I think Todd Howard as said the same thing. It seems their next game could be the last for both of them (TLOP3 and TES 6)
I think its Until dawn 2
I think Todd Howard as said the same thing. It seems their next game could be the last for both of them (TLOP3 and TES 6)
I think its Until dawn 2
To be fair Todd more said this would likely be his last Elder Scrolls game. It was less an active plan to retire and more acknowledging that at the current rate a theoretical ES7 is nearly 20 years away.
So a Fallout 5 possibly will still be under him? But I do get it, and I have faith that he will make sure he leaves it to people that can follow in his footsteps.
There’s no reason to think he won’t be at this stage, though yeah hopefully when he does retire he has a solid successor at Bethesda.
Except while it’s nice to have a big collection of older titles, what attracts people is the day 1 stuff, which is why Gamepass is the only one that makes sense. It’s like asking if people subscribe to Netflix to watch Jurassic Park or to Disney + to watch Cinderella? Of course they don’t, they subscribe for the latest season of Stranger Things as well as The Madalorian. If there was no new content day 1 they wouldn’t grow and attract people, which is the reason why Netflix and Disney both spend billions every year on new day 1 content for the subscription services. A gaming service with mostly older games isn’t really that appealing, especially in a world of fomo and almost all games losing their appeal within 6 months of release to most gamers. So much content fighting for people’s time and so few hours in a day means people gravitate towards the newer stuff. PS+ only makes sense at the lowest tier as it’s necessary to play online.
I don’t think they have many/any more big games left in their budget…
I’m reading some stuff about FFVII Rebirth & it looks like it’s a technical mess on the PS5.
I might understand performance mode being low res & blurry (this isn’t ideal but it can happen) but the thing which is really surprising is the lack of motion blur in the 30fps mode. It’s the sort of oversight which makes people think 30fps is ‘unplayable’ when in reality it just needs good motion blur.
I’m also seeing weirdness like putting the console in 1080p or 1440p mode makes the performance mode look slightly less blurry.
I mean these sorts of quirks & visual problems can lead to funny situations where last-gen titles (like FFVII Remake) actually look better than the newer titles, especially when diminishing returns are taken into account.
Yeah, DF and GamingTech have talked about this too. It was about the demo, but it sounds like the final version has it too, that is bad. Especially for a game built for PS5. Folks wanted/want to ridicule Starfield for 30fps but I’m sure they are fine going back to it for Rebirth.
The amount of crap and BS that Sony fans put up with just to play on a Sony branded console is pretty insane. I just do not think a couple of exclusives a year on the PS5 is worth dumping gamepass and Xbox 1st party over
Maybe by the time it reaches Xbox they’ll have sorted it, and we can thank the PlayStation gamers for beta testing it for us
So much crap has been said for nearly 4 years now, it’s tough to pick the worst narrative. I mean I’m just watching the Digital Foundry FF7 Rebirth video & it sort of punches a hole right through one of the biggest fanboy delusions which was the Series S would hold back the Series X whilst the PS5 would look really next-gen.
Well, looking at Rebirth, aka a game designed for the PS5, that theory was clearly B.S.
It’s got problems & in some parts it really does look last gen.
Played Final Fantasy VII Rebirth for around 9 hours today. Have a shit ton still to do in the Grasslands before I continue with the story. Playing on performance mode. Plays really good and looks great to be honest. I know the resolution is in the 1100p range according to Digital Foundry but wasn’t upscaled to 4K.
There is some pop-in with textures, grass and whatnot when running around. NPC’s will pop-in from time to time but it’s perfect compared to the Yakuza games or Tales of Arise. Combat is great and maybe it’s just me but it’s too much in regards to what you can do. Some of the stuff you can do, im not sure I will ever use. Hehe.
Biggest issues for me is that there’s no jump button which for the aerial enemies, it’s very annoying. Besides that, there’s almost no HUD customization which for me is a negative in every game. I wish I could turn off the enemy detection circle, damage numbers and when it says staggered/pressured because I can see the bar and don’t need all this stuff popping up on the screen.
I also thought that I was going to be aggravated to no end having to keep the compass on the top of the screen but thankfully, there’s a mini-map which will forever be superior to the compass in any and every game so im happy!!
Music is top tier. Voice acting is great. Sound effects are good as well. I have only been doing the activities (Ubi towers FTW!!!) and stuff like that. Haven’t done a single side quest yet. lol
One thing that is very relaxing is just exploring the Grasslands region and doing whatever I come across unless I pin/waypoint something specific. Overall, an excellent game thus far but I have a massively long way to go…and that’s just for the Grasslands region. lol
I know this was covered but I just want to share my quick reaction. How is it Sony managed to keep this around for a while even after purchase. It’s like Sony wasn’t built to tolerate this behavior since the older studios were already established before inviting new studios to the family. It’s either this or Media Molecule that will close down next.
I heard there was a report stating the decision to shutter a studio was between Media Molecule and London. They’re definitely next, but with PSVR in the gutter and Firesprite nosediving, they aren’t far behind.
Just gotten the platinum for Ai the somnium files and i really enjoyed it. The only downside is that it makes picking my next game out of (Nirvana Initiative, Zero Escape or Persona 3 reloaded) even more difficult.
Bought the PS5 Slim for 475 €.
Happy to be able to finish my PS4 backlog with the best performance and happy to have access to any game I like.
Yeah I remember when I got a PS5 at launch - the games that actually took advantage of the hardware were scarce but it was the best damned PS4 I ever owned. Same goes for the Series X - being able to play last gen games and have them play the best they can (for console anyway) with faster loadng and a snappier dashboard was amazing.
I reckon it will do numbers, but knowing SE it won’t be enough.