Phil Spencer shares intent to honour all previous agreements and desire to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation

On gamepass I bet.

i think he mean either we get more info late 22 about their plan or COD 22 exclusive

Man, I sure do have a desire to marry Jennifer Aniston.

While Iā€™m at it, I also intend to become the Prime Minister of Australia.

Guess both those things have to happen now and nothing can ever change those things happening because I just said them


Phil could have said nothing and none of this would have happened


I dont a give a shit about COD exclusive, last time I touched a COD games was Modern warfare and never looked back. I still recognize the importance of the franchise, especially for casual console crowd.

I think Xbox can get the casuals back even with the game on PS, extra content being locked for Xbox platforms, e-sports Xbox, etc, etc. Now putting XGP on PS would makes no sense, why turn the PS console the go to box to play PS and Xbox games, when MS wants to keep being competitive player and eventually surpassing Sony in the console business. Why would they want to devalue their own platform?

Console is only a fraction of gaming cake, but it is still an important entry point for gamers, if they win back console race, I bet it will make it easier to expand in other platforms. Console gaming still works as showcase for the industry. I donā€™t think gamespass will ever happen on PS.


I hope so!

you need to relax.

Nah, really the only thing really up in the air is COD.

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Yes the single most important game in the whole deal

Candy Crush was. Unfortunately :sweat_smile:

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My final post on this matter, for the people who are worried. You have no reason to be worried.

Phil could have said ā€˜ā€˜all future Call of Duty games will also be on PlayStationā€™ā€™. He could have said ā€˜ā€˜goal to keep ALL FUTURE Call of Duty games on PlayStationā€™ā€™. This would be definitive, no question marks whatsoever. But he chose to deliberately keep it vague and say ā€˜ā€˜desire to keep Call of Duty on PSā€™ā€™. This could mean ā€˜ā€˜to keep all future CODs on PSā€™ā€™, this could mean ā€˜ā€˜To keep the Call of Dutys already released on PS available over thereā€™ā€™ and it could mean ā€˜ā€˜to keep Warzone on PS and support it for years to comeā€™ā€™. This is what Phil does so masterfully, I know it frustrates some but he has to do this to navigate these shark infested waters because MS always walks around with a target on their back, they have to always be the nice guys for some reason. Itā€™s not like Sony where they can say F yall this is exclusive and everyone applauds them for it. This is why Phil talks so vaguely often, especially with hot topics.

But whatever happens letā€™s enjoy this W. We will be playing all these games day 1 without paying full price. And MS can do to Sony what Sony does to MS. They can say ā€˜ā€˜We have a new COD and itā€™s a timed exclusive for say 2 yearsā€™ā€™. That would be almost as bad as full exclusivity. MS can also negotiate new terms by asking a bigger cut for COD, MS has the power now, not Sony. And no way in hell will Phil release new future CODs day and date over there. MS will force timed exclusivity, exclusive maps, modes, packs etc. This is the worst case scenario. But I still believe new COD games will be exclusive. Either way, thereā€™s nothing to worry about. MS just made a 70B gaming investment and theyā€™re not done. That is a definitive statement that MS has the power now. Everything else is irrelevant. Thereā€™s nothing Sony can do anymore to bully Xbox. You wanna buy more timed exclusivity and lock us out ? Fine, beware though, I might buy that publisher as well. MS striked massive fear into Sony. MS showed they can play nice or dirty depending on what Sony does from now on. Thatā€™s why Phils ā€˜ā€˜DESIREā€™ā€™ is key here, it depends on how Sony behaves.


I donā€™t think CoD 22 will be exclusive (unless the deal closes super early, July/August) but I bet it launches on gamepass. CoD 23 i bet will be exclusive and launch on gamepass.

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He legally cannot make any definite statements as Xbox does not own Activision-Blizzard

Weā€™ve had this discussion beforeā€¦

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True, but a lot of people still have to pick up a next gen console. An expression like this has effects on buying decisions for a lot of people. He didnā€™t need to say this and it would have been a better for Xbox if he didnā€™t. So I think Call of Duty will stay on playstation.

Edit: in the end I donā€™t really care, Iā€™m just happy that I can play these games within my Game Pass sub

It seems liek a lot of people see gamepass on ps5 as the end game here and again if gamepass comes to ps5 and you can play xbox exclusives on a ps5 then why do you need an xbox? Especially if they are native versions, I thought we were past this but the next 2 years are gonna be fun

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Phil had like 12 interviews before Bethesda was acquired and didnā€™t need to say anything but he said a lot

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I mean he did say ā€˜ā€˜desire to keep COD on PSā€™ā€™. He could have easily said ā€˜ā€˜desire to keep/release all future CODs on PSā€™ā€™.

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Phil kept that statement as vague as possible so its hilarious to me of how people have turned it into CoD is the new Minecraft.


He canā€™t comment on future releases because Xbox doesnā€™t own call of duty