Review | Forza Motorsport

Haters be damned

I’m on the Series S in performance mode on my couple years old now 4K TCL 6 Series and the game looks and plays like a dream.

(I might be in between doing dish loads, have 30 mins to burn, and decided to set my shit forward to UK time to play! Lol)


For people still searching for the best ingame settings for HDR on Xbox Series :

  • for HDR lighting, use your usual maximum nits setting for your TV and add 150 to it (my screen is only 600 nits so I set it to 750). There’s a discrepancy on Xbox so this setting is 150 lower than normal (explained in a video)
  • for lighting, 50 is OK or you can go a bit lower for a more realistic tone. For me, 40 is perfect. I saw other put it at 35 but I think it’s a bit too dark for my tastes. Don’t go lower than 25 though.

One thing I’m not seeing much people talk about but I have found is pretty important is how the tracks look legit worn, tire marks, dirt coming from the edge onto the road, cars kicking up dust when they cross over to the grass,

This is really great and adds a lot to the immersion, I still see in GT7 videos how the roads look pristine most of the time and how static things are. In Forza the random dirt/dust and roadside variety is truly top notch and the best I’ve ever seen. One other major thing is road patches, I’ve seen on nearly every road random patches that are a different road color showing that they paved over old pot holes or old spots. This just looks WAY way more realistic. It’s also great how during the after the race the cars have dings and dents on them and that happens in real time when you scrape another car or hit a rail.

The game looks super awesome but it is purposely more dirty and more random to be a lot more life like than roads that look like they just got paved and no one has driven on them.

I just love how worn and used the roads look instead of some perfect sheen black road that has never been touched.

These are little things that I’m not hearing anyone else talk about but they add up greatly to present a much more realistic looking and feeling driving experience.

Previous Forza’s and the Horizon series always went with an almost cartoon over saturation color but in Forza MS they 100% nailed the real look of real racing with a much more natural color tone.


Yea this came in hot too lol, at least on PC and on the Career mode.

Tried to run it on “High” and 200% resolution scaling and it was running at 20ish FPS on a 3080, it feels like some graphical settings are bugged, like DLSS, i’ll just run it on “Automatic” until it gets fixed, it looks definitely worse than FH5 but that’s life, and some circuits actually look nice, but others, eh…

It’s also not uncommon to get crashes, bugs, or graphical glitches.

The Career mode is underbaked, compared to other Forzas or Formula 1 games it’s a couple steps behind, the AI’s laughable at times, specially when they are close to each other or to you, the race start is crazy with some cars braking in the first straight for no reason and others forgetting to brake at the end of the straight.

Delta seems bugged, i can’t see my lap time comparison in each moment like in F1, i have to wait for each sector, there’s a delta option in configuration but it doesn’t seem to do anything?, also use milliseconds to see the gap between your car and others for the love of god, this is not mario kart.

And while practices are good, at least for me, fuck, put the Qualifying right after it, what’s even the point on putting practices but not qualifying lol.

Luckily the multiplayer seems it is in a better state, it also has Quali and you don’t have to face that AI, mixed with the great gameplay, it sounds great, haven’t tested it but from now on i’ll focus on that. Also great for T10 for the “Configuration” option on the cars, so you can download the config from other people, F1 has to copy this option ASAP.

Unpopular opinion probably but im starting to get tired of MS’s games releasing in a meh state, Starfield was acceptable, it had bugs but it was understandable due to how big it is, also it was the most polished BGS game and you could tell they worked hard on releasing a good product on release, same goes for Forza Horizon.

But then, Redfall was mediocre both on performance and as a game, Halo Infinite released with a half baked multiplayer mode that took months to get fixed, and a rushed campaign that simply couldn’t get fixed, you could tell the first mission was carefully handcrafted while the next hours were rushed.

Wasteland 3, as much as i love CRPG’s, was absolutely unplayable on release, absurd load times that were a coinflip because many times the game would simply get stuck on the load screen and you had to wait 3-5 mins on there to confirm it wouldn’t load, there were also some game breaking bugs, had to wait for christmas to end it.

And now Forza, even with less cars and tracks and over a 6 years development time, it still releases on a meh state with a poor campaign, it’s actually sitting at 40% positive reviews on Steam, totally unacceptable imo.


Where can i find my usual Forza stats (km, # of rollovers etc.)?

Honestly, I feel this is the current state of gaming where it’s release hot and update later. However , I am a big believer that first impressions are everything , so when you release a half baked game it’s hard to retain players.

However, I don’t think it’s common for Microsoft games to release hot because I think it’s only been games you’ve mentioned, but I am not liking this current trend


Started playing last night and got two or three hours in. It’s a gorgeous game though there seems to be a few little issues with lighting. Still the racing is excellent and having settled on about the 6th level of difficulty on the AI, I’m finding it plenty difficult when I start around 12th. I’m more a forza horizon type of racer but I can see myself keeping it on my system and playing a couple of times a week as it’s a very good experience

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Halo infinite was very polished. I think that the post is listing a bunch of games that have a variety of issues but they aren’t linked.

Halo infinite had free MP that 343 couldn’t keep up with the required content additions . But it launched in a superb state.

FM is a bit content light but the game has nailed the gameplay loop in a way no other racer comes close to. It’s not released ‘hot’ it’s just a game that is intended to be added to for a long time.

Redfall was just a bad game. It has nothing to do with anything else.


Microsoft is definitely having a rough couple of releases at least when it comes to Steam User Reviews. It’s for different reasons for each game (Halo Infinite missed audience expectations for content and structure, Redfall just sucked, Starfield a mix of missed/mismanaged expectations, unflattering technical quality, and poor PC performance, and Forza Motorsport underbaked features and mixed PC performance) but the outcome is the same: bad end user reviews.

