Playstation State of Play announced for June 2nd

I mean they announced star ocean 6 on their reveal. A japanese rpg. A square enix japanese rpg. 99 percent gauranteed to come to ps4 and 5 as timed exclusive.

Its multiplat.

So no the games shown arent neccssarily exclusive.

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It was announced for Xbox Series as well though. Unless you’re referring to whatever it’s coming next. I think big timed exclusive will be announced at showcase. Something small like Babylon’s Fall size for example can happen there though. All I know is whatever comes out for Multiplat is good to my interest to get it on Xbox.

Wasnt So6 shown at a state of play? It just said playstation at the end. Yeah it was announced for xbox but at a seperate official SE youtube video. Not at the event.

My point is that it wasn’t announced as timed exclusive. Personally, every third party game announced in SoP, I’ll wait until individual trailer from their parent company before confirming it’s full or timed exclusive.


Neither was RE village. Im saying if they specifically say timed exclusive then yeah we can assume that. Otherwise probably just a reveal


Wonder if the show will include some of GaaS 1st party games that Sony teased before? Mostly Sony won’t follow Xbox in packaged GaaS games but will follow other hugely successful formula such PUBG, Destiny, Fall Guys … etc

If that’s so? Playstation GaaS projects shouldn’t take long time to develop, and might we hear about one of them or maybe a Beta soon.

It should but it rarely does

Hoping for SF6, FFXVI, and FFIX remake…

Rumored MW2 for PSVR2 sounds cool too.

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Third-party games will probably be star ocean, forspoken, and ff16.

Maybe sf6

They branded this one with “Summer Games Fest” so I’m not sure if that means it will be “better” than usual or not.

I would say we had event under Summer Game Fest that were far from exciting at all. Probably just that Summer Game Fest is a period, and that SOP falls under that period.

