Phil Spencer on Bethesda Exclusivity

Bethesda is a way to grow Gamepass and strengthen the overall Xbox brand.

PlayStation fan boys and the “games media” are so hung up on the 7 billion dollars and how Microsoft will need to make that money back. But those folks don’t understand why a company like Microsoft can afford to make this big acquisition.

Microsoft has money just sitting around not doing anything. It makes all the sense in the world to reinvest their money into future growth. Proactively gaining market share in the game streaming business while at the same time strength an already profitable Xbox brand.


Oh that has already happened. A day or two after the news broke about it there was ‘‘The Amazing Lucas’’ saying Bethesda games aren’t all that anyway. This clown had been playing Wolfenstein and loved the hell out of Doom Eternal i saw on his channel though, haha. What’s more, in the same video where he said these games aren’t all that he also said MS better not ruin these studios and their games.

So i am guessing this dude will think nothing of Doom Eternal all of a sudden anymore, or a third Doom game because he can kiss those goodbye unless he gets a PC or Xbox.

Agreed. Personally i think they should keep them all in their ecosystem, also the new Zenimax Online game. That’s how i would do it if i were in their shoes. Then again, i don’t know the slighest about running a business but i do know the name Xbox in a few years from now is a force to be reckoned with. And that whole nonsense of Xbox has no games will be dead and buried deep under the ground. It honestly was always stupid bullshit.


As XGS stuff shows up later next year and afterwards, the wait for EA titles to hit EA Play access will be even easier too. :slight_smile:

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They just wanted the status quo or worse, the elimination of the brand entirely.


“I agree we have some gaps. We’ve acquired PlayGround, Compulsion, Obsidian, Ninja Theory, Double Fine and InXile to compensate. We’ve also started two new studios: The Initiative and World’s Edge”

“Yeah, but those don’t count. Xbox is basic cable and has no games.”

“Ok, so you want AAA experiences in regular intervals? We are proud to announce we have acquired Zenimax.”

“Xbox has too many games. It is unfair to PlayStation who have to moneyhat games to get by. Either way, who cares, Bugthesda amirite?”

And on and on and on. It’s annoying goalpost moving and fanboy nonsense. I don’t like the Bethesda acquisition withholding games but I also crunched numbers and Sony still gets more through moneyhatting and Japanese dev preference. I don’t want PlayStation to go anywhere, I just either want them knocked down a peg or MS raised one to a point of relative parity. The industry was far healthier last gen then the gen before or this one where Sony dominated, and I feel Sony and Microsoft have become complacent and arrogant when they control the market. The best case scenario frankly is a 33/33/33 split where each platform holder is inclined to maximize consumer value without being given a monetary advantage to minimize others (see how cheap and easy Moneyhats have been for Sony).


This post is really insensitive to all the gamers who will turn to stone if they ever touch an Xbox console. Or Android phone. Or computer.

It’s a real medical condition. They’re powerless to play on anything except a PS5 and doomed to never enjoy an Elder Scrolls, Fallout, or Doom game ever again. What a cruel fate, that they simply can’t do anything to change!


Phil We-spared-no-expen-cer at it again. That’s great to see ! Of course they want to recoup their investment but not to the detriment of their own platform(s).

And I’ll say it again : Sony fans are ok with that. They never liked Bethesda games in the first place ! :upside_down_face:


This is to be expected

Disney will not allow Star Wars or Marvel on Netflix now that they have Disney+

Xbox/Gamepass will act the same

Want to play Elders Scrolls? mobile, pc or xbox is what you need + gamepass

Sony locks to a single console AND offers no sub - I will for buy a ps5 just for sonys exclusives - but would prefer if they offered the same choices

Imo this is good for competition


This didn’t age well…


Lmfao who was this

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All the talk about this has shown me is that people will believe what they want to believe until specific platforms have been announced for the games. MS putting Minecraft on PS4 gives people hope that they will put games on PS5. I don’t think they will put them on PS5 but man the salt that will flow if they aren’t on PS5 will be like the dead sea. Of course if Sony had bought them it’d be totally cool to have them as an exclusive


Someone salty lol


Whoever wrote this wouldn’t have done so if Sony or Nintendo made the purchase.


I do not understand why people continue to harass this man with the same question. Why would they spend 7.5 billion and bring the games to non-Microsoft platform?


It just baffles me. Someone literally got doom eternal running on a goddamn smart fridge and people still want to comfortably stay in their PS ecosystem and get all the Bethesda games that MS funds moving forward. Only way these games are going is through a Web browser Xcloud option if not an app, why the fuck would first parties even keep ps5 devkits and spend all those extra resources developing for yet another system and make all the optimizations for it, keep supporting it with updates, patches, etc.


The $7.5B approved for Zenimax purchase would have been approved by Satya, Amy and the MSFT Board to grow Game Pass and support Windows. If there is a chance that bringing new games to other platforms will affect GP growth, I am confident in saying, it will not happen. GP is not there to make profit today or even tomorrow, but it is a longer term play.

If start to differentiate Zenimax games, then question would arise, why not bring Halo, Gear, and other games in development to other competing platforms. Some will mention Minecraft, but that is a very special case. Its looked upon as an education platform and aimed towards children. (edit for grammer)


Yeah its pretty obvious at this point. Honestly its way more profitiable for them to have someone buy an xbox for starfield and sub to gamepass. That also means they will be spending money on other stuff as well like V-bucks, Apex Coins or whatever other currency is in other games. You being a subscriber to Game Pass for 1 year alone is more worth it for them than buying a $70 copy on PS5.


Very smart!

he’s gonna spend the next 3/4 years answering the same questions


Lmao yeah it’s gonna be sad. Starfield will come out as exclusive next year. Next question will be that’s fine it’s a new IP but what about elder scrolls 6, that was a known multiplat, surely that can’t be exclusive?

And that game ain’t coming out for another three to four years for sure lol so yeah as you said, he’s gonna have to keep answering this shit.

I think it’ll all be put to rest once the deal is through. I just don’t see TES6 and future fallouts and dooms coming on playstation.


Best we can hope is Wolfenstein 3 and Starfield are both exclusive next year. Sends a message loud and wide.