Redfall: See How Jacob Got His Mysterious Powers

I’m not building a PC super computer to run an Unreal Engine 4 game at 60 fps.

There’s plenty of better looking titles out there which have performance modes working correctly on the Series consoles (especially the X). I can only presume Redfall’s devs are on a very tight schedule & are behind on lots of stuff, hence why it’s unoptimized for 60 fps right now.

It needs delaying.


You don’t need to build. A 3050 or even 3070 laptop can be had for under 600 on sale lol.

That more powerful then both Series X and PS5.

A console will never equal PC gaming power or option. If you want the options of 60fps and 60fps only? PC is a must console will eventually go back to 30fps again when games start pushing them 2019 graphics card to their limits.

I don’t think you can compare these games. Doom for one is not an open world game that allows up to 4 player Coop without tethering. Also, MGSV doesn’t have this much structure in them. I will say though that I do agree that this is an engine issue. DF did a breakdown on Gotham nights and the problems it experienced with UE 4 which this game is also using. This is why I don’t like this over reliance on the unreal engine. In trailers and show cases it’s hailed as spectacular even many saying it will make for quick results in Halo but the developers using it are not exactly getting this fast result. Hellblade 2 shown in 2019 might release this year or maybe next year or who knows when. Ark 2 delayed a whole year because of UE 5. After this debacle I certainly hope Microsoft looks to investing in their own in-house engines.

Is there a source on Ark 2 being delayed a whole year because of UE 5?

A 3050 or a 3070 laptop better than a ps5 or series x? That’s highly inaccurate… laptop gpus are much less powerful than their pc counterparts. A 3070m is similar to 1080 which was released 7 years ago.

The coop aspect looks to be garbage with no progress apart from hosts. Even halo fucking 3 had progress when you played coop.

So i dont buy the tethered crap. If its unthethered. Tether it. Not sure what the point of coop is when youre in teo compltelt different parts of the map.

Theres 0 excuse for no 60fps mode for series x.

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LOL, it better no console right now is better than any 30’s series card even laptop ones with it options and settings choices ok LMFAO. Who give you that fake info???

A 3070 laptop GPU is better than the PS5s. The 3050 is below the perf of a PS5, but also keep in mind that there is more than just the GPU to consider.

Too much is made of Redfall being a system seller. I can’t even remember Arkane games being massive sellers, much less system sellers. The 30 FPS mode is a massive letdown and a gift to social media trolls , but if the game is fun and the 4 player co-op brilliant and works. I think the 30 FPS will be forgotten

I haven’t played a game with a great single player online co-op mode, since like Rainbow Six Vegas.

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Ark 2 Has Been Pushed Back to Late 2024 (

Ah OK. Kinda sounds more like just getting used to the engine as opposed to challenges with the engine, but who knows. I’m sure it being that new means they are still working out kinks in it.

Yeah but it’s always being touted as this simple engine that didn’t need a learning curve. It just seems Epic oversold the engine to make it the premier engine. I would love to see other engines updated. I sure hope id tech is being further developed as well as the Cry Engine. All UE games tend to look similar to me.