Review | Forza Motorsport

Now you made me sit in my console peasant living room, crying. I wish I too can one day be a core consumer.

Yeah, if Microsoft wants to improve pc install base then they’ll need to invest in support studios for pc ports. I don’t think Microsoft wants to build a reputation of bad ports because it has hurt some Japanese companies on the pc side . Also, first impressions are important, so if you lose them early . Then You won’t get back unless deep sale.


They need to either buy a dedicated PC-porting support studio, or expand their existing ATG team to have personnel dedicated to their PC ports that can assist their other studios.

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Have yet to run into any issues on console so far.

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Is there an option to add AI racers to a private online game?

I was racing with a friend who was playing for the first time, and I could not find it so we had to race just eachother and he had no fun. :wink:

Horizon is pretty awesome on PC, same engine, so I don’t know why Turn10 haven’t kept that going. I’m not sure they should buy dedicated porting studios, that might work if the PC ports were delayed.

This review nails my feelings about the game.


I think it’s just the bubbling up of anti Xbox resentment lately. Starfield went through the same crap.

I’ve played more of Forza MS since early access then probably the last 3 mainline forza games combined. The driving model/physic and graphics are the best I have ever played of a racing game. They actually made boring old road racers on the same tracks we’ve all raced for decades REALLY FUCKING FUN.

I never expected this one to grab me like that, I usually bounce off of mainline Forza games after a week or so as they were getting kind of boring.

It’s also stupid to compare this to games that have been out for years and have been patched up.

I would LOVE a rally game built with this Driving and graphics engine. They really nailed the weight and feel of the cars.


There are faults with Forza, but I feel everything is way overblown and there’s an unnecessary microscope when viewing this game. I think the core gameplay is very good and it handles well. However, i find some valid concerns like AI, lack of tracks, progression system, and a few other things. However, I find it false when somebody says the game doesn’t drive well


I said months ago in another thread that Turn10 should make a game with a new name, maybe “Microsoft Drive Simulator” I think this is the game.

Missing Road Atlanta needs to be added ASAP.

That being said cracked opened my new Stellar Shift controller this week, and alls I’ve been playing is Forza here and Forza there.

30 mins left on the dishes? Let’s do a practice run and then a race. Just moved laundry to the dryer? Well I got a few mins so let’s put on my MS headset and get to racing.

Put the little one to sleep and waifu is grinding her grad school work? Time to race.

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I’ve been playing it. By far my favourite Motorsport to date.

I’m in love with the way the campaign works. Online discourse from players would have you believe this is awful. They just want to buy cars with cash and upgrade it all in one shot. How is that fun?

Do people forget how fun it was to upgrade your car slowly car in something like NFS Underground?

Anyways, I’ve been playing this one cup and my Eclipse is already level 15. One Cup. It takes at most a few hours of playtime with a car to fully unlock it. If you like the car, why would you get upset with this.

The best thing about the game is the upgrades! NO MORE CASH, just XP. Now you earn more coin and don’t have to waste it on upgrades, just buy more cars if you want.


I think it’s a brilliant game and I really only have one complaint and that is the AI. Everything is has been nailed.

Like any game Xbox releases half the people love it and the other half pretend to hate it whilst playing it all hours they possibly can……

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More than 11 hours in so far and I’m relatively mixed on it. The driving feels better than ever before but the AI is absolutely horrible. I’ll look at the race results and maybe see one or two AI with a penalty. I don’t understand how this is possible when the AI essentially acts like they are in bumper cars. At least the game has a proper career. I was under the impression and even directly told the game would entirely rely on weekly events for the career. Glad that’s just an add on to the regular career since that’s what I mostly buy FM games for.

The graphics looks great. I like how they increased the bloom on the lights, that’s been something I wished they’d improve for a few games now. The dynamic weather and TOD is really nice. That does a great job providing some dynamism from one lap to the next. The changes to the motion blur help the sense of speed and the environmental effects like rain and fog add some nice depth to the scene. The RT is impressive and surprisingly, I think the RTAO adds more to the game than the RT reflections. Impressive they got two effects running at 60fps even if it’s sub-4K. The TAA used also does a great job cleaning up the shimmering that plagued every previous game.

