Resident Evil Showcase - January 21, 2021 | 2 PM PT

  • Resident Evil Village Trailer #3, release date May 7th on PS5/XSX/PS4/XB1/PC
  • ‘Maiden’ demo exclusively for PS5 later today; second demo for all platforms
  • Resident Evil Re:Verse, multiplayer mode included with all purchases of Village
  • RE 25th anniversary X The Division 2 skins



Ah man. I need to be awake for work in 7 hours and now this pops up :eyes:

Excited to see more gameplay and hopefully get a release date.

Gotta love reaident evil.

Looking really good so far

So, coming to last gen aswell :unamused:

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Release date of May 7th, not too far away. Nice.

Whats the problem?

By catering for last gen, they won’t be able to do some things if it were current gen only.

This is not correct.

Cant believe sony are paying for an exclusive demo lol, so petty.


Yes it is.

Sony really seems to take the most out of marketing rights when compared to Microsoft


Xbox needs to start doing this more.

Sony uses it with great effect with cod, avengers, etc.


Weird, but alright:

That footage looked rough.

Good but rough.

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Village looks really good, but for me RE has always been zombies. I see a lot of creatures here except zombies. I believe 7 didn’t have them anymore, but I still miss it.

Some of these monsters honestly reminded me of some Dark Souls monsters, those big trolls or whatever it was.

In what way? You mean the demo? Because Xbox had a DMCV demo exclusive too.

Not sure why the exclusive demo is a surprise, Sony got the marketing deal and exclusive demos are a fairly common practice

Im just salty that I dont get to play it until when they release it on xbox.