PS5 will not be backwards compatible with PS3, PS2, or PS1 according to Ubisoft

At this point, I don’t think there is anything more to it. If Sony had the whole BC prepared, they would have already announced it. It is no secret that there is a large gap in that category between Sony and MS, and I think it is safe to expect PS1/PS2/PS3 BC through PS Now only.

Pretty disappointing, they could have at least done a selection of enhanced BC titles from the PS3 libary

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As expected. That’s a yikes from me

That’s my thinking also. Either someone who wasn’t careful making the slide, something that wasn’t finalized, or potentially something that isn’t ready for launch. I put that in most to least likely order.

They would need the 16x af like the 360 emulator, new vegas does not look terrible on my 1x, yeah the lighting, textures and polycount is old but at least there is not a ton of alaising.

Oh, I agree that it’s not likely at this point. I’m still disappointed though, and I definitely did think at the time that it was something they just weren’t showing off at that point. Obviously not a huge deal, but having the feature would have made it much more likely that I would pick up a ps5 in a year or so and play through their library. Probably even just adding ps3 would have gotten it to that point for me. But oh well.

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I agree, it is really disappointing for sure, but it is the only explanation as to why Sony is so cagey about BC announcements. To play devil’s advocate, maybe they are going to announce it at some September event, but I’m not holding my breath.

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Disappointing but expected. They have never even hinted that PS1-PS3 BC was a possibility. Shame too since they had a really solid PS1 emulator for the PS3. I’m guessing they just didn’t want to work on the licensing for those games and porting over the emulator. Hell, they couldn’t even be bothered to use their emulator for the PS1 mini.

Outside of FFXIII, MS has never done anything with the assets to BC games.

I do get why people might think that at first glance, but after thinking about it I don’t someone really should come to the conclusion it means anything. Like your example of craming in the third line. They could have fixed that easily at the same time if they removed some other text. I dunno maybe I’m wrong and I’m underestimating the laziness of whomever was in charge of making that.

Not to be rude, but I saw that ‘reasoning’ on RE and found it to be some of the silliest rationalization I’d ever read. Like, if they wanted to include it in that slide, they would have done so back when they gave the presentation, lol. It’s not like they would go back in time to add it in once they finalized some supposed BC plans for the other gens.

This is my thoughts, I mean it isn’t like they need to save that slide for later. I think the idea they are going with is that it was edited out at the last minute for whatever reason and they were too lazy to fix the background?

I appreciate your opinion and respectfully disagree with your statements. I’m not rationalizing anything, and I definitely COULD have seen them come back to this a month or two later and add to it. My only particular point though is that, if they weren’t planning on it, it seems incredibly sloppy. Anyway, let’s move on.

Instead of Sony having Ubisoft take down the statement, I wish they would just come out and fully confirm what their BC plans are. We know it’ll be only PS4 games, but every bit of info released leads us to believe that it’ll be a select number of PS4 titles. I’m sure they are working hard on adding and testing as many games as possible but we’re running out of time for them to share this info.


They talked extensively about their backwards compatibilty solutions. If 3 other generations were included, we’d know. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is.

Yeah I’m with you here, BC is still an afterthought to Sony as can be seen from their pisspoor announcement of it earlier this year, but this isn’t a surprise that they won’t support beyond PS4. It makes sense for Sony’s post-PS2 business model as they’ve always found a way to charge consumers again for the same content again, just look at PSNow or their PS2 touch-ups for PS4 (Dark Cloud, for example). People always want to shout that Xbox isn’t pro-consumer while simultaneously Sony isn’t anti-consumer, but this is as clear as day an example of that very thing being true. I’m not saying that Microsoft as a whole is pro-consumer or that Sony is inherently anti, but there are enough points in each respective category to suggest that at least as far as Xbox and Playstation, that is very much the case. The fact that I can pop in a disc from 2002 and still play it on Series X without additional cost is, by definition, pro-consumer.

Huh. What a dumpy.

Jim Ryan: “Fortunately we have a console for you, it’s called the PS3.”