Phil Spencer interview - Discusses Redfall disappointing, CMA, Hellblade II, quarterly releases, and more

The hurting game pass, also game pass isn’t dependant on first party only, Xbox announces multiple new games and sometimes launch titles for game pass multiple times a year. The only thing hurting game pass is Sony making deals to stop it’s growth.


Finally finished it. One of the best interviews I heard this year. It was true about Redfall and its development. Like someone here mention, it did have currency, but not anymore. Definitely screams Zenimax plan alas “easy” money grab. Still, a shame that it couldn’t pull through one way or another.


lol you can’t be serious

Thats a great Interview, very interesting hearing about mock reviews before a game ships. I wasn’t aware they are doing this but of course it makes total sense. I also got the feeling Phil said they have a game per quarter ready now, but maybe thats just me wanting to hear that. The last part about Xbox and console sales was also super interesting and how Xbox tries to play a different game and do their own thing because console sales won’t change for 90% of the buyers who are already locked into an ecosystem no mattwr what games are coming. Hard to imagine but I guess he has more data to back that up

Great interview. Already shithouse cancer youtubers trying to spin his interview in negative light.

I dont like how phil is taking all the heat here. I appreciste him not wanting to throw arkane under the bus or bethesda but lead heads at bethesda whos decisions it was the make redfall the way it turned out need to come forward and tske responsibility

Game was well into development when ms acquired them.

Im glad phil confirmed what i said on the redfall discussion about a delay. Not to misquote him…if the game is fundementally cannot improve design wise in a short space of time. Dont delay it. Delaying redfall for another 3 months wouldnt have made any difference outside of technical issues. The game isnt going to be good all of a sudden.


The similarities are there. Color, sparks but could be a reach, too.


Ansolutely. Not sure who is responsible but i bet its the same guy who told Todd to make fallout 76 instead of finishing Starfield.

Of course it hurts Game Pass.

This is business. Redfall was a major release. Let’s not pretend otherwise. Everyone knows this. The entire point of a subscription service is to have a steady flow of content which justifies the recurring fee. So when Redfall gets the reception it does… don’t expect sub numbers to take off.

Literally one of the biggest selling points about Game Pass is the presence of first party Xbox titles day one. That includes AAA as well.

You’d be surprised. Or not. I don’t care.

But here’s a funny fact to mull over: my Xbox console amazingly works… without a Game Pass subscription! It’s incredible but I get all the benefits of the great hardware & VRR without GP. Does this ever get any marketing or positive press? Nope.

So go ahead & pretend the Game Pass conversation hasn’t cannibalized all the other good stuff about Xbox. Because it has.


Xbox would be in a far worse position without GP, talking about GP cannibalising the good or whatever but you can’t ignore that for a lot of people GP helps people ignore the bad

Hell, without GP, Redfall would have been a way worse situation for Xbox, releasing “bad” games isn’t good for GP obviously but the point of GP is there’s endless other things to play and until MS are pumping out crap after crap from their first party I don’t think it’s anything to worry about

and contrary to what people want to tell you online, Xbox’s first party has been very solid this gen


How is gamepass “canibalizing” any of those aspects of the hardware. The Series X/S was recognized for having superior VRR implementation from day one. MS DID market all those features heavily.


Content which no first party alone would be able to provide, which is why game pass doesn’t rely on first party only and never will.

Microsoft will continue to make deals to bring new games from multiple publishers and indy devs into game pass. Which is what attracts most people to the service, first party content is the great add on, but it’s not what keeps people subscribed to the service.


Isn’t that by design? Microsoft isn’t necessarily trying to compete with Sony on a units-sold basis (because they frankly could not have caught up in one generation anyway), but rather are basing the success of this generation largely on number of Gamepass subscribers? If this console generation last another say - 5 years and the PS5 outsells the the Series S/X 2:1 BUT Gamepass has 100 million subscribers worldwide, then I would expect Microsoft to return to the hardware market the following generation (where they would probably close the gap).