Xbox really, REALLY needs to produce better PC ports from a technical perspective. They own the friggin’ OS for fucks sake. Why did Starfield and Halo Infinite launch with AMD partnerships? Starfield isn’t even in the first set of games to receive FSR 3 so what exactly was the point? Just to screw over Nvidia users (the majority on PC) for some extra money? Well you’re gonna get your ass handed to you in reviews if you do that, and lo and behold they’re getting their ass handed to them in reviews.

Sorry for posting all this in the Forza Motorsport thread. I just needed to get that all off my chest. DO BETTER MICROSOFT!


Halo Infinite needed an extra year, maybe not performance wise since the game after all was very simple graphically, but it didn’t even come with coop, the multiplayer had clear flaws, you couldn’t even choose what mode to play IIRC, map number was so low too, etc.

And the campaign was obviously rushed, gameplay was fun but ye…

And FM while it’s a GaaS, as of right not, it’s not doing anything that the previous FM’s weren’t doing, the gameplay feels better than on most T10’s games so far, but that’s not an excuse to need 6+ years instead of the 2 years prequels were needing, or to come with less content overall (cars, tracks, campaign…), or to be released in such poor state performance wise, with bugs, crashes or graphical glitches.

This said, while i didn’t find the Career mode to be any special and i wouldn’t recommend it over F1 for example, i just tried the multiplayer yesterday and it was simply perfect.

At first i didn’t understand why couldn’t we just join a race instead of having to wait for a fixed starting time, but the practices and qualifying are nice, so it really makes sense, also racing against humans is another world vs the campaign with a bad AI. It feels even better with a controller than F1.

If they manage to put a good ELO system (is there any right now?), this game will age well, managed to win my first race, i was already thinking i was gifted at this game but then i had a reality check on my second one, lasted 5th, yet still i had a lot of fun, the only con is that right now there’s a huge skill gap between racers, but the game just released so it’s normal.


I don’t think it was very polished, but there was no technical issue and more about content for Halo. I feel you can’t release a live service game that barebone, and Forza Motorsport might be in similar shoes.

Yeah, they need to kill this AMD partnership because so far it has only helped AMD tbh. Unsure, if it’s game quality, technical issues or people just not liking the games, but it’s a bad look to have low steam reviews. I know at the end of the day these games are on PC gamepass and people can play it themselves, but I feel if PC gamers feel they’re getting burned then less will purchase games from Microsoft studios on Steam.

I think part of the problem is the idea that a game has to launch exactly as its parent games did 20 years ago. I mean Halo Infinite is a good example - the MP was free. Completely and entirely free. It didn’t cost a penny. And it was absolutely amazing quality and - yes content was light but it was still by far the highest quality free to play MP FPS launch ever. Its just that 343 didn’t have a proper roadmap. However, the comparison to features in say Halo 3 misses the point that today the development is much more expensive, lengthy and difficult and the nature and models are also different, directly reflected in the pricing of the game.

I can accept MORE the FM critique in that its a full priced game - but it has always been pitched as a platform for the next period that will be added to and again previously such a games release model didn’t exist. This idea that the game has to come with all the content a previous version did is completely silly - if we adopt that then we end up at the modular, but full priced COD/FC style factory of annual releases that are more or less the same game.

I mean Sony have practically got around this by abandoning any efforts to release MP as part of their games (why aren’t people demanding their games release with the same features they used to?) but now are having to pivot to a GAAS model too and struggling very badly with that.

MS has less GAAS in their portfolio that pretty much anyone but it makes sense for FM to be like that and I don’t really see why it needs the same ‘amount of launch content’ as say FM5 given such a move would add several more years onto development - the reality is that delivering what they have has taken one of the best and most solid studios in the world 6 years. They haven’t been having a laugh and half assing it during that time. This is just the reality of games development now.

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So a game runs badly, Microsoft gets hate, then nvidia releases the usual game update and it gets 30% boost in framerate and Nvidia gets praise. Well I have been swinging between AMD and Nvidia chips all my life and I am kinda fedup of nvidia doing this. This has been happening all my life, nothing to do with AMD partnership.

And you are asking Microsoft to deal with this and do what? … switching to nvidia? They are control freaks. They always have try to add technology that close the market… physics, gsync, dlss, you name it. The list is very long.

I have a 3070 on my laptop but honestly Im fed up of nvidia bullshit. They are like the epic store, leeching and trying to turn the PC into a walled garden under their control.

I hope I have not offended anyone of the green chip cult.


I was thinking no deal and offer better optimization for both. Anyways, they need to figure something out because it seems to be back to back releases of games not running well on PC, which has impacted user impressions.

Interesting video about Forza car handling compared to GT7

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You can actually go down in AI a couple levels if you choose to start from the back. I almost found going from 12th to 24th in terms of starting position was harder than bumping up the AI difficulty level by level.

You really gotta book it up make up the time after you get by the initial pack. Then it’s a slow climb to get around the top few cars.

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Lol PC.

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Thats something i didn’t like about previous Forza single player modes. You had to start from behind and overtake numerous cars in just a couple of laps. Thats not real racing. At least in FM7 you could increase the number of laps (this should be an option in Builders Cup btw).

Now i can adjust the AI level and my starting position to some competetive level where there are interesting duels and so far i have more fun and interesting races than in other Forza Motorsport titles.


This game is so good Find it patheic to see DF want to call Turn 10 out.

The game features the best AI I’ve experienced in a racer since Codemasters grid legends and is by far the most impressive racing game I’ve played on any console todate.

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