Rumor: More games from SE coming to Xbox Game Pass

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its not Balan Wonderworld. MS won’t pay for shit like that.

I have a feeling avengers will be one of them. The game is probably pretty dead and they need the players.

Just more players who’ll play it and realize how bad it is. Making it go free isn’t going to make the game good. Avengers isn’t some niche IP or unknown licensed game. If the game was good it would have more players. And the thing with Gamepass is…if people don’t like it they’ll move on far more quickly than someone who spent money on it and wanted to give it a chance.

I have nothing against SE trying to get this game to be succesful…they’ve invested a ton of money in it…but the reality is the game is just mediocre. Unless they completely revamp or do a similar(but not to the scale) relaunch of it like FFXIV it will never be the game they thought it was going to be.

If Square somehow manage to sell the Avengers campaign as an standalone for $39.99 it would sell a lot, in my opinion. Throw in a $19.99 multiplayer DLC which will unlock all the post-game shenanigans and characters and then they are set.

I really, really, really liked the campaign.

You mean at launch? yeah sure that might have been better. The game should have been cheaper at launch.

But now? The FULL game is going down to 30 on sale and will probably stay there. Noone in their right mind should pay more than 30 for this. They even slowed down grinding which is something Free to Play games do of this type.

Avengers will be Free to play by the end of the year. I am absolutely certain of that or a free to play version will exist. Game will probably cycle out of Gamepass and PSnow/psplus or something

Sony and Square might do one last “push” when Spiderman comes out. Heres the problem…thats just on 1 platform. Does fuck all for other players.