Review | Forza Motorsport

Same, it’s the thing I’m looking forward to the most. It’s my main complaint against FH, too many cars at once and no sense of accomplishment. I would prefer to work my way up from a shitty F-class Lada haha.


They don’t play much games.

Yeah it’s a sad indicator of how the genre has become less mainstream over the years. Sometimes you get the feeling that there are more people interested in using GT and Forza as console war fodder on Youtube than actually playing and enjoying the games for what they are.

Trivial example but I saw someone try to criticize Forza for having too few “maps” like it’s a Call of Duty game. Tell me you never play track racers without telling me you never play track racers. :sweat_smile:

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So just played the first tutorial on the Series X and man this game looks freaking amazing. I’m playing on the Visual mode, the 30 fps is pretty smooth and not jarring. I’m a person that can tell between 30 and 60 FPS and it given the same choice of visuals I’d go with 60 fps obviously but I want the eye candy with this one so the Visual mode at 30 FPS is going to be fine for me. I play Horizon like that.

Handling feels great, the cars feel solid with alot of weight, so many racers get that so wrong with floaty or boat controls or stick in the back controls. The car feeling is amazing and spot on.

The core foundation of graphics/sound and car handling is absolutely superb more then happy with that. Any other things I encounter that i may or may not like should be fixable since the core foundation of the Driving portion of the game is well done.

I was able to reproduce and fix the Color wash out issue, here is how you can get around it>

Start the game, do not adjust anything in the start just go through the couple of races until you get to practice, save your game and exit to the menu. Go to settings and adjust your visual mode and Brightness HDR settings as you need ,then make sure it save. Exit the game and restart it and pick up where you left off.

The issue is if you adjust any visual setting while in the game then the colors will be washed out until you restart the entire game and start playing again. Hope that is fixed soon but if you adjust your visual settings save then restart the game you should be ok.

Just like with Starfield, fuck the haters this game is pretty amazing looking and as a living platform it will get better over time due to feedback. But they totally nailed the most important factors here.


It kind of seems like Xbox first party games are gonna have a tough time with reviewers unless they’re ground breaking, at least when it comes to breaking the 90 Meta score barrier.

What matters more is to have a consistent cadence of critically well-received games. And for what it’s worth, Forza Horizon 5 broke that 90s barrier. So, it will happen again eventually.


That wasn’t a knock against Xbox first party btw and I agree with you, besides Redfall they’ve been great but it just feels like Xbox games are being reviewed with some biases, there’s no way in hell this game should score lower than GT7 lol.

And FH5 was amazing and a legit 94 to me, it blows anything else in its genre out the water but it only reached a 91.


Well, maybe Xbox should start writing the reviews for reviewers like Sony does? Would probably see a lot more love letters then…


I’ve only played a handful of races but I’m thrilled with it so far. It plays like Forza, anyone who played the previous entries will feel right at home, but what I noticed right away compared to previous games is the bulk of the car. The weight of the car and the grip of the tires, in every turn you can feel it through the controller in a way that’s more palpable than ever before. Can’t wait to really sink my teeth into this game!


Unless they’re too groundbreaking, in which case that will be given as a negative as well. :smile:


So played more of the builders cup and the Driving model is just amazing. SO MANY racing games get this part so WRONG.

I’ve played alot of racing games and many games have the cars feeling floaty, or to light or like a hover craft, or like a bouncy cart or like it’s steering with a stick up the cars ass, These cars feel perfect, they feel very heavy and REALLY attached to the road like a car is supposed to. You can really tell all the extra points of contact with the tires and the weight of the car is rendered and moves correctly.

The graphics are really amazing, like you do get some “this looks and feels real” moments but how the cars feel and drive is probably the biggest upgrade I’ve noticed so far. The weight distribution and roll and car feel is so spot on.

This game just feels so good to drive, very impressed and very very happy with the outcome. Any further improvements to anything is pretty much gravy at this point.


Played the intro, first two cups and some rivals. I played too much FH4 and 5 and am a bit rusty if i look up the rival times xD

So far this is the best Forza Motorsport in a very long time. Racing is way more fun than i remember it in FM6 or FM7. Have to cross-check this tonight.

Sony doesn’t give all outlets codes. You go against them once and that’s it. That is why outlets are so pro Sony as well. Can’t say anything bad.

Maybe if Xbox followed suit and did the same thing, maybe the constant bad takes and low reviews would stop. Instead Phil is too nice and will go do interviews with say IGN after they just blasted their products for months on end.

Forza Motorsport to me has always been greater than Horizon. I won’t say the “aggregate” score is bad, but it totally has Xbox tax applied suddenly. Forza was usually safe from it.


Yea you pretty much got to add 5 points to Xbox games and take off 5 points for PS5 games to get a realistic score these days. The Media is just too bias to takes seriously anymore with review scores.


Xbox should definitely stop signal boosting the crap sites. They don’t need them.


I go by this formula for MC:

  • Xbox game: +10 points
  • PS game: -10 points
  • Nintendo game: -10-20 points

Usually pretty accurate.


I want to believe that if a game is good eventually it will succeed no matter what the press will say. Today theres a great post on r/Starfield explaining why Starfield is so popular.

Basically he says that the structure of the game makes possible to play the game in small bits rather than a whole big game where the plot keeps stretching forever and if you don’t have the time and commitment you simply can play it.

Then saw quite a few people in their 60 agreeing with him! Do you believe that someone in his 60s cares about what someone the age of their sons will say on a review?

Then I realise that the whole narrative we get every single day is a very very small bubble.

So moral of the story, stop caring about press or idiot say. Starfield or Forza, or anything really. Just laugh at fanboys like OhnoItsAlex and rolleyes at “serious press”.


Yeah like… how the hell does Starfield scores less than HFW and HL… come on!

I really like all the track segments and the score you get for going through them as good as possible.

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I hope after a reboot this annoying practice message goes away. I have it now 5 (five!) times on the right side of the screen.