PS5 Back-Compat Details Announced

Does anyone know the confirmed amount of BC games for Series X? I asked people on twitter and I got a bunch of Playstation people telling me 500 and to “Buy a Playstation” :disappointed:

All of them minus Kinect games, plus 360 and OG already on X1.


Do you have a link or anything of them saying so? Not that I dont take your word for it I just want to see it in print :blush:

That was the official word, however even xbone Kinect only games have been marked with SX|S compatibility on the store.

Perhaps they were actually referring to the original 360 Kinect in that statement? (it doesn’t make sense that Kinect wouldn’t be supported when they use the same os and there’s a USB adapter already)

As Lucas noted, that is the official word. Anything that runs on X1 runs on XSX, except Kinect games.


They are just trolling because the people that have the series x only have access to 500 games for testing out bc and load times. They are trying to start a narrative about bc like they did about the console getting hot to the point where it can burn your hand


Even that’s not true anymore, someone tweeted about them adding 200 more games for testing several days ago.

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I dont understand the point in trying to drive false narratives.

It helps no one?

Thanks for clearing it up man.

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Some people are just incredibly sad individuals.


I guess it is the same people saying Xbox is dead and fear mongering game pass becoming anti-consumer?

Probably. And to be fair, there are plenty of those people on both sides. It gets incredibly tedious trying to navigate the sea of blatant dishonesty out there.

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Even that is blatantly wrong, as when the preview program started ArsTechnica said they had access to 1000 titles. Microsoft has added more titles over a couple weekends, one where it was 300+ added and another with 200+ added.

ArsTechnica article on 2020-09-28 @ Xbox Series X hands-on: The big back-compat dive begins [Updated] | Ars Technica


I agree both sides can be just as bad, but on the plus side Xboxera has been quite clean of the fanboyism from what I can tell!

I almost never discuss things on Twitter anymore I feel that is where most of these “Wars” happen.

Yeah, it really is a safe haven of sorts at the moment. We definitely have some members that cozy up to the edge, but nothing too blatant.

I honestly don’t mind console wars as long as it’s good natured (sharing memes), but too many people are just nasty about it and suck all the fun out of everything. :sweat_smile:

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Except they’re not in the same boat due to the fact that Xbox has a dedicated team that’s responsible for BC. BC is a feature second only to GP, which tells you just how important BC is to them.

It’s as clear as day that Xbox is in a much better position than Sony is in terms of BC, which makes sense given how dedicated they are to it.

Imagine doing work for a company and not even getting paid just because its your favourite plastic box. People do it all the time, its all to justify their purchase. Car guys do it, gamers do it, camera guys do it, etc… its a shame we can’t all just be positive where we should be positive and negative where it needs to change.

It really comes down to having a ecosystem that you know your purchases will stay with you forever. Sony likes to shut alot of servers down where as Microsoft servers tend to stay online for ever. Going forward all my third party purchases will be on xbox because I know for the most part its apart of their plans moving forward

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What frustrates me is that I can’t voice my opinion on something without others immediately assuming I’m being pro/anti Sony or MS.

To bring it back to the topic of this thread, I’ve voiced my skepticism about BC on the PS5 because I’m simply not willing to give Sony the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think they’ve earned that. Now, some might bristle at that and think I’m being “anti Sony”, but in reality it’s just how I feel. However, the BC issue doesn’t really have much bearing on whether I get the PS5 or not. Even if they came out and said “No PS4 BC!”, I’d still buy the PS5.

We should be capable of discussing these things without fear of people sending us DM’s hoping we die or get brutally raped, etc. And people should be able to differentiate between honest criticism and blind hatred of something for no reason.


Sorry for being confused here, but is this directed at me?

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Amen! I love video games and I’m a discerning consumer. I go where my interests are best served and that happens to be in the Microsoft camp for various reasons. Doesn’t mean other boxes or ecosystems are bad, they just don’t offer as much value to me, and there’s certainly no reason I can’t date around :stuck_out_tongue:

This was a big factor for me when I began to research the Xbox and eventually decided to switch over! The thing that got my interest was Game Pass, and I pulled the trigger when I learned that I could buy in pretty cheap. After reading up a bit on BC, I couldn’t believe that

a) Legacy content is purchasable and playable (to a point)

b) Seamless (unlimited? Never had to worry about it) cloud saves mean I never have to go through the pain of losing my progress again

c) Games can run and look even better than they do on the original hardware!

That’s what made me change my plan from “Buy 3 years of GPU in January before this ridiculously good deal that’s clearly a mistake on their part gets corrected and wait for November to buy the new console” to “Shoot, this One X is a pretty good deal, and it’s almost my birthday… And there’s no guarantee that the games I want to play on Game Pass will stick around until November… Ah screw it click

Now Microsoft has my money, and the GPU deal has somehow gotten sweeter but I still feel like I made out like a bandit. I like Sony and all for the things they do well, but it’s no contest in the BC front. I love being able to look at my library and seeing multiple generations, and it’s only going to get better when you throw quick resume into the mix. In the end, I celebrate every advantage each platform has because I want the competition to improve everything across the board though that’s a pretty Pollyanna view, I’ll admit.

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Lol no just the part after I quoted you :rofl:

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