Review | Forza Motorsport

So I put another 10 hrs in the game, mostly just testing cars and doing custom events which I normally never do.

This game looks really really good, even in clear sky sunny races the RT and lighting makes everything look natural and not flat like most racers, so even in the worst potential looking races it looks amazing.

The toned down color palette also makes this look way more realistic then any other Forza game. Just having a blast with this and the sim racers I got bored of many many years ago but this one wow it hits me and will be playing a long time.


Made some Bing art :framed_picture:

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This game is forcing me to learn a lot about tuning the cars And the difference between stock, sport and racing parts.

It is quite rewarding getting the old 90s mx5 Miata to behave nicely on bends, adding antiroll bars, adding angle to the wheels so the tyres sits nicely on bends.

Same case with the Golf. Now it felt like a champ on Nürburgring. I’m quite proud of the 5th place I got on that race.

Rivals is very addictive. With my tweaked Miata I’m 8th of the world on one track lol. Grand Oak (Club)

I am also working on a Subaru BRZ 2.4 as mid-pace car to learn tracks and to learn to trail brake properly but it is still a bit too understeary.

The graphics are super detailed and smooth a and it gives me confidence to get rid of the best line thing and rely on the road.

I don’t understand the criticism on having to unlock the cars. AFAIK racing cars can be tweaked straight away and I guess they come with… race parts already.

Most of the heavily upgraded cars in previous Forza are atrocities that are fun… like a Top gear episode but it wears off as quickly as that.

The unlocking system forces you to choose wisely what to upgrade. It forces you to try and to drive. That makes you somehow bond with the car.

So Forza is feeling to me more special than I expected.


Finally got around to playing for a bit and I really like what I’ve played so far. I think I may have changed my mind a bit on the car upgrade system. Honestly, I don’t mind the way it is, but I can see myself 50-100 hours into the game wanting to get a weak car to just see how powerful I can make it and then being annoyed that I’ll have to spend hours racing in said car to do that. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter. Also, I was complaining about a lack of overall “Driver Level”, but it turns out I’m just an idiot, because it’s in the game.

Another thought is that aside from being absolutely gorgeous, this might be the first racing game where I’ve felt truly comfortable racing in cockpit mode. Every other racing game makes me feel like I don’t have a great sense of what’s actually around me and I end up taking corners all wrong. But, in Forza Motorsport, it feels incredibly nice. I don’t know if it’s simply a FOV thing, but they nailed it in my opinion.

My only real gripe (if you can even call it that) is that some of the sound effects sound a bit off, like they have too much treble. It occasionally sounds like I’m driving an old jalopy. Having said that, It’s probably realistic and it’s me that’s off.

So yeah, I’ve been playing Forza since the very beginning all the way back on the OG Xbox and this just feels… right? It’s hard for me to put it in words, but I guess it just feels comfortable to me. I do think it’s a shame they didn’t make Forza Motorsport a love letter to racing though, as that might have helped their Metacritic score. :smile:

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I don’t know you but, between the many speeding fines i have accrued, accompanied to the time when i was caught doing more than 5 times the speed limit.

I was sick of constantly breaking the law for cheap thrills… ()

excluding doing peoples taxes for no reason This game seems to have remedied that sickness. The sound of tyres screeching and cars revving has raised my heart rate to an aggressive 120bpm.

Although I’ve been sitting in my lounge room with helmet and gloves on (mostly in the nude) only a door dash driver has managed to take me out of the immersion. Saying things like “hey, we are refusing to deliver food to you” All i hear is…”go faster donnie, you are a legend”

I love this feeling!

I may never have to go speedily around the neighbourhood in my 07’ honda civic again. Although it has all the trims along with spinning rims.

On a serious note if anyone needs their taxes done please call 1300 6969 230

I give this game 8/10



I think the CarPG system is fine, though I prefer the manufacturer affinity system the series used to have. It’s a solid start and is the best racing has felt in this franchise, plus it looks/sounds amazing.

My only real gripes so far is the select grid position feature, which needs to be binned and just have your practice/qualifying times be the determining factor. Plus, the SP is still on the bland side when it comes to the various series and how you progress through them. I’d definitely like to see a more F1-style championship season be introduced down the line.

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CaRPG would be a lot better if they applied it to classes of cars rather than individual cars. Or just grouped cars for unlocks. The reason it’s a bit silly is it applies individually to each car and whilst the intention is people pick 5 cars say they love and just drive them it presents an issue for some types of players…like those who want to hop in and out of cars or build and test type players.


The driving in the game feels amazing, and def a step up from 7. However, I am not a fan of the CaRPG and how they’ve handled career mode. I don’t like the restrictions on upgrading and railroading you through upgrades. I feel the racing genres in general has taken many steps back in career mode, and no clue how we got here. i think for career mode it would have been better to progress players through class and work your way through class x.

Also I agree with some of the points in this tread. Anyways, curious what they add to this game over time, but felt it should’ve launched in a better state, and its a shame too since the game feels so good

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I miss the option to change race length for Builders Cup races. They are too much on the shorter side and there is no epic endurance stuff where the race takes 1-2 hours.

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New avatar!. I’m going to request friends with the ones here interested on the game so we can play some rivals and who knows maybe a proper race in the future. Feel free to ignore my request if not your thing.

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Oof. He knows what he’s talking about which makes this criticism rough.

Ah well, I hope I’ll have fun with it.


Like he says in tweet the driving is probably the best it’s been. However, the other stuff around it are the issues.


I’m still on the second cup. After a terrible experience with the Porsche Cayman I bought the Alpine and it is fabulous even with stock vanilla parts.

He’s entitled to his opinion but the part I take issue with is “It takes 4000 hours to level up every car”. Who said you needed to level up every single car? It’s like complaining that it would take thousands of hours to fully explore every planet in Starfield. If that’s not fun for you… then don’t do it. You can make any game sound bad by picking some arbitrary goal that’s really difficult to do and then acting like the game forces you to play that way.


There’s an element of luck, basically what reviewers you draw and what releases around you. Not to mention general good will. I absolutely think a component of a review, intended or otherwise is the overall perception of the brand and ecosystem. Basically you need volume to break that 90+ barrier.

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My bottom line is road racers have bored me to tears for probably a decade now and FM is amazing and fun to drive. Graphics are great and everything feels great.

This is a great foundation for FM and Ill be playing as much as ive played Horizon 5 the last couple of years.

Sucks people are so eager to trash xbox games these days instead of giving them a shot.


We really shouldn’t care about what reviewers say. A lot of people are desperate for clicks and attention and “it’s very nice game” does not draw clicks. Also if you are a youtuber of course it’s a problem having to unlock a cars so I can see a bias against the mechanic.

Boy this alpine is a rocket and race ready. I’m now grinding to get it to level 11 to get racing tyres. By grinding I mean having a blast while I learn to drive it properly. :st_martin: Viva la France! :blue_car:


I don’t really play sim racers or racers in general much anymore but from what iv seen, the game nails the absolute most important thing which is the actual driving/racing

I can see why people would have issues with the game if they were in it for single player content or whatever but they nailed the important part, everything else can be updated with updates or dlc


Yea the cars weight and the rolling shifting movement is amazing. Probably best feel if any racing game.