PlayStation Showcase broadcasts live this Wednesday (1PM Pacific)

Anyways why are Xbox insiders so accurate and playstation “insider” on twitter so wrong? :stuck_out_tongue: Cant we just switch sides for some change? :slight_smile:

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I think sony should be careful on making real big plays, because if the industry is just going to become a contest of which platform has the most and best content Microsoft is always going to win. If sony buy Take 2, Microsoft will buy EA and zenisoft. i mean Microsoft could say “fuck it” and buy every major multiplat publlisher if sony starts a monopoly war.


There have been “leaks” stating it, but none which we have any particular reason to believe are credible. Could be nonsense, could be real but dismissed.

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I dont think it really matters how the information is released. Both platforms are overall great, both with there strengths and weaknesses. The rest is just warriors trying argue some kind of palpertine supremacy.


I don’t buy too much into the warchest myth, but something like this would be a nuclear strike. And when it comes down to it, we are talking about a company that can drop more money on a studio than the entirety of its competitor’s cash on hand. Even taking Minecraft off PlayStation would be a big blow.

Compeition is good. This shit would just be ugly.


Why don’t we talk about the potential content next week? And not this GTA nonsense rumour.

lmao i swear when i read the description this exactly what I thought. they spent the entire week trying put together footage from games so damn far out :laughing:

Ah fuck, I genuinely had no idea.

That being said, I absolutely believe there will be coming some deals that we won’t be happy about.

Yeah, I wonder if the SOCOM rumors are true.

I’m not into Playstation past. What is SOCOM?

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Sure but FF16 is the worst for me already xD


Yes, much more plausible for sure.

They may have been able to 1 up MS back in 2013 with being 399 but I can’t see that happening here again.

Well well I’m interested.

I thought the : “I don’t see it” was enough :stuck_out_tongue:

It was a very overrated shooter, even back on the PS2.

Don’t hate me Socom fans. I just never saw the fascination with the game. :sweat_smile:

Looks like a military shooter and what’s so special about it? I was hoping for first person:(

It was a competent shooter on PS2 at a time when there weren’t a lot of shooters on the PS2. At least that’s how i remember it.

Warchest myth? What are you talking about? Ms have $133 billion cash on hand and sony have $30 bill, yes its not a free pass for xbox but it does enable them to make larger short to mid term investments. Microsoft can make investment for the next 20yrs, sony cant…

Wasnt Killzone the response to try and get an exclusive shooter to try and compete with Halo?