Overwatch 2 | OT

I might be lucky or I never noticed. I never see the kill cam. Didnt have teammates complaning either in the lobby

Appologies then. Now you will ever be able to unsee it

First crossover event in Overwatch 2 right now with One Punch Man. I’m not familiar with the anime, but it looks cool. I hope they continue doing this with some Xbox franchises ! There’s so much they can pick from.

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is there something wrong with the game… I just went from Diamond 4 to Gold 1… that is a steep drop …I do not understand :sweat_smile:

Looks like all matchmaking and progression issues will be ‘fixed’ in Season 4. But it is really demoralizing seeing after 10+ win game streak you are being demoted. Plat 5 to Plat 3 to Plat 1. Even if your current rank is not ‘real’, then why rank tiers are there at all.

With the SR system you at least knew where are you standing after every win or loss. Current system is so vague.

Being Plat 5 or Diamond 2, I still get matched with Bronze/Silver players. Super dumb.

Damn that sucks. I had like 8 losses and 5 wins and thought I would go down to like plat 1 but not gold 1.

Having 10 wins and still loosing a rank is really stupid.

took almost 2 months break from this game and came back and dropped from plat 4 to gold 2.

This game is not kind to me in matchmaking or Aus being such a small pool, get lot more idiots who throw over and over