Review | Forza Motorsport

I agree with some points, buying the car again and having to unlock levels again is a bit much. But i don’t want the older games manufacturer affinity back. Oh no. That was even more of a grind in FM5, it took me over 80 hours to get one single manufacturer to level 25 in this game.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of the issues can be addressed with an update, but it’s a shame it didn’t launch in a better state for the CaRPG mechanics imo. I really like driving cars in this game, and I am still early. However, I definitely see the issues in that tweet happening to me very soon

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Legit scared with this game’s official release, i’ve been following the Forza threads both on Neogaf (more like Sonygaf and a trash forum overall tho, but a few good users there) and on Resetera and most comments are about very weird bugs, lack of content or bad performance instead about the game itself.

Having some Halo Infinite vibes with the “at least the gameplay is great”. Both studios got 6+ years which should be enough to get the game on a better state.

Seems the campaign is kinda ass, not just for the lack of content it has, or with questionable decissions like not putting qualifying on races there (when it’s available on the multiplayer mode?), but because of a not sure if bad or bugged IA wihch does weird things.

Luckily i didn’t really plan on playing solo too much so i’m happy with the few comments about how the game plays, and i saw some streams on twitch and playing online seems a lot of fun, glad they cared a lot about gamepad users.

Also some of what people’s criticizing the most can be fixed in a few months, like the track surface disappearing, some lighting or visual bugs, the crashes, the trash PC performance… but i don’t understand why did they release this on a early october, didn’t they know about this problems or? If they wanted a 2023 release they could have released it in December and have had a couple extra polishing months.

Overall happy because i understand what matters is the next years we’re going to be spending playing on the game, and the core game seems nice, but if MS is giving studios so many development years, games need to come on a better state on release.

Keep in mind people focus on the negative, the issues they cite might not be prevalent or they might be minor in the grand scheme of things.

The sad reality is then a publisher launches a game as a service, they have to navigate between shipping just enough content and features to make it exciting and then having frequent content and feature drops to keep people engaged over time. So they likely withheld some stuff they could have shipped at launch but will release shortly after.

I think we’ll never see game launches filled to the brim with content and features like we used to, but on the flipside if you jump into a game after two years of updates you can get overwhelmed with what’s there.


The game is great, don’t let doomer forum dwellers get to you.


I think the point is that he’s well known for creating optimized versions of cars all the time, so this is something where it actually will take him 250 hours to unlock that he normally has been able to do in the past. He spends a ton of time in both Forza franchises and I’m sure he’ll spend the time to actually do this, but it’s an annoying time gate that didn’t have to exist. I think they should have done either an unlock for affinity like they’ve had before (but maybe with a much more reasonable amount of effort) or better still unlock for type of car instead of this.


If it’s anything like the criticism against Starfield it falls into one of these categories: Cultist propaganda. Xbox-MS hate. Potato-PC users. Youtube-Twitter gamers.


I need Road Atlanta and Sebring in this game stat.


This is by far my favorite road racing sim game ever made and Ive played most of them over my near 50 years.

The game is amazing and will just improve over time.

The various sonygaf spin off sites will hate on anything xbox related. Dont let them bother you.


The driving feels really, really good. The ‘simcade’ style reminds me of DriveClub, which is one of my favs ever. The force feedback on the controller also works really well.

Also I think I prefer Performance mode over Performance RT.

I LOVE the fact cars have some serious weight to them, why do so many racers screw this up? The game is addictive to play since the basic driving is so fun.


The online mode works great. I have had a lot of fun. I can see myself playing this game daily for years.

I have played with controller but I’m tempted to get a wheel stand like the GT omega apex for my wheel

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Damn I love the shit out of some Driveclub. If this is kinda like that then I’m gonna be more than happy!

This game looks, feels and sounds amazing :exploding_head:

I’m so rusty though…I picked up a lot of bad habits in Forza Horizon that need to be ironed out.


I miss Brands Hatch and Imola.

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60fps + ray tracing :wink: next gen is here.

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Tsukuba, Hockenheimring, Bathurst… Turn 10 better keep em coming. :slightly_smiling_face:


I should have posted this here, wow.

Yea been playing early access on the Series x and its easily the best looking racing game ever. Peolpe are gonna be shocked when people show off more of the game without the washed out lighting bug that made some early previews looks bad. This game is a serious looker