PlayStation 5 |OT| This SSD has no limits

The most anticipated game from 30th may to 1 minute after the Xbox showcase yea X’D

You have to admit some sites are good at creating traffic


Lol, yeah sure. If it was that obviously flawed then there’s no way that so many other websites would be taking it at face value.




It’s shit like hyping up Adstro Bot that shows just how biased media really is. It’s incredibly obvious to everyone.


Extra and Deluxe have some pretty good games, I wonder when Rise of the Ronin will enter the catalogue

Having just finished Astro’s Playroom, I totally understand a certain hype for a full sequel. It’s a fantastic game.

The question is whether they can keep that quality and creativity for more than 4-5 hours.


It’s not an industry standard. It’s a term made up by people out of nowhere. Spencer himself said there’s no second party and used Sunset Overdrive as an example calling it a first party game. Shuhei Yoshida is on record numerous times saying that there’s no actual second party and “those” games are considered by Sony as first party games simply because they’re treated no different than games coming from their own internal studios.

In my mind, people use second party as an excuse when a non-internal studio develops a game for the hardware manufacturer that isn’t all that good and just made up bullshit.

People can look at it their own way I guess. I will forever see games published by the hardware manufacturer regardless of if the hardware manufacturer owns the studio developing the game or not.

Ah the good ole I refuse to acknowledge it, so it isn’t real argument.

I’m not talking about whether there is a difference between the games, their quality, or where they come from. The terms, however, are objectively real and based in business reality.


The companies treat them as first party games and have said as much numerous times. You can look it all up yourself.

As for me, I don’t acknowledge it because if companies say it doesn’t say it exists but people on Twitter and forums do, who should I listen to? Companies ain’t perfect and aren’t always right but in this regard, they are. I’m not going to go based on those on twitter and forums because they don’t want to include Destruction All Stars or other games because they scored low. Sony needs to make better deals which since then they have done so.

I count them from both Microsoft and Sony, good and bad. To each their own I guess.

@peter42O @Searsy82

Traditionally the “second party” is the consumer. Other companies are third parties.

But in game development “second party” is often used to refer to external projects funded by the first party. So there’s no right or wrong. It’s basically subjective, depending on how you want to look at it.

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Just going to leave this here. But we’ve definitely had this conversation a few times now.


I literally pointed to the matter of legal record previously, this absurd new goalpost move by a select few is beyond old.


Fair enough. I can admit when im wrong and thus, I was wrong.


I dont think it really, matters to be honest shrug


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1st, 2nd, 3rd Party: As far as I remember there was no “2nd Party” originally, mostly because there was no distinction between internally developed games and contracted games. To be honest 1st and 3rd Party wasn’t really a thing either but those did come first. The entire “__ Party” thing came up as console wars and media coverage increased. As time went on narrower and narrower definitions started to come out as to identify which games might be coming out for a particular console. 2nd Party is a thing, and now we have “indie”, “timed exclusives”, and “marketing deals” too.


Concord is being sent out to die at $40.


At least it’s not $70.


I am trying to remember if back in the 16 bit days I even used the word exclusive…and I am pretty sure that I didn’t. I guess back then it was just Nintendo and Sega games.

But yeah I totally agree that things are way too complicated nowadays if you want to describe in which category a game belongs…1st party, 2nd party, 3rd party multiplatform, console exclusive, timed exclusive, 3rd party exclusive (which I guess today it’s something like Rise of the Ronin and/or FF7 Rebirth), indie, AAA, AA, GAAS, open world, linear, wide linear, boomer shooter, looter shooter e.t.c. oh man…I wonder how someone who is not familiar with the industry would react after seeing all this. lol

I never expected that games like Helldivers 2 and Palworld would be so successful (and good games as well at what they do) and yet here we are so I guess in today’s unpredictable gaming landscape anything is possible.


I was tracking the pre-orders on SteamDB.

The highest global sales peak was #536 on 06/06 - 2:17 PM PT - Day 1

It went down considerably at #682 on 06/07 - 1:10 PM PT - Day 2

Concord then dropped out of the Top #1,000 after Day 3 (ouch)

So much is riding on the early beta access next month - cus so far, this does not look like a Helldivers 2 situation. I wish the studio luck tho, hopefully the PS5 numbers are faring better.

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