Rumor: Early stages of RE8 development has performance differences between XSX and PS5

Eh, not really a comparison you can make. Since it’s an entirely different gpu architecture. A disparity in stream processors/compute units in one architecture may not be as pronounced as a disparity in another architecture.

I personally ain’t worried about it one way or the other. I’ll be investing in Series X regardless, so I feel confident in that version. Bring it to me!

God I can’t wait for the DF comparisons

Wouldn’t the same apply to XSX? Time game in development for both platforms should be the same, no?

I think that people are missing the point here.

It’s not pointing that game will be bad or worse on PS5, it’s pointing that it takes a lot more work on PS5 than it does on XSX. This means it’s easier to develop for xbox which helps it become primary platform.

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Easy to develop for does not mean you won’t have issues. Engines are transitioning with new interfaces and new way of doing things for a specific platform. This is not as big of an issue as people should make it out to be. It is still early in development, let devs have time with hardware. A multitude of things can be a reason why this is happening at this time that’s just not the tools. At the end of the day, the game will release with its performance. Shouldn’t judge a game this early in development.

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This is probably because the PS5 development kit might not be quite there yet.

With that being said, I do expect the XSX version to be better.

I’m expecting to see many more titles that have issues on lower res on PS5 vs running completely smooth at higher res on Series X. It’s just the start

The switch is easy to develop for but it’s still underpowered compared to other consoles (I still love the switch though).

Interesting rumor/info, but theres still a lot of dev time to go so theres really no point in speculating… If its the case closer to this thing actually releasing, then there is reason to be concerned on the Sony side.

If something is super easy to use, but gives you a lot of trouble that it ends up taking you longer to achieve the same goal as on the “harder to use” tools which one is harder then? Just having to deal with dynamic aspect of the system tells you that you will need to consider more things and will have more issues.

No, we shouldn’t judge a game in development, but it doesn’t stop anyone from judging Halo Infinite build which is also from about 8 months from release. So just for sake of not having double standards.

This just got a lot more interesting.


Seems like he’s really confident about them aiming for 1080p/60. So 4k/60 vs 1080p/60~…much worse than 1080p vs 720p, lol. How the tables have turned…


With time there will be more demanding games bigger and far more ambitious you will see even more differences later down the road. But those in denial will blame the devs…


Your first point is stated in a way that we don’t have all the variables. Easier to work with in comparison to what? PS5 ← PS4, XSX ← X1X, or PS5 and X1X, what part is easier, how much time was dedicated, where are the devkits in their development because they aren’t finished, etc…

There are a lot here that we don’t know and you can’t deduce from what was being stated. The variable clock stuff shouldn’t be that much of an issue as their engine works on PC… But they could have issues putting stuff into their engine to make it work. Xbox could be brute forcing stuff as it is more powerful… We don’t know and won’t know. These are things that we won’t be privy to because no one talks about engine development transitions that much during launches.

Judging a game that has been marketed by its publisher is one thing, judging development based on a rumor is another.

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I can honestly see Lockhart matching PS5 performance on some games - maybe even at 1440p. With xCloud there can be some real magic going on.

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Seems like there will be a lot to cover for Digital Foundry: lockhart, series x, ps 5, nvidia and gpus with and without rt cores.

Not a shock, Series x is more powerful, and specs that actually show differences on the screen. PS5 having a higher freq GPU is not going to help. The Xbox one had a faster GPU and faster CPU as far as freq goes and that did not help it close the gap.

Series X is going to have a huge GPU advantage and the additional CUs are going to be a big advantage in ray tracing.

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No. Not at all. Don’t be ridiculous now. Lol.

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The same source that offered this info literally also said PS5 was super easy to dev for btw. So you are in the clear on this! :wink:

I remember when people doubted Xbox one X with 4K ability…Xbox series X gonna do same when digital foundry gets there hands on it.