Phil Spencer interview - Discusses Redfall disappointing, CMA, Hellblade II, quarterly releases, and more

I have a feeling this is gonna be that Xbox show Grubb has been pointing too since last year or 2021 and he meant 2022 with it, where we would really start seeing results of these acquisitions. Didn’t happen last year, gotta happen at some point. Hellblade 2 gameplay footage, combat shown, I can definitely see that. Avowed gameplay reveal too, it’s long overdue and Phil knows fans have been hungry for info, he didn’t name drop that for nothing.

And what else, your guess is as good as mine. Compulsion? I can see that being there too.


Do you think we’ll see the Coalition ?

With Gears 6? I don’t think so. Didn’t they only recently went full steam ahead on 6 when they canned the new IP thingy? But never say never I guess. I remember years ago during E3, nobody was expecting Gears at all and then there was the gameplay trailer of Gears 5 and it floored us all. I don’t think anyone saw that coming.

I wonder if we’ll see that Brass Lion Wu-Tang game.


All of Arkane’s seven games - Dishonored 1, 2, Death of the Outsider, Prey, Deathloop, Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah – are commercial failures. they have yet to make a commercial success that stands as tall as it’s critical success. This is not an issue exclusive to Arkane – Machinegames and Tango have both had commercial failures attributed to the majority of their games. and yet Bethesda seems pretty confident about allowing these studios to maintain their design autonomy and create experiences they want to – this includes Hi-Fi and Redfall. To make the assumption that Bethesda shoehorned the team into making a Co-Op shooter (evident by BEthesda’s tremendously shitty marketing that people still think it’s a co-op focused shooter) is a poor one.

It isn’t a reflection of Bethesda at all – they maintained that they wanted to be a producer of single player games. Which, up until Redfall, is what they stuck with. None of the other developers had their design philosophies at Beth Soft change for the sake of purusing a dollar. Unless you’re ready to cite your sources I mean.

It just seems reductive to somehow portray Xbox as all about Game Pass these days when there’s so much more & better stuff available right there on the Series X system - often for discounted costs as well.

Idk blame Microsoft that’s what they’re selling

Hi, I feel a little nostalgic to bring out my first comment on this nice forum but your assertion is wrong:

Gamepass isn’t stopping anyone from buying those games often for discounted prices… and in fact gamepass discounts the games on the service and has been a boon for developers who have had their games on the service. It simply is the best game subscription service on the market, so of course Xbox is going to focus on it, as it is a huge part of their ecosystem. You can’t play games like Persona 5/ Wo Long/Froza on any sub service.

Never thought I would see this weird anti-Gamepass arguments this forum.


Phil seems exhausted and I can understand him well. He’s even so open to say “don’t believe me until we show you and you get joy on your face when playing our games”. He’s as much done waiting than we are. In 1-2 years we will know how his leadership really turned out for the games and talent they acquired. I’m not sure he found the exact right words to describe the reality of the console market. He should have added something along the lines of “but we can definitely do much better than the Xbox One did”. However, it’s good he’s taking a little bit pressure of Starfield. That game has at times been portrayed as Xbox’s last chance and that’s just really not true. Starfield is their first shot at a GOTY candidate in a long time but they need to deliver on all/as many as possible of their big announced games.


I’m not much of a guy who brings another person to this, so this is one time only from me. DreamcastGuy has peaked the attention of negativity by tweeting “Phil Spencer has got to go.” The responses are majority against him. I have seen many personals that I know including fellows like Miles. In short, he chose death.

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Firing Phil Spencer would be one of worst decision MS has done and i think the picture that was posted by tweaktown and phil spencer liked showed that MS/ Xbox has been making money almost it’s highest and that was with barely any console sales plus Phil seems like an honest person compared to Jim Ryan


Dreamcastguy is an idiot. The end.


Bethesda had a switch towards live service games starting with Fallout 76 as the company was trying to get recurring revenue sources as their games are usually very long to develop, and Redfall was highly likely as continuation of that idea.


I was glad to hear his responses to Redfall and trying to make sure things go better, but thats something I have heard for a few years now.

Afyer listening to that, as an Xbox gamer I am a little disheartened. I do have concerns over the console in the future. It seems that they really dont care that much about the console. Admitting defeat in the push to crawl back market share was a head shaker. It makes sence now why you can harldly find an XSX in the shops atm. Its not a priority. We saw both Deathloop and Ghostwire come out in a worse shape on the XSX than the PS5, with an extra 12 months dev time. On top of that, they didnt even bother to put out a physical version of either game, unlike the PS5 which had a physical version. As a person who buys mostly physical, that was a kick in the guts. And before anyone says “but its a 12 month old game , why would they bother to put extra time into the Xbox version, and why would they bother with a physical release”, it sets a narrative of what MS and its studios think of Xbox. What people need to understand is that if MS are resigned to the place of Xbox as distant third place, why would they put as much money and resources into the development of the next third place console? If they continue down a path of devaluing the xbox console, and it becomes less and less of a part of their success, the closer they are to cutting it all together. Maybe some here are happy to play their Xbox games on PC and Cloud, but im a console gamer.

Phil Spencer will never be fired.

They handed him a cheque for $69B. Hes invincible. He couldnt “lose” that much money on Xbox if he tried.

I really don’t understand how this can be what you take out of this whole interview to be honest, to me it feels more like they want to push the console and are working towards that goal as it is the primary way to enjoy their games; that is pretty much what I got out of this interview with Phil. Just that as much as they will try, most likely data shows they won’t gain huge market share as each console’s maker market share is pretty much set so in order to expand they are innovating by pushing Pc and cloud hard in order to sell their services and make more revenue for the division.

Also, I think with ABK and more coming, the exclusives compounding effect is going to start getting heavier on people as they will be missing on a LOT and I have a feeling the tides will change somewhat .

Fallout 76 being the only GAAS product to release in 2018 and not having a single GAAS product to follow it up for the next…seven years is not the ‘continuation’ that you think it is. Because again, Redfall is not a GAAS product.

here we have people who think phil spencer gave up and dont wanna compete lol they wanna remove him n matt booty cuz they r not giving best quality of games

As far as we know Redfall was supposed to be a GAAS but was turned into a single player game, hence some of the reason for the troubled development. Also, 2023-2018 is 7 years now?


Five years, my mistake.

Is there anything in tangible writing that suggests Redfall was going to be a GAAS product in development.

Phil wasn’t saying they’re not gonna compete. He’s saying he doesnt really care about converting other console owners.

He’s going to focus on making game pass and Xbox be the best it can. Something that will 100% win out in the long run (100m subs)

Not trying to win over another platforms gamer.