =/= new gen update. Let’s try not to mix the two because they are nothing alike. Let’s also try not to pretend that there isn’t a space for features like FPS boost.

I guess I’m curious, how would you handle it differently?


It’s not XSX here, but that doesn’t matter.

I wonder if that update will patch these drops to 40 fps on Xbox Series X via FPS Boost :face_with_monocle:

Unfortunately not. Spent Friday and almost all day yesterday looking at the patched version to create a video but chose not to because there is no difference. I maybe saw a couple frame difference in some scenes, but that could be margin of error.

FPS Boost Update:

Gen 9 Aware Update:


I dont get what this update is supposed to do besides giving the 60fps option on PS5. I dont think any settings or anything else has been changed.

So it’s an engine bug or CPU can’t handle it or what could cause that?

It adds the Series S|X logo to the game in the store :sweat_smile:

In both instances, whether it’s a FPS Boost title or Gen 9 Aware update, the game doesn’t have access to any of the IPC or architectural improvements in the GPU. So these games are essentially running on a 12TF GCN GPU. If you go back to my older Eidos FPS Boost video (linked below), you’ll see a lot of the drops seem related to, post processing, transparency effects and possibly shader performance? You’ll notice it happens with tall grass, hunter view, volumetric lighting, and water. Whatever is causing the issue, it’s on the GPU side. We actually saw slight drops in some of the same areas on the One X version, though that was a bit more stable if I remember correctly.

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Yep, I think this was just a case of wanting bring the increased FPS to their PS5 players and figured they’d do the same patch for XSX/XSS. I do wonder if the XSS version had its resolution changed, since it seemed to have some head room. Do we know if they changed the resolution on the PS5 or XSS? My understanding is that there were a few bugs later in the game caused by FPS Boost where the sequences were a pain to get past unless you did hacky things. So at least this should clean that up.

I strongly believe this is the same situation as Jedi Fallen Order’s “next-gen” patch. Back in January EA released a patch that improved the performance when running the game on backwards compatible mode on both next-gen consoles, but since Microsoft’s consoles handle BC in a much better way, the SX got a graphics mode that the PS5 could not get.

Later in June a native next-gen version was released on both Xbox and PlayStation. Said graphics mode was finally added for PS players, but the Xbox version had no changes at all.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider was already running at 4K60FPS thanks to One X enhancements + FPS Boost, but the PS5 version was not. Since they were working on the PS5 patch anyway, they also published an update for the Xbox version, kind of making FPS Boost obsolete while not adding anything else.

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The Series S did not get a resolution boost, it’s the same 900p numbers found on the One S. I don’t believe we’ve ever seen a resolution boost in a gen 9 aware update though. (Edit: I am wrong see ganaconda’s post below) The series X is also the same 2016p resolution as last gen. The PS5 does see a resolution improvement going from 1872p on the Pro up to 2160p on the PS5, both using checkerboard rendering. Not sure if Sony’s cross gen tools allow resolution adjustments or if the game used a dynamic resolution and that is how it’s now 2160p.

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I don’t think that’s true. If so, it’s surprising because it is definitely something that is allowed. I don’t have a list in front of me (not sure there is even a handy one out there), but Ori and ME: Legendary Edition are two Gen9Aware games that come to mind which provide different resolution options over last gen. Granted those are games with multiple modes so it may not be fully apples to apples, but that’s actually more complicated than just changing the resolution.

Edit: Sea of Thieves is another (only XSS)

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