Phil Spencer on Bethesda Exclusivity

It’s literally that. People posting “If it’s not on PS5, it doesn’t exist for me.” Congratulations I guess? Did your tantrum earn you some Sony loyalty points or something?

Meanwhile I’m going to be over here playing Miles Morales on my PS4 because you are in fact allowed to enjoy more than one gaming platform!


I have not seen those rumors but that would be CRAZY if it did lol

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Now be prepared to people saying Bethesda games are trash the worst games ever etc

Never change guys! Keep it up! Lol

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Karma is a bitch!


I get it in terms of an economic argument. I do sympathize. I also think it’s important to acknowledge the barriers to entry MS has broken down. I wanna play a new PS5 exclusive? I have to buy a PS5 (which I did) or wait for the 4 month period on PSNow in 2 years. I wanna play the new Bethesda games? I don’t need my Series X. My laptop will do fine, my phone will do fine, hell my Xbox One will do fine for the first 2 years. I can get a Series S and Game Pass for $25 a month.

Now, ISP caps are a big concern for Xcloud which is why we need extra pressure on them, but it’s also a concern of digital games this gen.

Overall, I do get people upset for economic reasons. But if you’re the type to dump like $350 on a special edition game with a statue and art book but refuse to even consider getting a Series S on Black Friday in like 3 years for $200? I just don’t get it.


Already seeing it. “Bethesda Peaked at Oblivion!” Is a new rallying cry.




Yup, showing up on tweets about the acquisition. Peaked at Oblivion, Peaked at Doom, Peaked at Morrowind, Basic Cable Premium. All the shit you’d expect


Boy do I enjoy watching it


Zenimax didn’t make close to enough money selling these games cross platform to justify a deal even half as large as the one MS paid for. It was obvious the value was in driving people into gamepass. The fact people don’t understand that is mind numbing.


And more importantly the ecosystem. If this was solely a Game Pass move, they’d have signed a 10 year, EA Play style deal.


Thanks. It’s a piece of Art!

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Anybody who thought otherwise really dont know business like they think they do. I know alot of playstation people will be mad but will hide it and try to downplay it like its nothing, but this is why I told my brother “you gonna want both consoles” this gen. Its gonna be like PS2 meets 360 and im excite


I mean, it is solely Game Pass deal in a sense, but they want the games as exclusive to GP and want some element of control over them + any revenues from PC sales. Note too that EA Play isn’t day 1 EA games typically.

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Sorry, I think I missed something. Are you saying that the EA Play/Game Pass collaboration will last ten years?

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There is no info on timelines for that. We do know it isn’t EA Play Pro (aka we gotta wait til games get into the vault before we get access to them). Excluding the 10 hr trials I mean.

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Nope, just that MS could save money by signing a deal with Bethesda instead. They bought them outright for a reason.

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That is true. Game Pass is easily among the biggest parts of the deal, but exclusivity and tech integration is too (see the Orion tech).

The people who ever argued that Xbox has no games never had any intention of giving xbox a chance. They just want to trash xbox and are hoping and praying that the thing they are criticizing never improves. It is peak fanboyism.

Unless you are unable to financially which I totally understand, I will never understand the person who refuses to try out something other than their preferred platform. No one should be attached to something due to brand loyalty.


That 10 hr trial for all their new games honestly fits sooooo well with gamepass which already functions like a great demo service. Imagine getting to play new dragon age, new fifa, new battlefield, new star wars, new Titanfall, new skate, new need for speed, etc for 10 hours before you decide if you wanna buy them, for no additional cost if you’re already in game pass, honestly super clutch.