[PLEASE READ STAFF POST] Microsoft says they have committed to Sony that they will keep Call of Duty and other titles on Playstation "beyond the existing agreement and into the future so that Sony fans can continue to enjoy the games they love."

Imo only CoD should have stayed multiplat, everything else exclusive. CoD would have been their second Minecraft like pillar.

All in all I just hope they get half the CoD support teams off of that franchise and have them make their own games. But money says the cod machine stays. :person_shrugging:


As long as we get to see a new Hexen, King’s Quest or Prototype. They can put it on whatever system :yum:


I agree, but it seems that some are broadly thinking that they mean ALL games going forward out of these new studios which makes zero sense.

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There are strong rumors that Final Fantasy will never come to Xbox again, we’ve got Sony to thank for that. It’s not official yet, but what is for sure is
FF7R is nowhere to be seen.

Aside from FF it’s not so much about skipping for me, it’s more about these timed exclusivity deals which sadly nowadays for Sony mean at least a year, so tired of that shit. And as per Keighley we know more are coming, doubt he meant Xbox (too) with that.


Your last point is the one that people seem to be missing the most.


Yeah I saw Persona and ArcSys games mentioned here. I’m quite sure myself these weren’t moneyhatted. For Japanese games it’s only AAA Square games getting moneyhatted.


Your whole argument then rides on the premise that Microsoft would otherwise delist games from PlayStation once the deal closes, which is frankly ridiculous.

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I don’t believe they’re lacking clarity, they’re lacking consistency, their post seems really clear with everything they said.
The only other way you could hope this would change after the acquisition goes through is if they’re outright lying about making future games that are “beyond agreement” available on playstation.

The consistency part is as Klobs said, at one time they make a huge EXCLUSIVE on Starfield announcement for Xbox and now they’re the good guys that want to share games, this isn’t consistent.

To me this acquisition was forced by MS and they have to go through this somehow now, this wasn’t an acquisition for Xbox, but for MS in mind.


Yeah, why choose some games to be multiplatform and others to be exclusive? Just make all games multiplatform or all games exclusives.

It literally makes no sense to make some games(like Bethesda) exclusive and others multi.


They could though, which is a concern for the FTC.

Which is exactly why they’re saying they won’t. To reassuring the FTC.

No argument there, my friend. I dislike timed exclusives as much as anyone here, and it really irks me that I’m gonna have to wait a good long while to play FFVIIR, Deathloop, and Ghostwire. But that doesn’t mean that every skipped game is a timed exclusive, and acting like it is just can’t lead to a good-faith discussion. If we have to have timed exclusives then they should be very clear about their status and time. Never gonna happen though :slightly_frowning_face:

It’s really just about not basing arguments on assumptions, it doesn’t lead to good discussion and it’s irresponsible to perpetuate a hunch or rumor as a fact. Lord knows there’s already enough difficulty parsing truth on the internet.

vv Oh shit vv

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This thread has exploded, with tons of reports and it’s consuming a lot of time. And it’s really busy, and I am only human, and therefore, I am annoyed.

We built XboxEra to provide a new home to do things our way. I am beyond irritated to see some members of the community react in (And this is my opinion, I’m allowed one) such a close minded way to this development, instead demanding Microsoft, a business, extract their ‘pound’o’flesh’ from that big mean Sony corporation.

I understand last generation was a rough time if you were a die-hard Xbox fan, I really do. It’s partly the reason this place exists at all. But some of the arguments I’m reading here are frankly, ridiculous.

Right now, you have a short statement, with few specifics, and folks are leaping dramatically to conclusion after conclusion. Cast your minds back to the Bethesda acquisition. Same deal, and then when it had completed, they were allowed to talk about things in more detail, and suddenly everything was ‘okay’ again.

I refuse to believe folks aren’t learning from that, and applying that learning here.

Having said, that I acknowledge that Microsoft have, for whatever reason, muddied their own messaging here, and more than anything else, I understand some of the reaction here. I say some, because a lot of it is frankly extremely hyperbolic and makes for painful reading.

Lastly, levelling corporation-apologist type accusations against staff here is unacceptable. We - You wanted a forum where the hyperbole, the console wars, the drive-by trolling and a constant walking-the-line of bad faith posting designed to rile folks up the wrong way to be bannable offenses.

This swings both ways. You cannot demand a better level of conversation from some, and not from each other too.

There are certain personalities we’ve encountered here that occasionally walk that line. Some, I truly believe mean well, but also react emotionally. Others I think, are wearing the patience of the moderation team down. It’s a thankless task, and we need your help to achieve the kind of community we want to be.

I would urge some of you to try and think a little more big picture here. In your “worst-case” scenario of all future Acti/Blizz games releasing on all other platforms, you’ll just get them as part of your Game Pass subscription. The revenue they generate elsewhere will mean more Xbox games will be funded for your platform of choice.

It doesn’t sound like a bad deal to me.

Does it mean other platform holders won’t continue their usual playbook? No, but I’d argue to value to publishers/developers on accepting those kinds of deals will change, and for the better for the whole industry. In short, it’s a wait and see, rather than assume the extreme negative right now.

To those in the community that were a lot more level headed, thank you. To those that feel we lean too hard towards what they would consider a defensive line, I just want you to bear in mind that this about a balanced conversation. If we allow only the extremes to take stage front and centre, it won’t be much of a conversation at all.

I will unlock this thread. We will place it back on to slow mode. Posters are free to pick apart, or argue against this post at their own risk. Just be aware that the moderation team are watching, are done being nice, and will take action as they deem necessary. If you have a concern, you are welcome to reach out to me directly. I will reply to you as soon as I’m able.



Its just the same shit they were saying pre Bethesda guys.

Fuck it, im back on the exclusive train.


Personally I’m still waiting for FF7 Remake to hit Xbox presumably due to PS buying exclusivity to console for a still unknown period of time. This is still raw in my mind and coming up to 2 years since release with no clarity of when to expect this to come to the console I chose to play on. This bearing in mind is not a game by a developer that PS owns nor is it listed definitively as an exclusive as far as I’m aware. There is no clarity for consumers in this case, which I have no doubt is deliberate.

With this in mind I find it difficult to hear that games from (future) MS first party studios will continue to release on PS. I can only hope that discussions between the two companies have led to these decisions. By that I mean that there is an agreement to cease these exclusivity deals in future.

It is not for me about keeping games from other platforms. It is about my concerns when the other platforms are already doing this to the platform I chose.

To mods-Apologies but I had typed this out (on mobile) and by the time I came to post the thread was locked. I posted to a different topic, please feel free to delete that if inappropriate


I wonder if Microsoft will reduce COD and other games price to $60 instead of the $70. Would be nice if Microsoft ensures their games launch at $60 rather than $70, but I would understand if they keep $70 for COD

edit: also sorry to mods here if I stirred the pot there didn’t meant to cause chaos

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All I want is every Call of Duty + DLC from the 360/X1 era on GP. Would love to go back and play all of the different zombie maps from the older games.