Remember those Bungie Acquisition Rumours? We think they're real. - XboxEra

It’s one Studio with one IP which is F2P. The perfect Studio for Tencent.

What would you expect, how long the “free on GamePass” deal holds, if they were acquired by Tencent, Netease or the like?

Nothing will change. I know a lot of people are scared of Tencent but they know how to handle their acquired studios. Lol is still the biggest MOBA game, Path of Exile is growing and games by Supercell are one of the most popular games on Smartphone.

One problem Bungie has is the lack of resources like support studios. With the acquisition of Leyou they would have the necessary supporting studios.

If Microsoft is not the one the acquiring Bungie, Tencent would be the best bet. Warframe and Destiny under one company. Shlooter crossover dream.

MS would have seen just how huge the news was when it was revealed Destiny was coming to XGP. I’d wager they saw subs skyrocket as well. 2BN for Bungie is a bargain just for Destiny alone. It’s a disaster as I’ve said if MS allow Tencent or anyone else to acquire CDPR or Bungie

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Microsoft should rather try to acquire the WB division. The rumoured price was 3,5 billions. If Microsoft have more studios they could release every 3 month a big AAA game on Gamepass.

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Depending on the price, I do not want Microsoft to buy Bungie. Sure, if they can get Bungie for $500 million, go for it. But I doubt they want to sell for much less than $2bn

The only way MS buys Bungie is to stop Amazon buying them. Personally I wouldn’t want MS to acquire a studio that they let stay multiplatform, Destiny is a system seller but after D2 anything else should be exclusive.

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couldn’t care less for one looter shooter costing upwards of 2 billion dollars tbh. This would simply be a Minecraft like purchase where the only thing the studio currently does is one game and it’s gotta stay multiplatform anyway. Hilariously, if gold actually doesn’t go free for f2p games, playstation folks would be playing a first party xbox game for free while Xbox players keep paying for gold lmao. IMO Warframe would have been a better get if MS was interested in the Leyou Technologies deal, it would have gotten them not just Digital Extremes but also Splash Damage, the developer behind Gears Tactics. I honestly don’t care for Bungie either way. Would be better if MS just published their other IP (Matter) through XGP without needing to acquire them.

I still think some people (not necessarily you, mind) underestimate the power of GamePass in an 80€/game environment. :blush:

Bungie was an outstanding Studio for Xbox. If Phil sees the value (which is still there although I personally didn’t enjoyed Destiny as much as I wanted to) buying Bungie is the obvious thing to do. Bungie is more than Destiny, Bungie created Halo and has the ideas to develop a big new IP.


There is a bit more complexity to this situation than just " this is a move to go ahead with acquisition"

These agents are hired and put into these situations to be similar to a paperwork consolidation service. For larger businesses, especially when you have contracts for shipping or delivering products worldwide, Having large amounts of filings for sales agreements, Submission of product for approval for sale, Overseas subsidiaries and local agreements to be a representative of the company.

This agency does do M&A (mergers and acquisitions) work but it is one service alongside many they provide to groups worldwide.

The agent listed in this submission would be the first point of contact for renewal of paperwork across many sides of Bungie.

Not saying that there is no smoke but this has a perfectly reasonable answer. Sorry if I broke any hearts.


I wonder what this would mean for consoles.

If MS buys Bungie, Destiny will continue to release on PS. No doubt about it. So why pay two billion for something that is coming to your console anyway.

He is a lawyer


I hope MS gets them so once again, I can watch the Internet melt.

I’ve already ordered the popcorn. :grinning:

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It isn’t destiny that I’m thinking about. I’m mostly talking about what comes after destiny and their new IP. In all honesty. I see them getting picked up Tencent or EA anyways.

I am mixed on this because I believe Bungie could really be tuned to a much better, less micro-transaction driven studio as part of XGS, but I understand your position. However, after Bethesda’s bombshell, I think it’s clear that the “war chest” is indeed open and I’m not sure that Microsoft would view these potential acquisitions as an either/or, instead I believe that they’re in full multi-prong acquisition attempt mode where they won’t rule out on simply because they’re pursuing another.

Remember, the ink was settling on the Bethesda $7.5 billion acquisition while they were pursuing a potential WB Games buy. I can’t imagine that having that $4 billion being freed up simply went back into their “savings” without a plan.


Yeah we will see. I wouldn’t be surprised if MS buys bungie though. But how much for ?

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And apparently they’ve got two more studios.

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I think this is a case of 2+2=5…

I don’t think Bungie makes sense for quite a few reasons - but we’ll see. Bungie for me fit the driving console sales more than driving gamepass…in terms of a buy. They won’t be producing loads and loads of games.