Review | Forza Motorsport

My only main complaint that really gets to me is quick resume is broken, and I had to redo some stuff because of this.

Am I crazy or alone in those comparison pics above that I can tell FM7 textures are higher res, but it looks less true to life? Like I prefer the FM pics to a degree?


Yeah but that is not the texture look of the road you get from cockpit view. There its the usual tilted view of a plane needing of good filtering. Almost none of the detail you showed is visible ingame.

FM7 has better texture filtering.

And thats my problem, there are no races longer than say 6 laps on a short track. Its not a bug but design. In FM7 there was a setting where you could select longer races in the career mode. Nothing here. But at least now we have training so overall its a bit longer for every event. I think i know which race on Maple Valley you mean. It is fun indeed and the transition from fog to clear view nice. But don’t look in the rearview mirror.


This is annoying, I ended up doing the practice for one race 3 times because it forgot i had completed it.

Yeah, I liked that you had options before for shorter, normal or longer races.

I think of it like this.

This is pretty much a platform now, they will add tons and tons of content over the years and add stuff due to user feedback probably much like Sea of Thieves.

The key is they completely nailed the driving/physic/handling of the game so that even mundane races are really really fun.

Imagine this game after a year of tweaks and added content? Even right now it is addictive and a fun racer on day one and that is probably the toughest part of what they had to do.

I’m also seemingly baffled about people complaining about the graphics. On my Series X playing in quality mode the game looks near phot realistic,

The random dirt/dust and track garbage is great, the lighting is utterly amazing, the car models look really good to me and it is just the best looking racing game I’ve seen.

I’m not sure what problems the game has on other systems but on my Series X in my home the game is a flat out looker.


Agree with this. Generally.

I do think though there is a problem (potentially) in releasing full priced games as ‘platforms for future stuff’. I don’t buy the argument that it needs to be ‘as feature and content complete as the last game in the series’ but I also think that the issue with many games is that if they don’t capture an audience early and keep a core of it they struggle and whilst as a gamepass subscriber I love FM - if I’d just paid £70 for it - would I feel the same way? Maybe. But I do think critique at launching full price with ‘content to come’ is not entirely unfair.

Its almost like we need a new games pricing structure because for me its pretty crazy to pay at launch the same for Starfield (with more content than I could ever manage) and FM which clearly is not in the same boat…

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Even if the texture filtering were the same between both games, the textures would still look worse in FM because the texture resolution is lower than the older game. For being developed on a system with more available memory, I don’t understand why this is the case.

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They allocated the memory budget to other things.

Yea pretty silly to pick out something like this but not understand all the newer things FM is doing with lighting and RT and car handling physics.

Supposedly we are getting a patch this week?

Will see how it fairs post patch in terms of bug fixing and such. Really need quick resume fixed.

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Did they say what the patch will cover ?

I have tried the stock Peugeot 205 on Lime Rock Park with all assist off and what a rocket! So unsafe and fun!. It is hard to believe that that car was road legal!

Also the first car I rolled over, there should be an achievement for that :sweat_smile:


Well there it is officially!

Awesome they fixed the washed out color glitch, going to update and play some more tonight

Need to know if quick resume is fixed or not!

Played several racss on the new patch and the brightness gui control fix was huge. Now thwt you can properly configure the HDR and brightness controls I got the color to really pop and the blacks levels are great while still looking great.

It looked good before butmit seems none of your changes actually applied even after a restart.

The game looks much better now.

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Actually I did mention RT by bringing up the BVH. Physics isn’t something that’s going to consume much memory at all either. I don’t think it’s silly at all to discuss a newer game having lower resolution textures than a 6 year old game on an older system with less memory.

Awesome, glad they are tackling issues quickly. Hopefully they actually change the upgrade system eventually instead of just making it less of a grind. I’m sure they have bigger priorities, so I appreciate them addressing it in some way.

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The upgrade system is fine IMO - I know one of your criticisms is that ‘you’ are not able to hit max level for a car before a particular series is over, but I know that it is absolutely doable. Like I mentioned before, I get close to 40s before the series is over and I mess up A LOT (like getting closer to 1.0 scores too frequently). And I haven’t seen droves of content creators bring it up as an issue either :man_shrugging:t4:

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My criticm isn’t just because the max level can’t be reached in a single series. The whole concept goes against their claims of valuing creative freedom. If I need to grind to level up my car to upgrade it how I want, how is that creative freedom? This is especially true when I still need to bother with the upgrade path no matter how much time I put into the game. They could at least let the player pick what category to prioritize unlocking upgrades. If my car is bad at handling or acceleration, let me focus on unlocking upgrades in those categories. Makes no sense to force every car down the same upgrade path when every car doesn’t share the same strengths and weaknesses. Thankfully I’m not the only one who hates this system and I hope those in the racing community keep speaking up against it. Watch any sim racer channel, I haven’t seen one that’s a fan of thois system.


Your Youtube algorithm must be feeding you all the negative videos or something :laughing:

There has absolutely been a very mixed reaction to the upgrade system, but I also found sim racer channels that think it is fine.

The issues that you have mentioned with the upgrade system can be adjusted without gutting the system itself.

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