It’s a roguelike so when you die you start over, but there are some permanent progression that makes each run a tad easier.
However, most of roguelikes have a save state system so if you need to have a break from the game it picks right of where you left off. In this it’s not the case, so unless you do manage to unlock something, if you stop playing it’s literally lost time.
And apparently, even without that there are some some decisions that can make even a finished run not advance anything. Which is also a departure from the genre because usually there’s always a reward however minor for each run that makes it seem like not a total waste.
It was a more of a general point about the people giving Grubb shit for his review and/or claiming he’s wrong about something when they haven’t experienced it for themselves.
There’s nothing wrong with your comments, but I will say that every game is different and what might be considered a problem for one game might not be considered one for another for various reasons. Not everything is always so cut and dry. Having said that, there is always going to be some bias, and some reviewers will be worse about it than others.
Goddamn some of y’all need to grow past this media bias BS. A good game is a good game. Can’t wait to play this one. Next-gen is slowly showing itself… Finally!
I love rogue likes because it challenges the player to just get better at the game. Death shouldn’t be considered a failure, but a learning experience. Either you learned a new subtle mechanic, or you just got better at the game.
Spelunky is probably the most difficult, because everything the game has to offer is available to you from the get go, you just have to get good at the game (which isn’t easy at all, and often frustrating)
Other games like Binding of Isaac or Enter the Gungeon have items that can change your run and make it easier, or you could have a run with poor items, and you have to play more skillfully.
Slowly getting better at these games is where the fun is for most, along with pushing the games mechanics to their limits on more difficult runs.
Game is reviewing really well, great for PS5 owners. At last a game that gives me that itch of not having the PS5 yet, keep ‘em comin’ and I’ll eventually buy it
It is due to the type of game it is and the price Sony is asking for it, which will cause people to second guess even more their purchase. This is obviously not a problem with a subscription service because you just need to spend time and Microsoft has the data which shows people play more games when subscribed to Game Pass.
Always be connected to PSN while playing this game! It tracks your progress through the Activity Cards (particularly Survey trophies) and if you’re not online it can glitch out many trophies due to faulty tracking!
There’s about a 20% chance for story trophies (act 1-3), boss trophies & house sequence trophies to glitch out. It will unlock fine for most players but can be very buggy for others. All bosses respawn so if a trophy doesn’t pop just reboot your console and beat them again and it should unlock. But if the act-related trophies / house sequence trophies bug out on you, then the only way is to restore a save game backup from PS+ Cloud or to replay the entire game.
The procedurerally generated level help keep things fresh. Basically it is like Diablo, it is the same level just mixed up a bit and some different weapons and such. Anyway the point of these is to gradually get better at doing the levels. Along the way you’ll unlock better weapons, armor, etc… So on your first run you may only have the basic handgun so you only get so far. The next time you play the level you got to keep some stat boosts you earned last time so now you go further. This time you unlock some better guns and that gets you further. Next time you have better guns so you go further…and so on.
I think the appeal is to an extent you “make your own difficulty”. If you are super skilled at the game you can go through it with only the basic gun. Another player may not be as good so the need some powerups. Finally someone else might need to find all of the powerful weapons to advance. The well designed games in the genre have a good blend of skill-reward-grind to them.
Man, the more that I read about how this thing actually plays I am absolutely avoiding this one until a deep deep sale at some point or on PS+. I don’t mind challenge, but the way too long single runs thing combined with inability to even close the freaking application is just totally counter to how I game among multiple things any more with Xbox Game Pass.
I think a lot of people are going to buy this because it’s the big new Sony exclusive, and discover that they love roguelikes despite never giving them a chance before, which is awesome.
I also think there are going to be A LOT of copies of this game on eBay over the next couple weeks from people who had no idea what they were getting into.
I’d have to read about it more but a lot of roguelikes lack the ability to save until you get to certain point (next level) or you die. It’s part of the design to stop save scumming I guess.