Phil Spencer interview - Discusses Redfall disappointing, CMA, Hellblade II, quarterly releases, and more

I am guilty myself but there is no need to post nonsense content


I don’t agree with those takes, just can’t believe the shit people are playing and the nonsense conversations people are having about those on social media.

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That Avowed gameplay trailer is going to hit different.


You wouldnt think that having seen the game in previews.

I’m just so excited for everyone to experience the world of Eora.


Sony is already doing that and are trying to hurt Microsoft’s Gamepass effort. I simply think that Microsoft needs to respond in kind.

It worked very well in the 360 era, so why not now?

I feel like that gets us nowhere. Xbox has to do it their way. Get these games out and let them speak for themselves.


Many people did that in the Xbox One generation. Big high quality games make a difference.


I have a feeling that part of the reason they’ve purchased 2 publishers (well technically 1) is to block Sony from making these deals, as well as having control over powerful IP and boosting the gamepass library.

But in all honesty I hate that Sony keep blocking games like that, so I’d hate MS doing it too.

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The launch of the Xbox One killed Xbox that generation. From ‘Always Online’ to ‘TV TV TV’, coupled with the PS4 being both more powerful but also cheaper, a lot went into many choosing PS4 over Xbox One last gen.

If we are talking games, the PS4 lineup was pretty abysmal for the first few years in comparison to the Xbox One lineup. Many called the PS4 the IndieStation because that seemed to be all they had to play during the first few years.

They didn’t really start hitting their stride until the release of Bloodborne.


yeah that is what usually associate with how the xbox Series Lineup like how the beginning years of the PS4 had those indies but started having bangers after bangers so i’m a patient person because of it.

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And Bloodborne didn’t sell amazing either. I would argue Uncharted 4 in 2016 (3 years later) is their first huge game.

Xbox One killed it the first year. Motorsport 5, Halo MCC, Sunset Overdrive, Horizon 2, and Titanfall (console exclusive). The damage was done already.


Because the 360 era was helmed by different people. It was 23 years ago.

yeah it works when your new to the market and need market share does not work most of the time when you have been in the market for a while

I’ll just reply to this little titbit as succinctly as possible: Prey was a commercial disappointment & sits at or just under 80 on metacritic, depending on the platform. Deathloop was also reportedly not exactly a huge hit (& had a more mixed player response compared to the critical response). The only reason this dev branch of Arkane was sent off to make a co-op online shooter like Redfall was most likely because of the aforementioned financial disappointment of Prey.

There’s no big outrage warranted, it’s just a reflection of where Bethesda Zenimax was before the Microsoft acquisition. Arkane’s fans are very, very vocal & like to project their own fandom as ‘everyone critically acclaims Arkane’. But this is far from the truth.

What I’m saying is this: Xbox is a far, far bigger brand than some people realize & it shouldn’t be dragged down by one relatively small wouldbe AAA shooter by a team which isn’t adequately equipped for the task (& had dev problems, evidently). The Series X is a fabulous console (thanks for the concern about the cost though…) which I enjoy whenever I have the time to play on it.

As far as I’m concerned, Redfall is a non-event. Why? Because my enjoyment of the Xbox brand is not dependent on Game Pass or its first party releases. Just as back when I had a PS4, I wasn’t sweating over the timeframe of Sony’s first party releases either.

That’s the benefit of owning a console with a library featuring more games than I could ever play in my lifetime. It just seems reductive to somehow portray Xbox as all about Game Pass these days when there’s so much more & better stuff available right there on the Series X system - often for discounted costs as well.


People always slept on the fact that first 2 years of Xbox One they produced better games than PS4 that gen. However, everything outside of gaming is what made people leave xbox imo.


Massive market share shifts happen when your competitor makes a disastrous move.

Happened with the PS3 and it happened with the Xbox One. This generation, PS5 did not have a single weakness that the Xbox could capitalize on thus status quo basically remains the same from last gen.

1-4 amazing games over the span of a generation will not cause a massive shift in market share but it does move the needle and it builds trust with your brand. Mind share is just as important as market share when you’re in third place.


The massive shift I can see is for the PS6 if they only do backwards compatibility for the PS5.

Pretty sure they designed the console with their CUs so that it could make the PS5 think it was a PS4 in legacy modes vs the compatibility layer of Xbox. I would imagine that limits how they could design a PS6.

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iv worked in coporate america a long time and I give props to Phil for doing that interview at this point in time. Most leaders wouldnt do anything like that . It kind of makes me believe in him more. That being said they deserve all the crap they are getting. Xbox players are done waiting. Im over all the waiting as well. I just accepot xbox will always drop the ball now so im not shocked. This showcase really is the most important for them ever IMO because morale has never been this low in my opinion even counting the x1 showcase with tv tv tv. I thought kinda funny did a great job with this interview so props to them and props to phil for doing it. snowbike asked about 60 fps on starfield and phil said we will get an answer that solidified a 30 fps for me(I hope im wrong) if there was a 60 fps mode I think he would of just said that