I have some exteme words of disappointment to share about Redfall that’ll be reserved for when I finish the game, but it’s absolutely a product of negligence that every management entity in Bethesda, Arkane and MS should be held accountable for.

I get that people need megabudget fuckhouse nonsense to justify their investment in a $500 console; I don’t give a shit. The fact that my favorite developer got plagued with the same megabudget mismanagement as some bullshit that Ubisoft put out because horrid project managers and publisher houses that don’t give a shit about one of their critically acclaimed teams sours me an awful lot on the conversation.

So I say fuck it. More smaller projects designed for a pc-centric audience and say fuck off to the $500 boxes.

man i remember when some people speculated that the astronaut and mexican forest which were featured in the 2021 gamepass YT video as a hint for starfield and mexico being the next location for FH5 for the xbox swhocase that year. and they were right.


Arkane made the core gameplay loop, if you hate the game the buck falls with them.

it’s absolutely a product of negligence that every management entity in Bethesda, Arkane and MS should be held accountable for.

Come on my man. Re-read my statement please.

I’m trying to tell you, that no amount of management is going to change the core game lool (if that’s what you dislike about the game) the only thing management could do is cancel the game or delay it for years as they go back to the drawing board, and the latter decision would be something arkane would have to decide. Also, the game had an impressive advertising run, so publisher houses did care abou the game.

I just think some people have to come to terms that even their favorite devs are capabale of making a what they consider a bad game.

I would prefer them to cancel the project and go back to the drawing board, as they’ve done years before. I will again, disagree on th emarketing efforts Bethesda and Xbox put out considering the communciation about what the game was supposed to be (A Single Player focused, Co-Op Optional shooter advertised as a co-op focused open world shooter is such a massive missell) because they’ve done it several times over for several other, non-arkane projects. Doom, Wolfenstein, Prey, Ghostwire, Evil Within 2 – Bethesda has a difficulty at communicating what their projects are.

Are developers capable of making a bad game? Absolutely, but the development process is a joint effort of several factors of development and publishing. Everyone failed, that’s what it is.

Like the notion of if they should cancel a project or not is an asinine defense to even make. Whatever negative outcome that a project is going to have, whether it be lack of bonuses tied to review scores (which this is obviously isn’t getting), or people getting laid off (this is the tech industry you get laid off for fucking sneezing lmao) doesn’t matter at the end of the day. There’s nothing in this for the developer morale that benefits them. Can projects be difficult, tumultous experiences? Sure. whatever. But, in an ideal development environment where a Publisher is willing to pull the reins in a lot of the grievances would’ve been avoided had they have done their due diligence, listen to the fucking QA and milestone reports (that Phil himself said wasn’t reaching those milestones!) and figure out their solution instead of putting out a joint that’s likely gonna hang over Arkane’s shoulders for the rest of their career.

This isn’t a high selling dev house. Dishonored 2 BARELY broke 2 mil. Joints like these don’t look good on a team that serves such an extremely small niche.

I’m glad he still keeping the whole “let developers create” going. Redfall is a blueprint of what would happen to Suicide Squad. Whether the damage will be the same or a bit less, it won’t miraculously cure all the faults when the development is in so deep already.


Evaluate your gaming preferences and figure out if the service satisfies it. If it doesn’t, unsubscribe. It’s not that big of a deal to decipher this lmao.

It’s kind of a ‘no shit’ realization but the discussion of whether or not GP is justified for you is wholly dependent on where your tastes lie. like if I weren’t already committed to the fighting game ecosystem on Steam I’d be stoked for all of the FGs they’ve been adding, but I primarily keep GP for PC joints I’m prolly not gonna buy unless it’s like $10. But that’s on me lmao I can’t speak for you.

I just don’t feel as if your subjective tastes are as much of a discussion point as you think it is. Look at it this way;

On a platform like PC and Xbox, which now is depressingly easy to get cheaper alternatives to game keys due to the prevalence off sites like CDKeys and Eneba, is it really worth holding unto a subcsirption service on this particular platform? Everything on Xbox is dirt dumb cheap lmao.