Unfortunately as good as the game looks it’s nowhere near what they showed at their showcase last year. I don’t understand why they felt the need to be deceptive when the game looks as good as it does. Textures is one part that confuses me when the roads are blurrier than the roads in FM7. Maybe they needed to reserve memory for the BVH for the RT or maybe it’s a bug that’s not properly using the high rez texture pack on the Series X version. This is exactly why I keep saying they need to have more transparency with their trailers, showing the actual game running on a console dev kit and clearly stating in the trailer what the demo is running on. Will be interesting to see how it evolves over the years.

Last the upgrade system needs to go. It’s bad and goes against everything they’ve said about valuing player creativity. The career is also completely at odds to their “built not bought” slogan when every new series so far has forced me to buy a new car while my previous car is far from being maxed out. In any previous FM, I’d have more freedom to how I want to upgrade my car than I do in this one. I’m glad so many reviewers and sim youtubers have spoken out against this upgrade model. My hope is people keep talking about how bad it is that they eventually change it.

At the end of the day, the gameplay, graphics, car/track options are all great but there are a number of design and marketing choices that negatively impact these accomplishments imo. This is also yet another GaaS game that has a number of bugs that will hopefully be addressed sooner than later. It’s a good game but could have been better without these self inflicted flaws.


I just wish they would use the dynamic TOD or weather (which is really excellent) in longer races in the career. So far nothing. FM7 had some epic long races. Yes, I know, you can build something in Free Play. But its just not the same.

I dont think its memory size. Seems more like really bad texture filtering.

I didn’t know this was a thing since my longest race so far has been 4 or 5 laps. Hopefully it’s a bug that is fixed because that’s disappointing. Had a cool experience on Maple Valley where it was heavy with fog for the first few laps and cleared up over time. It was a really nice effect.

Unfortunately it’s not the filtering. When looking directly at the textures, they look lower rez. I tried to remove the high rez texture pack to see if it’s a bug but it appears the system won’t let me remove it.


I actually was able to uninstall the high resolution texture pack and it does negatively impact the texture quality further. So the lower resolution textures don’t appear to be from a bug. Below is an a shot with the texter pack uninstalled.

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I agree on the AI. It’s horrible.

The rest though I disagree with in the main. I like the car upgrade system.

I don’t think they’ve been egregiously disingenuous either. The game looks great. I mean would have been better to show gameplay but people demand these vertical slices for shows that mean often devs have to guess what will make it for final product. I have sympathy with them there.

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For wheel drivers this force feedback setup video is great. My wheel feels amazing now with most of the cars.


I get maybe not hitting visual targets on console but there’s no excuse for the PC. Even on console there’s little room for excuse when they released that trailer well within the second year of the generation, so it’s not like they didn’t have a good idea of the spec capabilities when creating it. Usually when we see games fall this short of the vertical slice, like what we saw with the infamous Witcher 3 or Watch Dogs downgrades, it’s when trailers are presented before the systems are released and dev kits are incomplete, requiring a bit of guess work. Again, this was well in the second year.

This misleading trailer was on top of their other claims that didn’t turn out true, like it being 4K60 with RT on console. It’s not a vertical slice problem, it’s a deceptive marketing problem. Let’s call a spade a spade here. I’m all for defending developers and always give them the benefit of the doubt. However no one forced them to create a trailer running on an Uber high end PC, limit it to 2-3 cars per scene so they can jack up the RT quality beyond what would be possible in the final game with 24 cars while using assets that were never going to be in the launch version of the track. I guarantee you they knew what they were doing while they had an existing Xbox build (since that was the lead platform on this game) that looks nowhere close to the trailer they were producing. The more we excuse this behavior, the more likely they are to do it again.


That special Forza feeling in a JDM themed race when every single livery on the grid is either an anime girl or something Paul Walker drove in F&F. :ok_hand: