Rumor: Sony is remaking Horizon: Zero Dawn

Although sonys stock has tanked. I think we are seeing Sony’s financial restraints play out.


Well, stock is tanking everywhere. Nintendo is at 47b for example.

The problem is that with Sony there is no much potential to growth. I do wonder if Sony is dependent on stock price or not. Because Microsoft is not dependent much on its price.

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Its feeling more and more like a self inflicted wound. XBOX competition came out of syllabus this generation for them.


They 100% did not expect Xbox being that strong. They did not think that Microsoft would back Xbox that much. Sony will have to align with some tech giant sooner or later. Google as a potential candidate? Because they are burning bridges with Microsoft for sure.


As I said in my above post. It Looks like Sony doesn’t have a lot in the pipeline or things are not going according to plans. They are mainly relying on 2nd or 3rd party money hats.


Now imagine if they did not have Square Enix deals…


All their games were perfectly aligned to come out in 2020/21/22 and now all their studios are at the beginnings of new projecta


I think the expectations were basically to outsell Xbox at launch as fast as possible with all their deals - as without delays most of the games (or rather all the games first or third party) would come out in 2022-2021.


Most of them were delayed too. At this point I mean we don’t really know what’s on the plate from Sony this generation, apart from the moneyhats and Wolverine game.


Right!! It’s interesting that Sony still didn’t have a 1st party showcase for 2023

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Literally carrying them next year. Next year, only Spider-Man 2 is coming. Oh and Faction.

Co op aspect sounds amazing for this franchise but it does not need to be a remaster or remake. Just add it to the base game.

That’ll be 10 dollars



Too reasonable for Jim Ryan. Just tell gamers “it was too ambitious” to add multiplayer to the existing game. $60…call it Horizon Forbidden West - The Co-Op Mode Tales…and there you go. Sea of Thieves killah!


It’s funny because it could be real :joy:

God I hope this isn’t real. Makes the TLOU remake look essential.

Since this all seems to be based on if the games have upcoming movies and/or TV series, im pretty sure that Days Gone is getting a movie which means like the game, it will end on a cliffhanger yet they’ll remaster the damn thing but I can’t get my Days Gone 2!!! Fuck off Jimbo!!! :rage:

Also, there’s so many PS and PS 2 games that SHOULD be remade but nope. SMH.

On a somewhat positive not, while it’s not for me, a co-op Horizon monster hunter style game where you hunt the machines in co-op actually could be pretty cool but they’ll probably fuck it up.


Guerilla Games pivots from a long line of Killzone games to big success with Horizon, a creative new IP that’s totally different from their previous work.

What does Sony learn from this? Don’t create new IP ever again, become Horizon factory until the end of time. :upside_down_face:

Why? It was overrated for its time and the new game makes it obsolete.

This new Sony is just bumming the late PS4/ PS4 gen too much. They’ve got tons of classic PS2 games they could remaster or give Bluepoint style remake. SOTC being one.

Remake ICO. Remake Legend of Dragoon…Remake one of the Jak and Daxter games…Hell…remake Killzone 2.

Horizon? Thats 70 bucks saved for me.