Review | Forza Motorsport

Halo Infinite did not launch in a superb state. The game shipped with 4 modes (Bootcamp, Quick Play, Ranked Arena and BTB) and the matchmaking for big team battle stopped working mid December '21, a week after the game officially came out and 343i couldn’t identify the problem and only fixed it 2 (!) months later. I was losing connections occasionally at launch. ‘Desync’ was a huge problem, I haven’t experienced it in recent months but some folks are still reporting it.

I do agree with your premise however, we cannot expect sequel to feature match and content match their precedessors, simply not realistic… But from my point of view, it’s generally more worthwhile to check out games that came out a couple years ago after they received fixes and substantial content updates. You get a far richer experience free of frustrations.

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I know, I know that Forza plays very well with the controller, but having already a steering wheel and decent pedals I got myself a sim racing monitor stand.

Very happy with the result. Very portable and comfy.


GT is like racing with a stick up the cars ass and you move the car with the stick. Ridge Racer did that as well. I cannot believe people think GT is a SIM racer with that kind of car movement.

MS nailed 100% the driving model here and even basic races are really fun with this driving model and the many different track conditions/weather/time of day.

It launched in better shape then Halo and Sea of thieves hopefully it goes the Sea of Thieves route for those that do not like the current game although I did really like the Halo SP campaign.

But they nailed the REALY important stuff with Forza and they can certainly flesh out the rest over time.

I’ve already played more hours of Forza MS since early access then probably the last 3 mainline Forza game combined in total.

The minute to minute gameplay is incredibly fun and addicting.

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I think FM should also have the option to have a fixed 3rd person camera like Gran Turismo. FM looks better and more dramatic because of its dynamic camera, but as the person in the video commented, it might give the player unnecessary feedback that the player overcorrects.

I mean, I dont know anything about racing or what the ass end of a car is supposed to look like while doing so, but GT looks like the world is just rotating around the car.

That said, I play from the cockpit view, so I dont really car about what they are showing.


I feel this video did a better job describing what the other guy was talking about

I don’t play these games enough to give an informed opinion but just from watching I definitely prefer Forza’s approach with the camera, it makes it feel far more “alive” or something?

It makes GT’s static camera look incredibly dull

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If people talk about realism in racing sims. What is your reference point for this? I never driven a Lambo or Ferrari in real life. My only halfway decent comparison would be my own BMW inline six engine which at least sounds like in Forza. But i have never driven my own car to the limit on a corner or on a race track like the Nürburgring (maybe i should do this!).

I think the new Forza Motorsport feels better to drive with a controller than Forza Motorsport 7. But is it more realistic? I have no idea.

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No, that stick in the ass camera and car movement is completely horrible and looks like some old school rolling arcade game where the car didn’t actually move but the track moved under the car. It’s really bad and should not be picked up by anyone.

It’s like your car is a popsicle on a stick and the road is moving under the popsicle instead of the car moving independently on the road like cars do in real life.

My reference point is cars don’t drive like they have a sitck up their ass and is being controlled by that stick while the road moves under the car instead of in the real world where the cars move independently on the road itself.

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But keep in mind while you feel inertial forces when you drive the car, you’re always in the same fixed position relative to the car. Gran Turismo’s static 3rd person camera follows the same principle, that’s why some people might prefer it. By contrast, one could argue, FM’s more dynamic camera might be better at reflecting the inertial forces acting on the car, depending how the movement of the camera is calculated (I don’t know that) and that additional feedback might be useful.

I don’t have a stake here, GT7 looks super artificial when watching someone else playing, I haven’t played a Gran Turismo game since GT4 so I don’t know. It would be cool if Forza had an option for those who prefer the static camera, it wouldn’t hurt I think.

The game is fun and I’m not usually a sim racer guy(prefer Forza Horizon). But yeah, Microsoft needs to do better PC ports. IMO, they should buy a studio that do PC ports similar to that one studio Sony has, puts less burden on other studios trying to QA both Xbox and PC at the same time.


Yea no thanks, agree to disagree, stick in the ass camera reminds me of REALLY old mechanical arcade racers where a plastic car was being pivoted left and right while the road map was spinning under the car. It looks and feels silly if we are talking about a game that is supposed to be a sim racer.

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Yeah, it’s a pretty big deal. PC gamers willingly spend multiple thousands of dollars on dedicated gaming hardware and as such are more core consumers than console owners.

I spend 99% of my gaming time and money on PC. What do you think happens to my revenue stream to Microsoft if they reduce investment in their PC strategy? That I’ll just switch over to console? Lmao. Not in a thousand years. I don’t want to game in my living room pretty much EVER.

So sure, lol PC all you want, but your console market is both orders of magnitude smaller than the PC market and it is actively shrinking. Don’t be surprised when consoles start getting the bad ports in the future.


For the PCMR!


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You mean the third person camera? Ok i see that. But i drive Forza Motorsport almost always only in cockpit view (like in real life).

My question about realism of the sim was more broader about the car handling.

It originated with GT4, it’s the weirdest thing. GT3 and the earlier games have a much more conventional chase camera.

The other weird thing is that GT Sport had chase camera options that you could configure to be a little less stiff and more like other games, but then those options didn’t make it into GT7 that I could find.

Easily the worst thing about playing GT7 for me. I like to play with chase camera but in that game it just feels terrible.

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Yep. These are things that always get glossed over for Sony games while Forza gets raked over the coals for less.

I just assume that people either don’t notice or are okay with the way Gran Turismo does it. It was an intentional change that has stuck around for four games now… someone must prefer it!

I sincerely hope nobody puts you in charge of decision-making at anything, ever.

Yeah, that’s reserved for core consumers.
